Tag Archive: Ricochet

SWAT Team Storms Soldier’s House After He Was Target Practicing With His Pellet Gun At Home





” Because a homeland security agent couldn’t tell the difference between a pellet air gun and a real high powered firearm a young Iraq war veteran and active duty soldier is in trouble with the law.

  As you can see in the news video, SWAT and about every law enforcement official in the county is called in to take down this soldier.

  The soldier was target practicing with his pellet air rifle on the side of his house when one of the pellets ricocheted and hit the window of a vacant house next door.

  In the empty house that was still under construction was a homeland security agent who was looking at buying the abandoned home.  The agent called in an active shooter situation after seeing the soldier with the pellet gun.

  That’s when all kinds of rumors erupted and two nearby schools were locked down.  An armored vehicle, SWAT, and a massive law enforcement team showed up on scene to arrest the 25-year-old soldier who merely wanted to work on his craft.  He is facing criminal charges of mischief for his actions. “



  If this is the quality of judgement we can expect with regards to the threat analysis skills from those charged with keeping the country secure does not bode well for liberty . If all of our “protectors” are this high-strung , hysterical and heedless with their decision making is it any surprise at all that the cops are killing our citizens much faster than are the alleged threats they are charged with protecting us from ?




Read more at GunsnFreedom









No Silver Linings To SCOTUS Affirmative Action Decision




” Put me down, however, on the pessimistic side of the ledger. I think this is a setback for the cause of returning the nation to the color-blind principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. A majority of the Court, it seems to me, continues to agree that “diversity” in higher education is a compelling government interest that survives the strictest of scrutiny by the judiciary. Until Grutter v. Bollinger, the 2003 case that blessed affirmative action in university admissions, the Court had found that the only use of race that could qualify as a compelling government interest was in wartime — and that was in the Japanese internment case, Korematsu. To compare diversity in higher education to the nation’s ability to defend itself while at war showed how mistaken the Court was in Grutter.

In Fisher, the Court declined to reconsider this terrible mistake. Instead, it returned the case to the 5th Circuit for further proceedings because it wants the lower court to seriously examine whether any individual affirmative action program was “narrowly tailored” to achieve the goal of racial diversity in higher education. This left the basic law of Grutter unchanged and only ensures that challenges to affirmative action will focus on the ways that schools measure and count an applicant’s skin color — not on the unconstitutionality of using skin color at all.


    Affirmative action is a direct affront to the bedrock principle of “equal before the law” and the Fisher case presented the Roberts court with a golden opportunity to right this error of reason once and for all which they failed to do . Shame on them . The politicization of the judiciary is complete and liberty loving people should harbor no illusions as to the respect that this present court holds towards our Constitution .

  The transformation is complete . We the people are truly on truly on our own . The government has become nothing more than a self-perpetuating Leviathan and cares not a whit for history , equality , liberty , Constitutionality , or the rule of law . Between the president , congress and the courts we are now o believe that the law is whatever THEY say it is . 






Introducing The Obama Scandal Bracket!





” With so many White House scandals—and new ones popping up every day—how are average citizens supposed to keep track? Wouldn’t it be nice if Obama went on ESPN and mapped them all on a bracket?”





I, Pencil: The Movie


Paul Rahe

” Within the last few weeks, hardly a day has gone by in which someone did not email me or buttonhole me on the Hillsdale campus, wondering whether I still thought that Mitt Romney would win the Presidency by a landslide. My answer has always been the same. I thought that there was every likelihood that he would do so.

As some of you will remember, I laid out my reasoning in this regard on 8 August, when Romney was behind in the polls, in a blogpost on Ricochet entitled Landslide on the Horizon, and I stuck to it in September when nearly all of the pundits were wringing their hands. Here is how I began my post:

When I read Nate Silver, Sean Trende, Charlie Cook, Jay Cost, and the others who make a profession of political prognostication, I pay close attention to their attempts to dissect the polling data and predict what is to come. But I also take everything that they say with a considerable grain of salt. You see, I lived through the 1980 election, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the collapse of the Soviet Union, and I was struck at the time by the fact that next to no one among the political scientists who made a living out of studying presidential elections, communism in eastern Europe, and Sovietology saw any of these upheavals coming. Virtually all of them were caught flat-footed.”


Cartoon by Eric Allie




I decided to live-tweet this one; you can find my tweets here. The president certainly did better in this debate than he did in the first disastrous one, but Romney pretty much held his own, and likely continues to be seen as an acceptable alternative to Barack Obama. I thought that the debate was a functional draw, since the president didn’t make Romney look unacceptable as a potential replacement, and since Romney held his own and kept it close–certainly closer than Barack Obama managed to keep it in the first debate. Ron Fournier agreesCNN has the president as having won the debate, but the margin of victory is within the margin of error, which is certainly worth noting.

Romney’s strongest points came when he recounted the failed policies and broken promises of the Obama administration, and their consequences. His weakest points came when he complained about the rules and the process of the debate. The president was determined to have more energy and to call Romney a liar at every opportunity, but failed to present any kind of vision whatsoever for how a second Obama term might be better than the first one. ”




  “What happened last night was predictable. Mitt Romney was well prepared and, without being uncivil, he went on the attack. Occasionally, policy wonk that he is, he got lost in the weeds. But for the most part he laid out broad themes, and it was easy to foresee what he would say. It was easy because Barack Obama is a sitting duck. His is a failed Presidency — and everyone who has been paying attention who is not blinded by partisan passion knows it.

  Obama inherited a recession and, without bothering to disguise what he was up to, dedicated himself to exploiting it for the purpose of jamming through a radical program, dear to his party, that never had public support. About the recession, he did nothing, assuming that the economy would bounce back quickly, as it usually does, and that he would get the credit for the recovery. In fact, everything that he did do when he and his party were fully in control — the looting bill thinly disguised as a stimulus bill, Obamacare, and Dodd-Frank — retarded the recovery by running up the deficit, loading on new taxes, and making it more expensive to do business. To this the President added the threat of further tax increases — targeted on the investing class: those especially apt, when future developments are exceedingly unclear, to be hesitant to risk their hard-earned capital in funding new ventures or in expanding old ones. The truth is that the programs passed by the Democrats, when they had the initiative, produced stagnation and prolonged and deepened the downturn. All that Mitt Romney had to do last night was to draw attention to the level of unemployment, the level of underemployment, and the size of the deficit.”



Who Could it Be ?

“” Who Is The RNC Mystery Speaker?

” Republican convention planners
appear to have a surprise planned forthose tuning in Thursday night.

  Buried deep in the convention
schedule released Monday is a vague.reference to a mystery speaker scheduled for the event’s final evening. “To Be Announced” has a prime speaking slot late in the
Thursday program.”

Professor Paul A Rahe

   “I remember when liberals sported on their automobiles bumper stickers reading, “Hatred is not a Family Value.” Then, back in 2003, in The New Republic, Jonathan Chait wrote an essay explaining why it was legitimate to hate George W. Bush, and the
dam burst. Civility is no longer a liberal ideal. And now – as yesterday’s armed attack on the Family Research Council in
Washington, the five-hour delay in
President Obama’s condemnation of the act as he calculated whether it was in his interest to comment or not, and the mainstream media’s initial reluctance to report on the event , much less highlight the activist LGBT connections of the shooter suggest – left liberals are willing to wink at violence. It may be regrettable, they think, but, like
stealing elections, it is all in a good cause – and before figuring out how to respond to an outbreak of violence on the part of their allies, they pause to calculate the political consequences. You will not hear
liberals arguing for a crackdown on the use of force by animal-rights activists, environmental activists, union thugs, and the Occupy movement. Instead, you will find in them a desperate hankering to pin
on the Tea Party responsibility for conduct the Tea-Partiers abhor and a willingness to engage in race baiting and talk of class warfare on a stunning scale. “