Poll: Latino Voters Want More, More, More







” A new poll of Latino voters finds that most want President Obama to issue more executive orders to cover all illegal immigrants and protect them from deportation if Congress doesn’t agree to comprehensive immigration reform.

  The Latino Decisions survey found that 73 percent of the 405 registered voters polled want “additional executive orders” to protect immigrant workers not impacted by Obama’s decision last week targeted at four to five million parents facing deportation.

“ We would prefer much more,” said Oscar Chacon, executive director of the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities.

  He added that 2016 presidential candidates should be welcoming to immigrants or face a voter backlash. “We will make sure that it is a central issue in the coming election,” he said.

  The poll, conducted on behalf of Presente.org and Mi Familia Vota, also found that 64 percent of the Latino voters know “somebody who is an undocumented immigrant.” Some 42 percent said that they were both a friend and a family member.

  Obama’s move won overwhelming support from those polled, with 89 percent supporting it strongly or somewhat strongly.

“ This 89 percent is the highest and most unified we have ever found,” said Matt Barreto, co-founder of Latino Decisions.

  Republicans took a big hit in the poll, with most, 64 percent, blaming Republicans for inaction on immigration reform. “



    Given the oft-stated fact that we all came from immigrants at one time or another , which is true , we still cannot recall any of our immigrant fore-bearers either expecting or receiving the kind of special treatment now deemed to be deserved by the latest influx of foreigners . Since when is everyone “entitled” to citizenship ?

More on the Latino Bloc’s ever-growing demands at the Washington Examiner