Tag Archive: Requirements

Obamacare Requires 34 Million Pizza Nutrition Signs In Stores


Sample of simple pizza nutrition sign.



” New Obamacare regulations targeting the fast food and grocery store market that require signs detailing calorie and nutritional information on every product will force pizza makers like Domino’s to post up to 34 million different signs in every store: One for every possible pizza order.

“It’s not like a Big Mac. Pizza is customizable, there are options to factor in,” said Jenny Fouracre-Petko, legislative director for Domino’s and a member of the trade group American Pizza Community. “There are 34 million pizza combinations. We’ve done the math.” ”



Could This Crowd In DC Be Anymore Clueless About The Real World ? This Is What You Get When You Dispense With The Founder’s Idea Of Citizen Representatives . We’ll Never Right This Ship With A Professional Class Of Politicians .

” Nearly 73 percent of likely voters say they agree  that state and local voter ID laws that require voters to provide proof of lawful registration are a good idea, and Mitt Romney and the Republican Party have an advantage over Democrats on the issue.

  The results are from a new poll
conducted for WND by the public-
opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies . It was taken Sept. 7-11 and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 2.99 percentage