Tag Archive: Relocation

Half In Illinois And Connecticut Want To Move Elsewhere


Who Wants To Move



” Every state has at least some residents who are looking for greener pastures, but nowhere is the desire to move more prevalent than in Illinois and Connecticut. In both of these states, about half of residents say that if given the chance to move to a different state, they would like to do so. Maryland is a close third, at 47%. By contrast, in Montana, Hawaii, and Maine, just 23% say they would like to relocate. Nearly as few — 24% — feel this way in Oregon, New Hampshire, and Texas.

  These findings are from a 50-state Gallup poll, conducted June-December 2013, which includes at least 600 representative interviews with residents aged 18 and older in each state. Gallup measured residents’ interest in moving out of state by asking, “Regardless of whether you will move, if you had the opportunity, would you like to move to another state, or would you rather remain in your current state?” “






” Thirty-three percent of residents want to move to another state, according to the average of the 50 state responses. Seventeen states come close to that 50-state average. Another 16 are above the average range, including three showing an especially high desire to move. In fact, in these three — Illinois, Connecticut, and Maryland — roughly as many residents want to leave as want to stay.

  Nevada, Illinois, Maryland, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, and Connecticut all appear particularly vulnerable to losing population in the coming few years: high percentages of their residents say they would leave if they could, and larger-than-average percentages say they are at least somewhat likely to do so in the coming year. At the other end of the spectrum, Texas, Minnesota, and Maine have little to fear. Residents of these states are among the least likely to want to leave and few are planning to leave in the next 12 months.”


See all the data and more at Gallup.com






Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New Gun-Control Law Targets Gun Makers



   If the rumblings are to be believed , Remington Arms , New York state’s oldest gun manufacturer , is finally getting ready to head for a more amenable work environment . 


” ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo’s tough new gun law has put a target on the state’s gun makers.

  Cities, counties and states from across the country have been making lucrative pitches to New York’s firearms companies, urging them to relocate. Their argument: They have a gun-friendly atmosphere, and New York does not.

  “They receive solicitations . . . on almost a daily basis,” said Lawrence Kean, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade group.

  “CEOs have told me they could basically move their factories for free.”

  Cuomo pushed his new gun law through the Legislature a month after the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Conn. The law broadened the definition of what is considered a banned assault weapon, and it reduced the size of permissible gun magazines to seven rounds, from 10.

  Since then, the state’s remaining firearms companies, including major employers like Remington Arms in upstate Ilion and Kimber Manufacturing in Yonkers, have been wooed by officials from places including South Carolina and Texas.”

   The move can’t come soon enough for us . Any manufacturer whose livelihood is based on the manufacture and sale of a product(s) that in the state in which they reside and pay taxes has been banned should take their business elsewhere as soon as humanly possible . Here’s to hoping that both Kimber and Remington see that things will only get worse in NY , which has become an embarrassment to the Union , the Founders and freedom lovers everywhere . 

Related :

Remington And Kimber To Relocate?

Remington to move to Tennessee?

National Review On Remington













” Beretta USA is threatening to leave Maryland over new gun control proposals, the Washington Post reports, and they would take hundreds of jobs along with them.

“Why expand in a place where the people who built the gun couldn’t buy it?” Jeffrey Reh, general counsel for Beretta, asked.

The Washington Post explains:

Beretta, the nearly 500-year-old family-owned company that made one of James Bond’s firearms, has already invested more than $1 million in the [civilian version of a machine gun designed for special operations forces] and has planned to expand its plant further in Prince George’s County to ramp up production. “

Conservative Countries To Move To [SLIDESHOW]


Surf, sand, clear blue waters, and no direct taxation on income or Cayman businesses. Sounds a lot like a conservative's paradise.


  “Conservatives will still have a powerful voice in the House of Representatives next year, but the presidency and the Senate will remain in the hands of the Democrats.


  If that’s just too much for you to handle, here are some countries that could offer you lower taxes and more business-friendly governments.”