Tag Archive: Rep. Trey Gowdy

Benghazi Panel To Query Top Officials





” A special House committee looking into the deadly Benghazi, Libya, attacks in 2012 will interview a host of current and former high-ranking Obama administration officials as it speeds the pace of the investigation.

  The panel’s chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Friday he intends to interview 20 high-ranking officials, including former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and former CIA director David Petraeus, as well as White House chief of staff Denis McDonough and national security adviser Susan Rice.

  The list also includes former White House press secretary Jay Carney, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former national security adviser Thomas Donilon.”





” Gowdy has previously said he will ask former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to testify at a public hearing before the 12-member committee. He said Friday that appearance should occur “as soon as possible.” Gowdy said last week he was frustrated at the slow pace of the investigation and was going to “ratchet it up.”

  Gowdy said the interviews with the high-ranking officials will begin as soon as April, after the panel interviews 22 potential witnesses who work for the State Department or have knowledge of the attacks.”


AP News has the complete story












Immigration Activist Suggests Race May Be Why GOP Opposes Obama Executive Action — Then It Was Trey Gowdy’s Turn




” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) interrogated Marielena Hincapie, the executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, during a Tuesday House hearing on President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration reform after she seemingly suggested race may be the basis behind the GOP’s opposition to the unilateral action.

“ I could’ve sworn in response to a question you received… you suggested race is the basis for why we may have this constitutional perspective,” Gowdy said to Hincapie. “Did I understand you correctly?”

“ I believe I was responding to the question about, is there an explanation about why…” Hincapie began before being cut off.

“ Well let me offer another explanation to you, OK? Not a single Republican who is here right now has ever served under a Republican president — not one. So I hope I do live long enough to hold a Republican president to the exact same standard that I am holding this one. But for you to run to race as the explanation for why we hold the position that we do.”


The Blaze










Trey Gowdy’s Not Having It: IRS Head Gets Cute About ‘Lost’ Emails & Has the Grin Wiped Off His Face






” During a rare Monday night hearing, House Republicans hammered embattled IRS commissioner John Koskinen over the “lost” Lois Lerner emails and over his continued insistence that there was no criminal wrongdoing in their coincidental disappearance.

  While, as to be expected, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) repeatedly challenged Koskinen, for instance, when he demanded that he cite a particular statute or statutes (law, viz.) on which to base his claim that no criminal wrongdoing occurred. When the commissioner replied, “you can rely on common sense,” Gowdy went off:

“ Common sense? Instead of a criminal code, you wanna rely on common sense? You can shake your head all you want to commissioner; you have said today that there’s no evidence of criminal wrongdoing and I’m asking you what criminal statutes you have reviewed to reach that conclusion?”

  Koskinen finally conceded: “I have reviewed no criminal statutes.”

  Ironically, the commissioner also insisted that outdated technology was to blame and that it would cost the IRS $10-30 million to update its systems.

  In response, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) reminded Koskinen that the IRS paid $89 million in bonuses last year, including $1 million to employees who owed back taxes. Not a good day for the defiant commissioner of the IRS.”



     John Koskinen is the epitome of the smug , arrogant , elitist bureaucrat . It is a pleasure to see him squirm under the wrathful ire of Rep Gowdy even though there seems to be no new info forthcoming from any of these hearings .




Independent Journal Review











Trey Gowdy Threatened With Harm; Capitol Police Kick Off ‘Active, Open Investigation’







” Capitol Hill police are investigating emailed threats to Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina congressman tabbed to head a special panel to probe the White House’s response to the Benghazi terrorist attacks.

  Politico reporters and journalists at other news outlets say they’ve received at least two emails that threaten harm to Mr. Gowdy due directly to his leading role on the panel. Capitol Police refused to comment on the actual threats, except to say that “an active, open investigation” has been launched, Politico reported.”


Washington Times









Rep. Gowdy: ‘I Have Evidence’ Of Benghazi Cover-Up



Gowdy Proof Of Cover-Up



” Rep. Trey Gowdy said Friday that he has evidence of a “systematic, intentional” effort by the Obama administration to withhold documents from Congress about the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans.

” I have evidence that, not only are they hiding it, there’s an intent to hide it,” the South Carolina Republican told “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren” on Fox News. “I can’t disclose that evidence yet, but I have evidence that there was a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress — and we’re just sick of it.” “




More at Newsmax and in other Benghazi news , John Boehner has appointed Rep Gowdy to head a special House select committee to get to the bottom of the lies of this administration regarding Benghazi .














Rep. Gowdy Questions IRS Commissioner John Koskinen About IRS Targeting Scandal




Published on Mar 26, 2014

” Rep. Trey Gowdy questions IRS Commissioner John Koskinen about his agencies response to the IRS targeting scandal.”









Explosive: Rep. Trey Gowdy Unloads Unreleased Email Exposing Benghazi Coverup