Democrats Admit Amnesty Is For Political Purposes







” Give us your poor, your tired, your future Democrats waiting to be registered. That’s what some in the party are saying as they urge the president to pursue immigration goals even if it hurts in the ’14 midterms.

  In other words, damn the political torpedoes and full speed ahead in the fundamental demographic and political transformation of America.

” You’ll always have members whose political vulnerability they tie entirely to immigration,” said Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz. “We didn’t make progress when we were in the majority because we were being protective of those (members) on immigration reform. At some point do you worry more about the future or do you continue to put off the inevitable by not taking action?”

  For Democrats such as Grijalva and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., amnesty and the political benefits stemming from it are inevitable. They are quite willing to use children to exploit the inherent compassion of the American people if it means ensuring the political future of the Democratic Party through the gratitude of millions of illegal aliens allowed to come here and stay.

  Gutierrez recently told a La Raza conference that it was only a “down payment” that President Obama gave the Latino community with his Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (DACA) program that halted the deportation of 600,000 of “our people”:

” Now it is time for the president in the United States … (to) free the mom and dads of the DREAMers and to go further — be broad and expansive and generous.” “




With our tax dollars we are paying for our own destruction …