Tag Archive: Respect

NY Times Contributor Compares Combat Veterans To White Supremacists…



Extremist Vets




” Vantage Point:Recently, the Veteran community has been forced to fight back on a disturbing narrative: Veterans are dangerous, violent people that society should be weary of. It doesn’t take much for some media outlets to push this agenda either. It seems all they need is one person, who happened to serve in the military at any time, to commit a heinous act, and the sensationalist headlines driving high ratings start pouring in.

  Today, The Opinion Pages of the New York Times posted a story by Kathleen Belew that claims “the return of [Veterans] from combat appears to correlate more closely with Klan membership than any other historical factor,” and linked the murder of three innocent people in Kansas by one man to a generation of Vietnam Veterans.”


Continued here









Son Hits His Mother On National TV – إبن يضرب والدته على الهواء





Published on Apr 2, 2014

” Son hits his mother on national TV – إبن يضرب أمه على الهواء
Son attacks his mother – إبن يهجم على أمه “


These are the people that the Left would have us consider as equals . Feh , a pox on them all .


HT/Atlas Shrugs







The Charge Of The Lightweight Brigade






” I heard the “leader of the free world” on the radio this morning speaking from the White House on Russia’s annexation of the Crimea. President Obama’s big thought was about the “choices that the Russian government has made”. It was delivered in the condescending tone of a grade-school guidance counselor lecturing Little Vladdy on the “bad choices” he kept making, and what’s more “choices that have been rejected by…” Stand well back! “…the international community”.

  Other than that, the President announced he was imposing “sanctions” for more individuals in the Russian government thinking of visiting Disneyland or opening a savings account with the First National Bank of Dead Cactus Junction. If you’re one of those so named and your wife’s hassling you for a weekend of shopping on Madison Avenue or Rodeo Drive, tough: Obama’s put you on the No-Shop list. For anybody in the Kremlin who still bothers watching US government press conferences, the only real danger from American “pressure” is that you may die laughing.

Daniel Henninger begins his Wall Street Journal column this week as follows:

  By the time the second World Trade Center tower collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001, the whole world was watching it. We may assume that Vladimir Putin was watching. Mr. Putin, a quick calculator of political realities, would see that someone was going to get hit for this, and hit hard.

  He was right of course. The Bush presidency became a war presidency that day, and it pounded and pursued the Islamic fundamentalists of al Qaeda without let-up or apology.

   During that time, it was reported that Vladimir Putin, a former KGB officer in East Germany, deeply regretted the fall of the Soviet Union’s empire and despised the Americans who caused it to fall. But no one cared what Mr. Putin thought then.

That’s true. “

Read it all , as usual and see what a difference an administration makes …

Check out @sweetydoriti’s Tweet:




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    The Libertarian Party is really all about reason , respect and tolerance . It is a good fit for all but the extremists . We are the best of both parties without the intolerant hypocritical crap of  either .












Horrific Viral Video Shows Terrifying Level Of Youth Violence As Girl Called Sharkeisha Sucker-Punches Female ‘Love-Rival’ And Friends Coolly Film The Assault On Cell Phone


” A video of a horrifying assault on a young woman by a female attacker has spread across the Internet.

  In a smartphone clip, uploaded to Instagram on Tuesday, a girl called Sharkeisha is seen viciously sucker-punching a girl called Shay in the face before kicking her in the head as she lies curled up on the ground.

  Sharkeisha then has to be restrained by another young woman as her victim lies on the ground, protecting her head with her hands.”


   We’ve raised a generation of animals … nay , that is an insult to the animal kingdom . Animals do not maliciously attack others for the joy of it . Only humans can be evil enough for that . We have raised a generation that has no respect for themselves , others , proper behavior or anything resembling human decency . 

That “Smart Diplomacy” Is Really Paying Off





” An unmistakable sense of unease has been growing in capitals around the world as the U.S. government from afar looks increasingly befuddled – shirking from a military confrontation in Syria, stymied at home by a gridlocked Congress and in danger of defaulting on sovereign debt, which could plunge the world’s financial system into chaos.

While each of the factors may be unrelated to the direct exercise of U.S. foreign policy, taken together they give some allies the sense that Washington is not as firm as it used to be in its resolve and its financial capacity, providing an opening for China or Russia to fill the void, an Asian foreign minister told a group of journalists in New York this week.

Concerns will only deepen now that President Barack Obama canceled travel this weekend to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum in Bali and the East Asia Summit in Brunei. He pulled out of the gatherings to stay home to deal with the government shutdown and looming fears that Congress will block an increase in U.S. borrowing power, a move that could lead to a U.S. default.

The political turbulence in Washington and potential economic bombshells still to come over the U.S. government shutdown and a possible debt default this month have sent shivers through Europe. The head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, worried about the continent’s rebound from the 2008 economic downturn.

We view this recovery as weak, as fragile, as uneven,” Draghi said at a news conference.

As Europe worries about economics, Asian allies watch in some confusion about what the U.S. is up to with its promise to rebalance military forces and diplomacy in the face of an increasingly robust China.

Global concerns about U.S. policy came to a head with Obama’s handling of the civil war in Syria and the alleged use of chemical weapons by the regime of President Bashar Assad. But, in fact, the worries go far deeper.”




Read the whole scathing piece on the diminution of the USA under Obama.

























This is what the Marine should be holding ...















America’s Freedom Watcher



Russians Refuse to Shake Obama’s Hand

Thatcher Funeral: The Applause Came From Nowhere And Followed The Coffin To St Paul’s






” It seemed to come out of nowhere. No one knew who’d started it – perhaps it was purely instinctual. But as the hearse came into view, the crowds found themselves breaking into applause – applause that followed the hearse all the way along the route, until it drew up at the church of St Clement Danes.

Then, once the coffin had been loaded on to the gun carriage and the horses moved off, the applause started again – and followed it all the way to St Paul’s.

Down the roads it spread and spread and spread, a long impromptu chain of respect and appreciation.

The applause wasn’t rowdy; there were no whoops or whistles. It was steady, warm, dignified. But also, somehow, determined.

At Ludgate Circus, protesters began to boo and jeer – only to find the rest of the crowd applauding all the more loudly to drown them out.

Ever since the news of her death last Monday, we have been told one thing above all else about Baroness Thatcher: that she was divisive.

But not today, not along the route of her funeral procession. From Westminster to St Paul’s, mourners crammed the pavements, in places 12 deep. In the build-up there’d been rumours of violent protests: lumps of coal or milk bottles would be thrown at her coffin.

In the event, all that was thrown was flowers.” 







Thatcher “Witch” Song 2nd In UK Charts In Death Protest




(Reuters) – ” A campaign by opponents of late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to get the song “Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead” to the top of the British pop charts to celebrate her death failed on Sunday although it did manage to reach second place.

Thatcher, who died aged 87 on Monday, deeply divided Britons and while some have paid warm tributes to the achievements of her right-wing Conservative governments, others said her privatization of swathes of industry had destroyed communities.

That opposition was manifested in a Facebook campaign to propel the witch song, from the 1939 film “The Wizard of Oz”, to number one in the charts, provoking anger from politicians of all parties, right-leaning media, and members of the public.

The Official Charts Company said 52,605 copies of the song had been sold, but that was about 6,000 shy of the chart-topping track “Need U” by British DJ Duke Dumont and singer A*M*E.”






Breast Size Preferences May Reveal Men’s Attitudes Toward Women





” Sexist men are more likely to prefer women with bigger breasts, according to a new study.

new study published February in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that the more oppressive attitudes a man has towards women, the more likely he is to prefer bustier women. 

The latest study consisted of 361 white heterosexual British men aged 18 to 68 who were asked to look at five 3D models of virtual women before determining which one they found that most attractive.  The pictures used in the study were all identical except for the models’ breast sizes. 

Afterwards, the men were asked to complete questionnaire that determined their attitudes toward women. The questionnaire examined the men’s general attitudes, hostile and benevolent sexism towards women. Benevolent sexism is seemingly positive female stereotypes that may actually be damaging to gender equality.

The study revealed that the preference for larger breasts was significantly linked to hostile sexism, benevolent sexism and female objectification.”






‘Merica In 2 Minutes (Video)


Lindsey Stone Learns A Lesson About Respect


You Don’t Give Any , You Don’t Get Any


A sign commanding silence and respect at Arlin...



Her 15 minutes are up so we won’t run the idiotic photo that she posted again . Instead we run the one above . For those of you who may have missed it , her handiwork can be seen here .

” The Massachusetts woman at the center of the Facebook  photo scandal at Arlington Cemetery has been fired from her job at a Cape Cod business.

Lindsey Stone’s employer, Living Independently Forever (LIFE), issued a statement on their Facebook page on Wednesday announcing that they have released the two employees involved in the controversial incident.

“We wish to announce that the two employees recently involved in the Arlington Cemetery incident are no longer employees of LIFE. Again, we deeply regret any disrespect to members of the military and their families .

Your Child’s First Gun Can Influence Whether He Becomes A Lifelong Hunter Or Walks Away Altogether



 ” It’s a big decision and an exciting one, for both you and your child, as you ponder that first gun. No doubt the passion for the outdoors has been lit from shared days afield and maybe even at the range, but now it’s time to extend the ultimate in trust and responsibility by purchasing a gun and giving it to your child as his or her designated gun to take afield with them.

I still remember my first gun, a used Remington Sportsman 58 that my dad gave me when I was 11 and that I used to down untold bushy tails with 2 ¾-inch loads of No. 6s—as well as my first whitetail, firing No. 1 buckshot, a year later. I grew up hunting deer in an area where shotguns—mostly buckshot—are still the firearm of choice, so when I received a brand new Remington 1100 for my 16th birthday, opening the box is a moment I will never forget. For a young, avid hunter, it would become one of my most prized possessions, alongside my first car and first home. The car and home are little more than good memories now. I still own, and use, that 1100.

So what are the critical considerations in buying that first gun for your son or daughter? There are several that are key as you want the gun to become an enjoyable tool to help them not only become better marksmen, but to maintain the enthusiasm for shooting and hunting for many years to come. “

From Sleeping Giant to Paper Tiger

Jennifer  Rubin 

   ” During the entire Obama term the conservative foreign policy community has made a simple argument: If the United States doesn’t lead and signals weakness, bad things will happen. And now here we are. Cliff May of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies sent me a pithy e-mail this morning: “It’s essential that our allies and our enemies — and those who fall in between — understand that actions carry consequences. . . . [Middle East scholar] Bernard Lewis has said many times that people around the world should view America as the best friend you can have — and the most dangerous enemy. But at the least, it is vital that the opposite impression not be conveyed: That America is harmless as an enemy and treacherous as a friend.” “

“Obama Campaign Raffling Off Chance To Meet Beyonce And Jay-Z…”

Remember when the office of president conveyed a sense  dignity about it ?

“With an email sent by Beyonce that includes the creepy subject line, “I don’t usually email you.” “

Sunday AM Humor


Read Krauthammer for the true value of Romney’s recent international travels .

“Two staunch U.S. allies salute a man they would like to see lead the free world. Yet the headlines were “shove it” and “culture.” “