Tag Archive: Revolution

Michael Savage: 1 Month Left To Save America




” When Barack Obama introduced himself at the 2004 Democratic National Convention declaring there was only one America – “not a liberal America and a conservative America” and “not a black America and white America” – many instantly envisioned him as a future presidential candidate with a unique heritage and extraordinary rhetorical skills that would enable him to unite a nation divided over political ideology and race.

  Not long into his presidency, however, it became apparent to many, including some liberals, that Obama’s leadership and policies had only exacerbated the divisions.

  Most attributed his failures to simple incompetence, but Michael Savage saw something much more sinister happening, and in his new book – “Stop the Coming Civil War” – he charges Obama is deliberately dividing the country.

  At the time Savage finished the manuscript, several months ago, many continued to mock the provocative notion that any president would purposefully damage the nation.

  Meanwhile, an increasing number of bewildered Democrats are distancing themselves from Obama.  But recent events, including the flood of Central American illegal aliens and the entry of the Ebola virus to the U.S., have made “Stop the Coming Civil War,” Savage’s 30th book, seem prophetic.

  In his concluding chapter, Savage bluntly states his book, published by Center Street Books, is about “the conflict the current administration is pushing in the name of a broader worldwide liberal revolution.”

“ As I see it, the forces of the left are attempting nothing less than a socialist takeover of the world economy and global politics,” he writes. “


WND has the story













George H Smith – Revolution





Published on Aug 22, 2014

” From libertarianism.org, George H. Smith reminds us that when thinking about a return to liberty, we must first look backward before we look forward. LibertyPen.com 





The Tea Party











Daily Video 11.17.13

The Frackers: How Hydraulic Fracturing Created A Revolution In Energy



Published on Nov 15, 2013

” Just a few years ago, gas prices were skyrocketing, but now they’re comparatively cheap and oil is plentiful. What happened? It was an American success story – hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Listen to Glenn Reynolds interview Gregory Zuckerman, author of The Frackers, about the benefits of hydraulic fracturing.”









Revolution: An Instruction Manual

Published on Jul 5, 2013

” How to take down a tyrant without firing a shot.
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Recommended reading (these links are to free electronic versions, none of them are protected by copyright):
“The Psychology of Revolution” by Gustave Le Bon –http://www.amazon.com/The-Psychology-…

“From Dictatorship to Democracy” by Gene Sharp:

To Youtube copyright reviewers:
Audio and animations were created by StormCloudsGathering using Reason 7, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. Files available for proof on request.” 

Civil War And The Litmus Test – “Will You Shoot Americans?”

” Dr. Jim Garrow is a renowned author and whistleblower who has been nominated for a Nobel peace prize for his humanitarian work. He is the author of The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China.
He has spent over $25 million over the past sixteen years rescuing an estimated 40,000 baby Chinese girls from near-certain death under China’s one-child-per-couple policy by facilitating international adoptions. He is the founder and executive director of the Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda schools, private English-immersion schools for Chinese children. Today he runs 168 schools with nearly 6,300 employees.

Dr Garrow was recently contacted by a high ranking military official who implored him to reveal the truth about a “litmus test” that is being proposed by the Obama administration to the military asking the question “will you shoot Americans if they won’t give you their guns?”

For more info on the work of Dr.Jim Garrow visit:


News Reports: Democrats, Republicans and NRA Work Together on Gun Confiscation Deal




” The NRA is vigorously denying an NBCNews.com report saying that the NRA is cutting a backroom deal with Congress (including Congressional Republicans) that would allow for universal background checks and the creation of a vast federal database identifying all (legal) gun owners. In exchange for this alleged deal, Democrats will back off from accusing the NRA and Republicans from refusing to act following the Sandy Hook Tragedy.

According to NBCNews.com:

Senators negotiating a bill mandating background checks for all gun buyers are privately expecting the National Rifle Association not to fight the measure — provided the legislation does not require private gun sellers to maintain records of the checks, NBC News has learned.

If that requirement is met and key Republican negotiator Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma signs on, the powerful gun lobby has signaled to lawmakers that they would not actively oppose the bill — and not count votes in favor of it as part of its highly influential NRA lawmaker ratings — according to Senate aides familiar with the stalled negotiations.”


We have an absolutely worthless republican leadership in the Senate … Throw the bums out … Cowards , Bastards , Traitors … Rot in Hell 


Even if the NRA is not involved in any deal-making, it appears that Congressional Republicans are trying to cut a deal that they hope will stop Democrats and the media from claiming that Republicans refuse to do anything to help prevent another Sandy Hook. Ammoland reported that:

Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor is leading the charge to give Obama and Holder what they want in exchange for appearing to be ‘fixing’ the problem of innocent children being butchered in our public and private schools.

If Ammoland is correct that Republicans are making a deal on gun control, it appears that the rot goes all the way to the top. Again, from Ammoland:

Newly appointed Republican Judiciary Chairman, Bob Goodlatte R-VA 6th District, is providing political cover for the sneaky back room gun control deals and gun grabbing sell outs that his political masters – – John Boehner and Eric Cantor – are cutting [deals] with Obama and his corrupt Attorney General, Eric Holder.”








US Army Internment Specialist




Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.


  • Supervision of confinement and detention operations

  • External security to facilities

  • Counseling/guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program

  • Records of prisoners/internees and their programs





Eric Holder: Drone Strikes Against Americans On U.S. Soil Are Legal



“It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the President to authorize the military to use lethal force within the territory of the United States,” Holder replied in a letter yesterday to Paul’s question about whether Obama “has the power to authorize lethal force, such as a drone strike, against a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, and without trial.”


   That statement alone should be reason for firing Holder … where does the government get the notion that it can assassinate fellow Americans? Oh , yes , wait a minute … Janet Reno . That’s it , isn’t it , Waco and Ruby Ridge . Lon Horiuchi got away with assassinating an unarmed mother didn’t he ?

So the precedent has been set … again by those ACLU supported , civil rights champions of another Democratic Administration .



” Paul condemned the idea. “The U.S. Attorney General’s refusal to rule out the possibility of drone strikes on American citizens and on American soil is more than frightening – it is an affront the Constitutional due process rights of all Americans,” he said in a statement.”










Leaked Department Of Justice Memo Calls For Gun Ban And Registration




” In order for gun checks to have any kind of effect at stopping crime, according to the memo, a system of gun registration would have to be implemented, and would only work if it were “massive and coupled with a ban.” Gun rights supporters say that gun registration is the first step towards confiscation.

According to the NRA, the memo “shows that the administration ‘believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation’ and thinks universal background checks ‘won’t work without requiring national gun registration’ — ideas the president has not proposed or expressed support for,” Fram writes.”

Conservative Libertarian Outpost

Anti-gun Sen. Charles Schumer‘s staff is leaking out to the press the Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn is “on the verge” of caving in and agreeing to a ban on private gun sales — and requiring virtually every American to get the government’s approval before exercising their constitutional right to become a gun owner.
According to The Washington Post (2/23/13), the remaining sticking point is Coburn’s reluctance to require a 4473 for every private transaction.  Were this to occur, ATF’s practice of going into gun stores and copying all the 4473’s — a practice which has been documented by GOA — would soon produce a national gun registry.
Schumer’s people have also let it be known that they may have Susan Collins (R-ME), John McCain (R-AZ), and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) in the bag.  (Note to gun owners in these states:  These Senators really need to hear from you!)
Let’s assume…

View original post 904 more words

Drones To Be Used To Enforce Gun Control



Gun Control Drones



” Drones and Gun Control, two topics that go against every tenet this country was founded on, are now being fused together in an attempt to roll back the rights of every American citizen.

In a promotional video from the makers of the Shadowhawk drone, a 50lb mini helicopter used by law enforcement agencies, the company promotes its drone technology for use in gun control. In the video, the company shows a mock scenario where law enforcement officers use the drone to follow two men who are engaged in the private sale of a handgun and a rifle.”


National Association for Gun Rights


Big Dangers As Obama Democrats Flout Budget Laws


Rule Of Law Index


The Consent Of The Governed … Is Being Lost At An Ever-Increasing Rate 


” What are citizens to do when their government refuses to follow its own laws?

The answers to this question throughout history have been hugely unhappy. When individuals in government de-legitimize their own institutions by breaking the rules, rebellion, repression and general lawlessness have often been the result.
Americans have done better at this than anyone else, having inherited the love of the law from our British progenitors. The Founding Fathers took it a step further by ditching the idea of a monarch altogether and crafting what has become the world’s oldest and most revered national charter. The Constitution was a fulcrum point in human history and the greatest gift from the Framers to their nation: a government of laws, not men.

When leaders refuse to follow the rules laid out for them, societies devolve very quickly indeed. Ask any Argentine.

Like many good things – true love, baseball, table manners – the rule of law only exists by the voluntary participation of all involved and a willingness to be subject to sometimes seemingly arbitrary requirements.”




   From the nation that that led the way with respect to the rule of law we have fallen , according to the above graphic .


A Revolution In The Works?




 The “BlogFather’s”  newest column  for USA Today


” Americans are out of sorts, and increasingly they’re unhappy with the government. According to a Pew poll released last week, more than half of Americans view government as a threat to their freedom.

And it’s not just Republicans unhappy with Obama, or gun owners afraid that the government will take their guns: 38% of Democrats, and 45% of non-gun owners, see the government as a threat.”

1/02/2013 North Carolina Police Lieutenant Warns Of Plans For Martial Law

Civil War’s A-Brewin’




” A pretty, young, auburn-haired woman – mid-20s – drove down a lonely country road somewhere in Oklahoma. Appearing in her rearview mirror, at the back windshield, were two menacing orbs of light floating amid ashen dusk. The guttural roar of a souped-up big block shook the tiny Volkswagen Rabbit as a van-load of inbred thugs lurched left and drew alongside her. A ponytailed passenger taunted inaudibly and blew foul kisses between crude hand gestures. He pointed for her to pull over as the van repeatedly swerved dangerously close.

Inside the car a man, asleep in the reclining passenger seat, was startled awake by the commotion. He rose and darted his head about, calmly assessing the situation. This only spurred the evil-bent goons. As they ramped-up efforts to run the car off the road, the man reached in the glove box, withdrew a military-grade, semi-automatic handgun – an “assault weapon,” if you will – and, with intentionality and great theatre, leaned across his young bride, pointing the gun out the open bay and directly between dirt bag’s booze-flushed eyes.

Van vanished amid a plume of gray smoke as wheels locked, tires screeched and “assault vehicle” fishtailed – jerking to a halt with taillights aglow skyward from the ditch.

Not a shot was fired.

Back at the couple’s rural farmhouse, two boys – boys who would not be orphaned that night – played. We most likely played – my brother Pete and I – with assault rifles fashioned from sticks. I always love to hear Dad retell the story. He does it with an ornery, satisfied grin. “No one’s taking my guns,” he’ll say. “






Gun Support Runs Far Deeper Than Politics




” But in the U.S., gun-control advocates are up against a sizeable bloc of mainstream Americans for whom guns are central to their lives, whether for patriotism or personal sense of safety, or simply to occupy their spare time.

Dave Burdett, who owns an outdoors and adventure shop across the street from the sprawling Texas A&M University campus in College Station, says his affinity for guns is rooted in history, not sport.

“It isn’t about hunting. Everyone says, `Well, I can understand having a sporting rifle, but not an AR-15,” Burdett said. “But wait a second — the idea of the Second Amendment was to preserve and protect the rights of individuals to have those guns.”

“Remember that the (American) revolution was fought by citizen soldiers,” he added. “To this day, that’s one of the cornerstones of our military defense. We have an all-volunteer military.”

When his daughter graduated with a business degree from Texas A&M, Burdett figured she would move somewhere cosmopolitan like Dallas and work in a downtown high-rise. She instead went to work in the store, built her own AR-15 out of spare parts and used it to join what her father described as the “let’s-go-pig-hunting-tonight circuit.” Those feral hog hunts often include high-powered rifles as well as night-vision goggles.

“The other thing is, shooting is fun. It really is,” Burdett said. ”




   “Almost as quickly as the Occupy Unmasked film was released, Andrew Breitbart’s expose on the Occupy Wall Street movement, liberal critics began to attack the film’s honesty. Many claimed the film was inaccurate for portraying the movement as revolutionary in nature and prone to violence. Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin attended an advanced screening of the film and denounced it as “dishonest” for portraying the movement and its leaders as violent or driven by anything other than bettering the lives of Americans.”

“High-end scientific tools can go into the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. But thanks to 3D printing and a plethora of free,
modifiable online plans, both professionals and DIYers are building their own equipment for a fraction of the cost, opening up a new world for backyard Einsteins and university researchers alike.”