Tag Archive: Right to keep and bear arms

Why Is The New York Times So Upset With GOA?




” Of special note, the magazine reports how one week after you received an important email alert from GOA in April, the key players on Capitol Hill who were trying to pull off a compromise “suddenly and without notice backed away from the background-checks bill.”

  This is not a new revelation for the news agency that supports greater firearm restrictions. On April 3 of this year, the New York Times said that “Gun Owners of America, with its war chest, membership and lobbying strength dwarfed by the National Rifle Association, is emerging as an influential force….

“ The group [GOA] has already been successful,” the Times says, “[in] freezing senators, particularly Republicans, who have appeared to be on the fence about supporting bills to expand background checks.”

  You can read Sunday’s article about GOA here and the April article here.

  As you can see from these media reports, your loud voice convinced Republicans (and key pro-gun lobbyists inside the Beltway) to back off of gun control compromises — and that has safeguarded our gun rights through a very intense battle.”












” On Monday I gave a round of applause to Sheriff’s across the nation who took a stand for liberty by refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws that would deny Americans their right to keep and bear arms. Sadly, not all Sheriff’s are cut from the same Constitutional cloth.

  Today there’s news out of Illinois that Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart may go to court in an effort to stop the states recently enacted concealed carry law from going into effect. Sheriff Dart feels that being arrested and accused of a crime, but not actually convicted of a crime, should be enough to prevent you from exercising your right to self defense.”


He’s from Cook County … ’nuff said …







11 Key Lessons From Officers’ Perspectives







” Never before has such a comprehensive survey of law enforcement officers’ opinions on gun control, gun violence, and gun rights been conducted.

In March, PoliceOne conducted the most comprehensive survey ever of American law enforcement officers’ opinions on the topic gripping the nation’s attention in recent weeks: gun control.

More than 15,000 verified law enforcement professionals took part in the survey, which aimed to bring together the thoughts and opinions of the only professional group devoted to limiting and defeating gun violence as part of their sworn responsibility.

Totaling just shy of 30 questions, the survey allowed officers across the United States to share their perspectives on issues spanning from gun control and gun violence to gun rights.

Breaking down the results, it’s important to note that 70 percent of respondents are field-level law enforcers — those who are face-to-face in the fight against violent crime on a daily basis — not office-bound, non-sworn administrators or perpetually-campaigning elected officials.”



   The graphic above accompanies the first question relating to “high capacity” magazines , while the next one deals with “assault” weapons bans . As you can see the opinions of the rank and file cops on the street facing danger every day have a decidedly different attitude about an armed public than do the political appointee chiefs and superintendents that inhabit the rarified air of city halls , conference rooms and media conclaves .





” 2.) The majority of respondents — 71 percent — say a federal ban on the manufacture and sale of some semi-automatics would have no effect on reducing violent crime. However, more than 20 percent say any ban would actually have a negative effect on reducing violent crime. Just over 7 percent took the opposite stance, saying they believe a ban would have a moderate to significant effect. ”



     The poll continues with a steady stream of majority positions guaranteed to make the most avid gun banners cringe , yet fall right in line with what gun owners and common sense would dictate . Here are a couple more examples from the poll . Be sure to read the whole thing . It is something you may want to bookmark and unholster the next time your progressive friends start in with the specious argument that “but police support gun control” .



Concealed Carry :






    Is it any surprise that the cop walking the beat recognizes the deterrent effect on criminal behavior of an armed populace ? 




Mass Shootings:






    The concept that the armed citizen on the scene would be much quicker to respond to mass shooting incidents than the police who are miles away is a simple matter of common sense , one that the anti-gunners must rationalize away by using their limitless powers of denial .

 The poll delves into all of the hotly debated gun control issues of the day such as , arming teachers , waiting periods , gun buy-back programs , causes of gun violence and many others . All in all it is a very insightful , comprehensive example of the attitudes of the average law enforcement officer that has the most skin in the game and thus is most closely associated with gun violence , crime and the imminent risk of death at the hands of the armed criminal element .

  Truly not to be missed .










Texas A&M Law Prof Says It’s Time To Repeal Second Amendment



” A full-time professor on the faculty of the newly-minted Texas A&M University School of Law called for the repeal and replacement of the Second Amendment on Friday.

The professor, Mary Margaret “Meg” Penrose, made her controversial declaration during a day-long panel symposium on gun control and the Second Amendment at the University of Connecticut School of Law in Hartford.

UConn’s main student-run journal, The Connecticut Law Review, organized the event, according to Connecticut Public Radio. It was well-attended, primarily by law students, law professors and local attorneys.”

     As far as we are concerned any so-called “law professor” that advocates repealing ANY part of the Bill of Rights is unworthy of the title and the profession . The whole progressive notion that the Constitution is some sort of living , breathing , open to re-interpretation document is ridiculous on it’s face . God given rights don’t exist and reign supreme for centuries only to be suddenly determined obsolete by a more “enlightened” society . 

   The difference is not in the times that the rights are being applied , the difference lies in the mindset of the people that find themselves hamstrung by those rights . We don’t live in a more dangerous world that requires more State intervention , we live in a world where too much State intervention has rendered the populace helpless through generations of mindless indoctrination from the State school system and the State run media . 

    The difference between the time when all revered the 2nd amendment as they revered the others and today is not a matter of changing times and/or circumstances but of a changed attitude by our “betters” who would have us all as chattel , to think as we are told and to do as we are told and the 2nd amendment is a serious impediment to their Statist ambitions .

     Remember too that the battle for individual liberty is not taking place solely on the 2nd amendment battlefield but rages on all fronts while Congress , NSA , DHS and others deprive us of our 1st and 4th amendment rights  and president Obama and his drones are carpet bombing amendments 5 though 8 into oblivion . 

    Just so it’s fresh in everyone’s mind these are the bedrock principles of human dignity and self-governance that have , in two brief centuries , raised our country from an upstart colony to undisputed (for now) leader of the world . The Bill of Rights has enjoyed near universal respect throughout the vast majority of that time and only now as the progressive dream for America heads for the dustbin of history does a certain faction posit the notion the our historic charter is “out-dated” or in need of “revision” .

     It’s merely a variation of the Left’s signature modus vivendi … moving the goalposts/changing the rules whenever they are exposed as the charlatans that they are … NONSENSE … The Document is as timeless as all freeman’s rights .  


The Bill Of Rights – Amendments 1-10


  1. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition
  1. Right to keep and bear arms
  1. Conditions for quarters of soldiers
  1. Right of search and seizure regulated
  1. Provisons concerning prosecution
  1. Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc.
  1. Right to a trial by jury
  1. Excessive bail, cruel punishment
  1. Rule of construction of Constitution
  1. Rights of the States under Constitution


  1. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition 

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


  1. Right to keep and bear arms 

    A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


  1. Conditions for quarters of soldiers 

    No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.


  1. Right of search and seizure regulated 

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


  1. Provisons concerning prosecution 

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.


  1. Right to a speedy trial, witnesses, etc. 

    In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.


  1. Right to a trial by jury 

    In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.


  1. Excessive bail, cruel punishment 

    Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


  1. Rule of construction of Constitution 

    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.


  1. Rights of the States under Constitution 

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.










Guns & Ammo Editor Fired For Second Amendment Piece


” Guns & Ammo magazine has apologized for running a column opining that regulating the Second Amendment is not an infringement on gun owners’ rights.

“I thought it would generate a healthy exchange of ideas on gun rights,” wrote contrite Jim Bequette, the magazine’s editor. “I miscalculated, pure and simple. I was wrong, and I ask your forgiveness.”

The publication has also fired the column’s writer, Dick Metcalf, a long-time editor at the firearm enthusiast magazine, which enjoys a circulation of 416,224, according to Alliance for Audited Media.

After the piece ran, Guns & Ammo came under fire from angry readers, besieging the magazine’s Facebook page.

Metcalf took the position that regulation does not equate to an infringement to bear arms, arguing that all constitutional rights are rightly regulated.”

We have to admit that we are having some reservations about the firing of Dick Metcalf . Their are no more stalwart supporters of the 2nd Amendment than the staff here at YouViewed and we must admit that when we initially came across his column our first thought was , to put it bluntly : “Gee , We hope they fire his **s” .

   Unfortunately now that the deed is done , we can’t help but feel that in the process of firing a long-time associate for expressing a dissenting opinion we are becoming no different than our opponent . This is what the progressives do to the dissenters in their ranks , even as they proclaim from on high their undying devotion to “tolerance” .

   We prefer to believe that we are made of different stock , yet just how “tolerant” are we ? Make no mistake , we agree with nothing about the regulation that Metcalf was advocating , but at the same we’re not so sure that we agree with the regulation of Mr Metcalf’s opinion either . They say the “2nd Amendment protects the 1st “… but is not the reverse equally true when properly employed ? 

    Perhaps the man needed to go and under no circumstances would we presume to tell any businessman how to run his affairs , yet this whole incident has forced us to consider anew the plight of the right … Do we have to become the enemy to defeat him ?








The NRA State Gun Law Resource Is One All Gun Owners Should Bookmark And Save



NY Reciprocity



    Above is but one sample of the vast collection of firearms laws and regulations that are prevalent throughout the US and it’s territories on display at the NRA’s firearms laws page . Don’t be caught unaware of your own state’s laws or those of the states you may travel through or visit . Know your rights and remember , ignorance of the law is no excuse .









Senate Website Says 2nd Amendment Unclear: Rights May Be ‘Collective’



The Senate’s official website page on the Constitution says the Second Amendment right to bear arms could be a collective right, not an individual freedom.

The website explains the Second Amendment this way: “Whether this provision protects the individual’s right to own firearms or whether it deals only with the collective right of the people to arm and maintain a militia has long been debated.”

The Bill of Rights, however, was the Founding Father’s way of guaranteeing each and every individual their “unalienable rights,” as “endowed” by God. On top of that, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled — at least twice in the past five years — that the Second Amendment is an individual right, Breitbart reported.”









Poll Conducted Before The DC Navy Yard Shootings Finds Declining Approval Of How Government Handles Gun Control




” Before the debate over tightening national gun-control laws was rekindled by the latest mass shootings, at the Washington Navy Yard and in Chicago’s South Side, a growing number of Americans were questioning the government’s stewardship of the right to bear arms, according to a poll by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research that concluded at the end of August.

Asked to size up how the government is doing on protecting a variety of rights and freedoms spelled out in the Bill of Rights and federal law, Americans saw slippage on almost all issues, most dramatically on the matter of gun rights, where the impression of decline turned up everywhere — among Republicans and Democrats, men and women, young and old, city dwellers and those in small towns.

Overall, 44 percent of Americans feel the federal government is doing a good job of safeguarding the right to keep and bear arms, down from 57 percent two years earlier. Of course, definitions of “good job” on gun rights diverge; not everyone wants the government to safeguard Second Amendment rights.”









‘The Big Bang’ – A Photographer Imagining The Impact Of Bullets

(8 Photos)



.44 Magnum



” Photographer Deborah Bay of Houston, Texas visually explores the impact of various ammunitions by capturing their impact on sheets of bulletproof plexiglass. “As arguments about the right to bear arms fill the media, guns continue to fascinate and to repel—sometimes simultaneously,” says Bay. “Only a small amount of imagination is needed to realize the impact any of these bullets would have on muscle and bone,” she says. “I just want people to think about what these bullets can do.” “







How To Introduce New Shooters To Guns


“Introducing new shooters to the act of actually firing a gun. Bringing new people into the world of firearms, shooting and gun ownership is one of the most important things you can do to help preserve your Second Amendment rights.”

Chiefs of Police Completely Misrepresent Law Enforcement





” Let me quickly dispel any thoughts you may have that the average working cop is coming for your guns. You should not remotely consider that Police Chiefs (and I mean specifically Police Chiefs, not Sheriffs) speak for those whom they command. They most certainly do not! Police Chiefs are politically appointed administrators who, for fear of losing their cushy jobs, toe the line of the of the city officials who appointed them. Those people who work under the police chief have absolutely no say in the chief’s selection, and more often than not, the chief and those who work under him/her are often at odds over many things, including how to run the day to day operations of the department.

To lend a little credibility to my claim that line-level cops are supportive of gun rights, I offer a survey conducted by POLICE Magazine in which they concluded “More than 88 percent of a diverse population of American law enforcement officers who read POLICE Magazine gave a thumbs up to the Second Amendment of the Constitution.” That survey is not the only one conducted of cops which showed overwhelming support for citizen’s rights to guns. Noted gun rights supporter and author, John Lott documents several surveys with similar results here.”








Gun Bill Passes Legislature , Goes To Governor



” The Alabama House of Representatives Monday morning passed the much-debated Omnibus Gun Bill, which proponents say will give Alabama the strongest Second Amendment protections in the country. It now goes to the Governor for his signature.

The final bill was the product of a compromise between the National Rifle Association, The Alabama Sheriffs’ Association and the Alabama District Attorneys’ Association.

“With President Obama dead set on limiting our right to bear arms, it was imperative for us to push legislation that would defend this important constitutional right for Alabamians,” Hubbard said.

The NRA said the bill, if signed by the Governor, “will restore and protect the rights of responsible gun owners and sportsmen in Alabama by reforming the state gun laws in the following ways:”



Read More






Texas Votes 100-47 To Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Gun Control Laws



” The state of Texas continues to fight back hard against federal  intrusions, especially in the area of gun control as President Obama and some  Washington lawmakers push for new laws infringing upon the Second Amendment’s  right of Americans to keep and bear arms.

Gun rights advocates in the state have  applauded the measure, saying it would serve as a bulwark against future  erosions of the Second Amendment within Texas. What’s more, many are pointing to  recent comments by Fox News legal analyst and contributor Judge Andrew  Napolitano that such widespread noncompliance with new federal gun  control statutes would make them “nearly impossible to enforce.”











” At the National Rifle Association’s convention in Houston, TX, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced that the NRA has now grown to an unprecedented 5 million active members. He concluded his speech with the theme of all the NRA officers, vowing, “From liberty’s defense, we will never back down. We will never surrender. We will always stand. We will always fight.”

Well over 70,000 members of the NRA are assembled in Houston, Texas for its 142ndAnnual Meeting—projected to break the all-time record for the nation’s oldest and largest Constitutional rights organization. The convention houses over 300,000 square feet of exhibits (mostly firearms and accessories), seminars on various topics including women’s and children’s safety, and formal speeches from national political leaders and the NRA’s leadership. The central focus on the annual convention—as always—is protecting the Constitution’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

With 5 million members in its ranks and growing, that promise from the NRA’s leadership is likely to continue to be felt. Look for the NRA to engage its increased political strength in the 2014 midterm elections.”




    If you are not yet a member you can join here NRA Membership . If you value your right we strongly suggest that you do so and while you are at it check the Gun Rights organizations at the links in the right-hand sidebar of our page . They all are doing great work in preserving our rights and are worthy of your support .

Illustration by Rick McKee

















” This US Map is hot-linked to the state Information for each of the states in the United States and its possessions. Simply click on the states abbreviation on the map to view that state’s information page in a new browser window. To view the All U.S. Page, click on U.S.A. at the bottom of the map to the left. Where we have made every possible effort to insure these maps and information are accurate as of the last update found in the top left corner of this page, it is your responsibility to verify the data offered. By using any of these links or information provided here, you agree to hold harmless and without liability, PC Solutions, Inc., Steve Aikens, Gary Slider, or any provider of such information. You are responsible for validating your own information.


This site is owned by Steve Aikens and Gary Slider. We firmly believe in the Second Amendment, Concealed Carry and the fact that we have both a right and responsibility to take a pro-active position in our personal defense. Unfortunately, we recognize there are so many variances in our state to state laws, the average individual may have difficulty keeping up with those laws well enough to prevent them from breaking the law, especially as they travel. Since we have the ability to research those laws and create an informative Concealed Carry specific site, we have done so.”








Defy the King! Electrifying Speech At Pro-Gun Rally In CT

” In a rousing speech which is sure to inspire pro-gun rights advocates across the nation — and enrage those who choose to limit the Second Amendment — Mike Vanderboegh took to the Connecticut State Capital yesterday. Speaking at the Connecticut Citizens Defense League’s Second Amendment rally, Vanderboegh — one of the men who broke the Fast & Furious debacle, declared “civil war is starring us in the face.”

Alabama Senate Passes Pro-Gun Omnibus Firearms Bill




” There has been a lot made in the news and other media about gun control measures being passed at the state level. Less has been made of the pushback against the disarmament wave in some other states, like Alabama, to strengthen and shore up gun rights. Yesterday the Alabama Senate passed SB 286, an Omnibus Firearms bill that strengthens gun rights in the Yellowhammer State. However, it will still need to make it through House before ending up on the Governors desk . . .

Alabama already recognizes very strong gun rights, but they are scattered throughout the Constitution, various statutes, case law, Attorney General opinions, and so forth. This omnibus bill consolidates certain statutory provisions and expands on them. The bill states its purpose as follows:

“The purpose of this section is to establish within the Legislature complete control over regulation and policy pertaining to firearms, ammunition, and firearm accessories in order to ensure that such regulation and policy is applied uniformly throughout this state to each person subject to the state’s jurisdiction and to ensure protection of the right to keep and bear arms recognized by the Constitutions of the State of Alabama and the United States. This section is to be liberally construed to accomplish its purpose.”

That should help clear up any ambiguities. Let’s take a look. “



Read On








Missouri House Passes Much Anticipated ‘Sweeping Pro-Gun Proposals’




” The bill, which passed with a 115-41 vote, does several key things to protect resident’s gun rights. First, it bans the enforcement of federal gun control regulations within the state’s lines. Second, the bill allows for certain school officials to be armed, provided they have a valid permit and register with the Department of Public Safety. It also allows for the open carry of small firearms, less than 16 inches long. Additionally, the bill drops the legal age requirement to apply for a concealed carry permit from 21 to 19, while still requiring a background check and completion of a firearms safety course. The bill prohibits health professionals from being required to ask people about firearm ownership or documenting that information in medical records. Lastly, the bill makes it illegal to publish any personal information about gun owners or those applying for a concealed carry permit.

Currently there are a total of 24 pieces of gun legislation in the Missouri House, most of which focus on loosening gun restrictions rather than making them tighter. One piece that’s sponsored by a St. Louis republican would make it a felony for lawmakers to propose gun control bills.” 








Arizona Lawmakers Want Cities To Sell Guns From Buyback Programs




” Arizona lawmakers, stepping into the contentious national gun control debate, approved a controversial measure on Tuesday mandating that cities and counties resell firearms turned in during gun buyback programs rather than melt them down.

The Republican-controlled Arizona state Senate voted 18-12 to no longer allowed firearms to be destroyed by local municipalities, saying it was a waste of taxpayer money. The state House approved the bill in March.

The measure must now be signed or vetoed by Republican Governor Jan Brewer, a staunch gun rights advocate. A spokesman for the governor declined comment on the fate of the legislation late on Tuesday.”


   Good for Arizona taxpayers . In this time of chronic budget deficits it is insane for municipalities to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars for guns that are going to be destroyed . 













” Beyond a raging political battle over limiting gun access is a case that could be heard this year by the US Supreme Court over a New York law limiting the right to carry the weapons in public.

The nine US high court justices met behind closed doors Friday to consider which cases they will take in their next term, including an appeal launched by five New Yorkers against a state law they say violates their “right to bear arms,” enshrined in the US Constitution.

Backed by the powerful National Rifle Association gun lobby, the five plaintiffs in the case said that their requests for permits to carry concealed firearms had been rejected by state officials.

The plaintiffs oppose the law, which says that to be given a permit to carry a firearm outside the home, a gun owner must clearly demonstrate that it is explicitly needed for self-defense.

“State law treats the carrying of handguns for self-defense not as a right, but as an administrative privilege lying beyond the reach of most people,” the plaintiffs said in their petition.

“Asserting that bearing arms is too dangerous to allow as a matter of course, New York forbids responsible, law-abiding adults from carrying handguns for self-defense unless they first demonstrate a ‘proper cause’ to do so.” “






Up or Down Vote on Rights Threatens Every American

” Published on Apr 10, 2013

The Senate is set to take an up or down vote on the 2nd Amendment. Regardless of your views on gun rights, this should scare everyone. No one should be comfortable with a few people in Washington taking an up or down vote on your rights.”










English Warning “Our Gun Ban Caused 40% Jump In Gun Crime” DONT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!

” An English Warning to Americans.. Proof Your Gun Rights keep CRIME DOWN!

Uploaded by alielbaryeshua on Aug 12, 2011

The British people have been completely disarmed according to UN resolution, and here are personal accounts of british citizens of why Americans need to fight for their constitutional rights.”

Poll: Law Enforcement Officers Overwhelmingly Support Gun Rights and Oppose New Gun Control




” According to a survey released by PoliceOne.com of over 15,000 retired and active duty officers it is clear that the law enforcement community in the US strongly supports the gun rights of private citizens.

Based on the findings it does not look like most officers support any new gun legislation currently being proposed, saying that it would do little to promote officer safety or reduce crime rates.

This is in direct contrast to many anti gun politicians statements that a majority of police officers support their gun control initiatives in the interest of improving “officer safety”.

Here are the key findings from the survey:

  • 99 percent said policies other than an “assault weapons” ban are most important to prevent mass shootings.
  • Almost 96 percent said that a ban on standard capacity magazines would not reduce violent crime.”


Read More 







The State of Colorado Part I: Denver Day of Resistance (VIDEO)


Mike Holler Denver Day of Resistance


” Protesters from across the state of Colorado scaled the steps up to the capitol building in Denver, rallying against the proposed gun control measures legislators will be voting on later this year. It was called the Denver Day of Resistance.

At least 400 people made it to the rally (protest organizers told us 500), and passers-by showed their support by honking regularly as they drove past the crowd.

There was no counter-protest, there was no conflict with the police, just a few hundred people cheering, singing, praying and showing their support for gun rights. It was one “hallelujah” short of preaching to the choir, although there were plenty of “amens.” “