Tag Archive: Religion of Peace

Police Shoot Dead 2 Gunmen At Texas Exhibit Of Prophet Mohammad Cartoons




” Texas police shot dead two gunmen who opened fire on Sunday outside an exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad that was organized by an anti-Islamic group and billed as a free-speech event.

  The shooting in a Dallas suburb was an echo of past attacks or threats in other Western countries against art depicting the Prophet Mohammad. In January, gunmen killed 12 people in the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in revenge for its cartoons.

  Sunday’s attack took place at about 7 p.m. in a parking lot of the Curtis Culwell Center, an indoor arena in Garland, northeast of Dallas. Geert Wilders, a polarizing Dutch politician and anti-Islamic campaigner who is on an al Qaeda hit list, was among the speakers at the event.

  Police said they had not determined the identity of the two gunmen or whether they were linked to critics of the event who had branded it anti-Islamic.

  As a precaution, a police bomb squad was checking the suspects’ car, and the immediate vicinity of the Culwell Center was evacuated, city police spokesman Joe Harn said. Investigators were keeping their distance from the bodies of the gunmen, which were close to the car, until the vehicle was deemed clear of explosives, he said later.”














Isis Militants Slaughter More Than 300 Yazidi Captives In Northern Iraq







” More than prisoners have been slaughtered by Islamic State militants near Mosul in Iraq. According to the Yazidi Progress Party, hundreds were murdered by Isis on Friday in the Tal Afar district.

  It comes after around 40,000 people were kidnapped at gunpoint when the terrorists attacked Yazidi villages last summer. The party statement, quoted by Shafaq News, condemned the ‘heinous criminal acts’ committed by Isis against the Yazidis.

  Meanwhile, a Yazidi lawmaker quoted a lower number of victims today, and said they were shot at a prison camp in Tal Afar.  Legislator Mahma Khalil said he spoke to four different people with knowledge of what happened inside the camp.

‘ The militants want to spread horror among them to force them to convert to Islam or to do something else,’ he said.”

Daily Mail

Museum Attack In Tunisian Capital Kills 19; 2 Gunmen Slain







” Foreign tourists scrambled in panic Wednesday after militants stormed a museum in Tunisia’s capital and killed 19 people, “shooting at anything that moved,” a witness said.

  Two gunmen were slain by security forces following the deadliest attack on civilians in the North African country in 13 years, and the president said the young democracy was embroiled in a war with terror.

  The militants, who wore military-style uniforms and wielded assault rifles, burst from a vehicle and began gunning down tourists climbing out of buses at the National Bardo Museum. The attackers then charged inside to take hostages before being killed in a firefight with security forces.

  Authorities launched a manhunt for two or three accomplices in the attack. Prime Minister Habib Essid said the two Tunisian gunmen killed 17 tourists — five from Japan, four from Italy, two from Colombia, two from Spain, and one each from Australia, Poland and France. The nationality of one dead foreigner was not released. Essid said two Tunisian nationals also were killed by the militants.

  At least 44 people were wounded, including tourists from Italy, France, Japan, South Africa, Poland, Belgium and Russia, according to Essid and doctors from Tunis’ Charles Nicolle.”



Read more on the latest outrage from the “Religion Of Peace”™












Gunmen Storm Tunisian Museum In Deadly Attack







” Gunmen, wearing military uniforms and carrying assault rifles, have attacked a popular tourist attraction in the Tunisian capital of Tunis. According to state television, Tunisian authorities say at least eight people were killed and six wounded at the National Bardo Museum, which is adjacent to the country’s parliament building.

  Gunmen are believed to be holding hostages inside the museum.

  NPR’s Leila Fadel, who is in Tunis, says the gunmen opened fire on the museum before entering the building. She says police are now inside the museum and have surrounded two of the attackers.”















Shin Bet Thwarts Terrorist Attack, Arrests 11 Palestinians





” Eleven Palestinians from the West Bank have been arrested on suspicion of attempting to carry out an attack on Israeli troops in the Hebron area and planning other attacks on Israelis, the Shin Bet security service announced Monday.

  The Palestinians are from the Hebron area and are affiliated with Hamas, security forces said, adding that explosives and guns intended for use in the attacks were also found.

” The activity of this cell reflects the substantial threat from Hamas activity in Hebron, especially from militant operatives who have been arrested in the past and returning to the circle of terror,” the Shin Bet said in a statement.

  One of the suspects – Salem Saltan, 28 – has been held in an Israeli military jail and in administrative detention.”














10 Hours Of Fear And Loathing In Paris






” One month after the terrorist attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris, NRG’s correspondent, wearing a tzitzit and a kippa, took what proved to be an intimidating walk across the French capital. “What is he doing here Mommy? Doesn’t he know he will be killed?” one little boy asked, saying it all .

” Go f*** from the front and the back,” “Viva Palestine,” “Hey you, with the kippa, what are you doing here?” these were only a few of the remarks sent my way as I was walking through the streets of Paris wearing a tzitzit and a kippa.

  Welcome to Paris 2015, where soldiers are walking every street that houses a Jewish institution, and where keffiyeh-wearing men and veiled women speak Arabic on every street corner. Walking down one Parisian suburb, I was asked what I doing there. In modern-day Paris, you see, Jews are barred from entering certain areas.

  For 10 hours I quietly walked down the streets and suburbs of Paris, with photographer Dov Belhassen documenting the day using a GoPro camera hidden in his backpack. Given the tensions in Paris, which is still reeling from a wave of terrorist attacks (including the murder of Charlie Hebdo magazine journalists), I was assigned a bodyguard.

  Areas known as tourist attractions were relatively calm, but the further from them we walked, the more anxious I became over the hateful stares, the belligerent remarks, and the hostile body language.”



Read all about the reception accorded the wandering Jew in the “City of Lights”












The Islamic State Spread The Beheading Of 21 Egyptian Hostages In Libya



” The terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS, for its acronym in English) released today a video showing the beheading of about 21 men, who identified as Egyptian Coptic Christians (Orthodox Christians)captured in Libya .

  In the recording released by internet, looks at least ten men, with orange dress, kneeling with his hands cuffed behind his back , beheaded by his kidnappers, dressed in black. According to jihadist forums, a total of 21 hostages.

  The video, five minutes long, is titled “A signed with blood to the nation of the Cross message” and is addressed to “the people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church” .According to the news agency AFP , the place where executions occur is Tripoli, the Libyan capital.”


    This video and text comes from a Spanish language website and any syntax or grammar errors are the result of the auto-translation . For our Spanish speaking readers the original article may be found here .












Copenhagen Shooting Suspect Killed By Police






” Danish police said they shot dead a gunman on Sunday who they believe was behind shootings at a free-speech event at a Copenhagen cafe and a nearby synagogue a day earlier.

  The suspect was shot dead on the street outside a train station in the northern part of Copenhagen after he opened fire, police said.”






” “ There are a number of things indicating we have the right perpetrator, but our technical investigation isn’t complete so we cannot be 100% sure,” said Jørgen Skov, head of the Copenhagen police. “There is nothing to suggest that several perpetrators are involved.”

  Police said the alleged gunman took a cab to an area in the Nørrebro neighborhood, and that they were able to track his whereabouts and link him to the earlier attacks through city and taxi video-camera surveillance.”



The suspected gunman caught on surveillance camera



” Denmark launched a nationwide manhunt Saturday after two people were killed and several wounded in the two separate attacks.

  The first targeted a seminar on Islam and free speech in the wake of the January attack on French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Police said a man sprayed dozens of gunshots through the plate glass windows of central Copenhagen’s Krudttoenden cafe, where Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks and France’s ambassador to Denmark, François Zimeray, were in attendance. Neither Mr. Vilks nor Mr. Zimeray was injured, but a 55-year-old man died and three security officers were wounded.

  Hours later, police reported another shooting, near a synagogue in downtown Copenhagen, that killed a 37-year-old guard outside a bar mitzvah and wounded two police officers.”


   Read more at the Wall Street Journal on the latest instance of “workplace violence” by the “religion of peace” . The Guardian also has more including the identities of those killed .












Norway Deports Radical Muslims… Look How Far The Crime Rate Dropped!



” A resident of Olso, Norway named Adrian Stavig said something that Obama never would:

“ The world’s largest gang of thugs, murderers, and rapists is masquerading as a religion of peace.”

  The new Norwegian Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, began a program that deports Muslims who have ties to radical groups and the country’s violent crimes are down more than 31%.

  Liberals everywhere are crying “Racism!” “




Read more













Woman Beheaded In Broad Daylight In ‘Moderate’ Muslim Nation




” Here’s just another normal day in Saudi Arabia. Warning: Graphic video.

  In this graphic video taken in Saudi Arabia near the city of Mecca, a woman is punished for having committed what her husband alleges is the murder of his 7-year-old daughter.

  The convicted woman is led out before a crowd in broad daylight and beheaded in the middle of a lot. It is unknown whether or not she was afforded due process during her defense, but the Saudi justice system is typically discriminatory against female defendants.

  Such is the state of “justice” in Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally and one of the worst nations in the world for women’s rights.”



Thanks to Clash Daily











Ralph Peters Tells Bill O’Reilly How To Fight Jihad




‘Two Dead’ In New Paris Siege






” Two people have been killed in a Kosher store in eastern Paris where a ‘heavily armed’ Islamic terrorist is currently holding as many as six hostages, police believe.

  Sources in the Paris force said the suspected murderer was Amedy Coulibay, 32, who is wearing body armour and brandishing two Kalashnikov automatic weapons. He was said to have screamed: ‘You know who I am’ as he stormed the store.

  He is understood to be working with a woman called Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, who police claimed was ‘armed and dangerous’.

  Shots rang out close to the Porte de Vincennes while the two brothers believed to be behind the murderous attack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine were themselves hold up north of the capital. 

‘ There is a hostage situation – shots have been fired,’ said a Paris police spokesman, who said up to five people were originally being held in Vincennes, and there were ‘believed to be two fatalities’.

  A 20-year-old student is among the hostages taken at the kosher shop in Paris. The young woman, whose name remains unknown, called her uncle who works nearby from the basement of the building where she was being held.

  There are also unconfirmed reports that there is a serious incident developing near the Trocadero in central Paris.

  The siege at the grocery store occurred after the Charlie Hebdo killers in Dammartin-en-Goele – currently holed up with a hostage at a business premises – were believed to have made contact with an associate.

  Police immediately scrambled phone signals in the area – but not before the killers were able to make their call.

  It is now feared that Said Kouachi and his brother Cheriff contacted Amedy Coulibaly – and possibly ordered him to take hostages in a bid to force police to allow them to escape.

  It is not known whether Boumeddiene was in the Kosher store with Coulibay.

  It means that two sieges by suspected Islamic terrorists are playing out at the same time, as fears grew that they would be looking to cause another bloodbath.

  Coulibay is believed to be the one responsible for shooting a policewoman dead in south Paris on Thursday.

  The revelation has led police to link it to the murder of 12 people around the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine on Wednesday.

  Clarissa Jean-Philippe, 27, was unarmed and directing traffic in Montrouge, in south Paris, when she was gunned down by Coulibay, who was still wearing body armour and using an automatic assault rifle.

  The murderer has been identified by police who said he belonged to the Buttes Chaumont network, which sent Jihadi fighters to Iraq. “

    Try as we might , we were unable to find any hard information among the wire services regarding another alleged attack in the Trocadero area near the Eiffel tower although the Daily Star is reporting the Trocadero incident as a false alarm .

More at The Daily Mail

Ohio Airport Jihad: “Armed With Knives” Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed Attacks Police At Airport







” A 41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

  Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said.”



Pamela Geller has more on the latest example of “workplace violence” from the “Religion Of Peace™ “… 













‘How To Stab A Jew’ Going Viral On Palestinian Authority Social Media





” The “resisters of occupation in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem” are spreading on Arab social media a frightening video demonstrating tactics on how to stab a Jew to death quickly and efficiently.

  The 1-minute and 13-second video, as seen below, shows the “teacher” calmly walking up to a “victim,” stabbing him, and walking away.

  One of the tactics appears to imitate the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) method of beheading.

  The guide to killing Jews teaches that after stabbing the victim, the knife should be twisted to maximize wounds and cause death.”


Story continues











Leaked Video Of ISIS Auctioning Sex Slaves (Never Before Seen)





” The video was published by the campaign titled “Raqqa slaughters silently”, a concerned advocacy group which reveals news coming out of the Syrian province of Raqqa today Saturday.

  The video shows ISIS openly admitting that the establishment of a “slave market” to sell women with one of them saying “Booty market today … today is the market for ‘ “what your right hands possess”.

“ What your right hand possess” is strictly the sex trade as one can find from the Quran, the chapter of women 4:3. The ruling of Sharia allows it. (see notes below from Islam Question and Answer)

  He adds “today is the day of distribution” as one of the ISIS terrorist begs to be given one as a gift since he could not afford to pay.

  With absolute disregard for women the auctioneer says: “Today, each will get his choice. He can sell them or gift them or donate them, he is a free to do whatever he wishes with his share of the booty”. 

  One of them answers the question about the price of the girl, adding, “…price varies depending if they have blue eyes, the price differs”.

  The recording shows what seems like a headquarters with the ISIS flag clearly visible.

  It should be noted that the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said last month that the state regulation of non-Muslim, has sold about 300 Yazidi girls for a thousand dollars each.”












Muslims Beat Up A Dutch Girl And Politicians Are Living On The Moon 20 September 2014





Published on Sep 21, 2014

  GEEN STIJL, EJ BRON, NOS: Apart from nice weather, is this September week, full of interesting news items from The Netherlands. It had started by a ‘glamour Jihadist’ from Huizen, in ‘Het Gooi’ (an area where Dutch VIP’s use to live) who had on his computers manuals and detailed planes for terror assaults; including suicide bombing. It had proceeded by a brutal attack of Muslim immigrants on an indigenous 15 years old girl from IJmuiden.

  During the debates on State affairs, two days ago, PM Mark Rutte had dedicated a special word for Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party. Rutte reflects his anger on Wilders negative views on Muslims and Moroccans. They deserve much more respect for their contribution to Dutch society.
By the way, the girl was molested on a spot called ‘Plein 1945’; a square named after the year in which The Netherlands was freed by the allies from the Nazis.

  PM Mark Rutte says Wilders cannot stand in the shadow of all the good Moroccans (and other Muslims). They are outstanding people who are busy in their mosque (with what?), are serving in the army (of whom? The one of Allah?) …and of course they are excellent neighbours; especially in the Sharia neighbourhoods of The Hague, Amsterdam etc. “

HT/Jihad Watch 

Islamophobia? Hell Yes!



” On a recent family trip to Santa Monica, an evening walk on the Third Avenue Promenade felt as if we had been dropped into a Middle Eastern country.  90% of the people strolling down the bustling walkways and lounging at the cafes were Muslim. Women were dressed in either burqas, niqabs, or hijabs and the few younger women who were not, were speaking Arabic.

  This experience followed a trip to Maine where we found ourselves encountering an unusually large number of Muslims on the streets of several cities and learned of the mini-Dearborn into which the Lewiston/Auburn area had been transformed.

  Portland almost resembled midtown Manhattan where the Muslim population has been growing exponentially over the past several years.

  The left commands us to believe that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.  And yet, despite the fact that we have welcomed these vast Muslim communities into our country with open arms, the reality is something quite different. After I left Santa Monica I recalled that a Pakistani hotel owner there was sued for throwing all of the Jews out of her hotel. She told her staff to “Get the [expletive deleted] Jews out of my pool” and that “no one who was identifiable as Jewish was so much as ‘allowed to dip their feet in the water.’”

  Dennis Prager’s recent column discussed a Muslim woman in Winooski, Vermont whose complaint over the “offensive” use of the word bacon in an advertisement led to the restaurant taking down the ad.  Pointing out that religious Jews who do not eat pork have never even considered advertising bacon as offensive, Prager wrote:

  The woman who wrote this totalitarian drivel is the worst combination of fake victimhood, political correctness (which itself is a PC euphemism for “that which offends the left”), and Muslims who seek to impose sharia law on non-Muslims….

  Would that the intolerance end there, perhaps I would feel safe with all of the hijabs that are appearing across America. But this summer we were treated to ugly pro-Hamas protests across the country.   From San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, Muslims screamed “Death to Israel,” called for a third intifada, chanted “Jews go back to the ovens,” and compared Israel to Nazis.  And two weeks ago on NYC’s Upper East Side, people in cars flying Palestinian flags yelling anti-Jewish statements attacked a Jewish couple. “



Read Lauri B Regan’s whole piece at American Thinker











Surviving An ISIS Massacre | The New York Times





Published on Sep 3, 2014

” ISIS massacred hundreds of Iraqi military recruits in June. Ali Hussein Kadhim survived. This is his improbable story.

Produced by: Mike Shum, Greg Campbell, Adam B. Ellick and Mona El-Naggar

Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/Z7Ivlh “

Another Facebook Gem …

















Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar….BOOM! ISIS Terrorist Killed By Own Mortar





HT/Top Right News

Woman ‘Found Beheaded’ In London Garden



Palmira Silva


Rest in peace Palmira Silva



” A woman was found beheaded on Thursday in a back garden in north London, according to British media reports, but police said the attack was not linked to terrorism. 

Police discovered the body in the suburb of Edmonton after being alerted at midday by local residents who said a man with a knife was attacking a cat or dog.

They would not confirm reports she had been beheaded, nor some media descriptions that the act was carried out with a machete.

A 25-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and is in custody, they said.

Police evacuated residents from their homes as the man ran through a row of back gardens.

“At first there were two police cars, then all of a sudden there were 20,” one witness, 19-year-old Ahmed Yusuf, said. “


Read more , see also here , here and here for more details on the latest gesture of fellowship from the “religion of peace” .











Executioner ‘With A British Accent’ Beheads US Journalist In The Name Of ISIS








” A shocking video has emerged showing an ISIS militant who speaks with a British accent brutally executing an American photojournalist who was kidnapped in Syria two years ago.

  Graphic footage of the execution appeared in an video titled: ‘A Message to the U.S.’, in which an apparently coerced James Wright Foley, 40, describes America as his true killers for using airstrikes to assist Kurdish forces in recapturing the Mosul Dam from ISIS militants.

  Foley – who went missing in 2012 while working for the Global Post news agency in Syria – is then beheaded with a small knife over a period of seven minutes by a masked man dressed all in black.

  The executioner, who speaks directly to the camera in what appears to be a London accent, then warns that a second captured American journalist will be killed if the U.S. doesn’t halt the airstrikes.

  Speaking after the video emerged, Foley’s mother Diane issued a statement saying that she and her husband John have ‘never been prouder’ of their son, who they say gave his life to expose the suffering of the Syrian people.”


Read more












Islamic State Jihadists Issue 30-Minute Killing Spree On Video





” Al-Qaeda linked terrorists that control swathes of Iraq and Syria have circulated a video compilation of hundreds of graphic executions to mark the Muslim religious festival of Eid.

  Accompanied by an explicit threat to Iraqi soldiers , the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Isis), showed dozens of young men men cowering in the shadow of gunmen before being brutally slaughtered.”


The Telegraph has more

Terrorist Kills His Partner With The Backblast From An RPG





Another terr gets a head start on his search for the “virgins” , thanks to his pal with the RPG . More poetic justice .