Tag Archive: Regulations

Look At How Many Pages Are In The Federal Tax Code




” As they rush to file their taxes by April 15, Americans are rightfully frustrated with the complexity of the 74,608-page-long federal tax code.

  The federal tax code is 187 times longer than it was a century ago, according to Wolters Kluwer, CCH, which has analyzed the federal tax code since 1913.

  Amazingly, in the first 26 years of the federal income tax, the tax code only grew from 400 to 504 pages. Even through President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, the tax code was well under 1,000 pages. Changes during World War II made the length of the tax code balloon to 8,200 pages.

  Most of the growth in the tax code came in the past 30 years, growing from 26,300 pages in 1984 to nearly three times that length today.”


Read more










Eleventh-Hour Drama For Net Neutrality


These three political appointees hold the key to the future of the internet … WTF ?




” A Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission wants to see changes that could narrow the scope of new net neutrality rules set for a vote on Thursday.

  Mignon Clyburn, one of three Democrats on the FCC, has asked Chairman Tom Wheeler to roll back some of his provisions before the full commission votes on them, FCC officials said.

  The request — which Wheeler has yet to respond to — puts the chairman in the awkward position of having to either roll back his proposals, or defend the tough rules and convince Clyburn to back down.

  It’s an ironic spot for Wheeler, who for months was considered to be favoring weaker rules than those pushed for by his fellow Democrats, before he reversed himself and backed tougher restrictions on Internet service providers.

  Clyburn’s objections complicate the highly anticipated vote and add an extra bit of drama to the already high tensions on the five-member commission.  

  Wheeler will need the votes of both Clyburn and Democratic Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel to pass the rules, since the two Republicans on the commission are expected to vote against anything he proposes.  

  Clyburn’s changes would leave in place the central and most controversial component of Wheeler’s rules — the notion that broadband Internet service should be reclassified so that it can be treated as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act, similar to utilities like phone lines.

  The full text of the rules will not be revealed to the public until after the FCC’s vote on Thursday morning.”


The Hill has more












Courtesy Of Sen Mike Lee



” In 2014, 3,291 pages of new laws were passed by Congress – the branch of government with the constitutional authority to make law – and signed by the president. During this same period, unelected bureaucrats at dozens of federal departments and agencies issued 79,066 pages of new and updated regulations.

  These rules – many that are are inefficient, ineffective, and excessive – continue to limit the ability of small businesses and workers to succeed, rig the system to benefit connected insiders, and hurt hardworking American families through higher costs and limited options in the marketplace. Yet, despite the very real negative effects on our economy, the American people are unable to hold the unelected bureaucrats who make these rules accountable.

Congress cedes far too much lawmaking authority to the executive branch. I look forward to turning this trend around in the 114th Congress to ensure that the ones making the laws are the ones who can be held accountable by the American people.

Visit www.lee.senate.gov to share your ideas for regulatory reform. “

Obama Quietly Gives IRS “License To Kill” Tea Party Groups



” As Obama continues to deceive from behind the curtain of every day laws, it’s hard to tell whether ordinary laws are just that, or a cover for something a little more devious.  Obama’s latest law claims to redefine political organizations in a way that would allow for the government to tax contributions—but is that all?  It turns out that this new law may just put an end to over 100,000 small, grass-roots, Tea Party organizations.

  As Obama unleashes his, “IRS army of 90,000 workers, with 4,300 investigators, 13,000 revenue agents, 2,600 special agents, 9,500 tax examiners and 1,500 attorneys’ on-staff,” it hardly seems like a worthwhile effort to only target these minimally marginal groups.   That being said, it appears that despite yet another transparent passing of a “protective” law, this is exactly what Obama is setting out to do.

  The law will effectively place a gag order on all Tea Party organizations that will be financially bled dry and no longer able to afford operating expenses after being taxed.  Along with this, Obama’s administration set out a few “traps” to catch even more that do comply.

The law lines out:

“Anything that mentions or has any connection to a candidate or public official is deemed restricted speech (CRPA), even when it otherwise meets the organization’s goals. Details of all communications must be reported to the IRS whenever it occurs within 60 days of a general election or within 30 days of primaries.” “


Read on at Mr Conservative








United States Senator Mike Lee





” Behold my display of the 2013 Federal Register. It contains over 80,000 pages of new rules, regulations, and notices all written and passed by unelected bureaucrats. The small stack of papers on top of the display are the laws passed by elected members of Congress and signed into law by the president.”

















” The market is fine for some things, people will say, but other activities are too important to be left to the market. Or too complicated. Or too fundamental to our democracy.

I say: Privatize everything.

To some of you, that will sound callous — but failure to privatize services, keeping them in government hands instead, is what impoverishes and kills people. Nothing compassionate about that.

Take organ donations.

Regulations forbid buying and selling organs, so the market cannot operate. Desperate patients must wait and hope someone gives out of sheer generosity, that someone dies at just the right time, and that hospital administrators bump their case to the top of the list.

Some things ought to be done by government: things like running courts, policing pollution, and protecting the border. But most everything else should be left to private actors.

Government offers guarantees on paper and promises in speeches. But government rarely delivers. Private companies did brilliant Internet work for President Obama’s election campaign. But when it came to his health insurance website, the president put government in charge. We saw the result.

Markets aren’t perfect, but they allow for a world where prudence is rewarded and sloth punished, a world in which more people take risks and innovate. That’s a world where people prosper.”


Read it all . It all boils down to accountability … With government there is none .







In EPA’s Grip, Coal Industry Is Headed To Washington

” Besieged by the Obama administration and its host of new environmental regulations, the U.S. coal industry is beginning to fight back.”



” Thousands of miners and their families will descend on Washington on Tuesday for the “Count on Coal” rally, bringing with them a simple message for the Environmental Protection Agency and other arms of the federal government that seem intent on relegating the fuel to the ash pile of history.

“The message is that there’s a lot of people out there in states that not only mine coal, but rely heavily on coal. There’s a lot of frustration building up at people here in Washington that they aren’t really listening and looking out for them,” said Hal Quinn, president of the National Mining Association, one of the rally’s prime organizers. “It’s a way of life. [Coal miners] are very proud of what they do for this country.” ”



This post gives more detail regarding  the closing of power generating facilities and mines under the new Obama EPA regulatory scheme . The list is extensive and growing at an alarming rate :


” -fired power plants and   are going down across the U.S., according to SNL Financial analyses.

Facing tougher federal health-based standards for mercury emissions in 2015, utility companies have been steadily shuttering coal-fired units, with 8,800 megawatts permanently closed in 2012 and another 5,781 megawatts projected to be closed this year.”


Idled Mines



We were warned . This is one instance where Obama told the truth.




” Production data from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration shows that mines idled in the first half of 2013 produced a combined 11.4 million tons of coal in 2012.”



   It’s only going to get worse , and as energy prices rise so does the cost of EVERYTHING else . It takes energy to produce goods and it takes energy to deliver goods . 





Truckers Ride for the Constitution Plan A Massive Slowdown




” Not only is the government (partially) shut down, but now a caravan of truck drivers is looking to shut down traffic around Washington — as part of a bizarre protest against things that are “destroying America.” 

The group, Truckers Ride for the Constitution, is trying to attract participants for a demonstration on the Capital Beltway starting this Friday. 

“Truck drivers will not haul freight! … Truckers will lead the path to saving our country if every American rides with them!” the group’s Facebook page, which had more than 57,000 “likes” as of Tuesday morning, declares. 

The truckers reportedly plan to clog the Beltway by driving “three lanes deep” for three days.   

So just what do they want? 

Their list of grievances is apparently quite long. 

According to a report in The Hill, the drivers are complaining about wages, gas prices and federal regulations on their industry. They’re also not too chuffed about the debt or the National Security Agency’s surveillance practices. “

















” This US Map is hot-linked to the state Information for each of the states in the United States and its possessions. Simply click on the states abbreviation on the map to view that state’s information page in a new browser window. To view the All U.S. Page, click on U.S.A. at the bottom of the map to the left. Where we have made every possible effort to insure these maps and information are accurate as of the last update found in the top left corner of this page, it is your responsibility to verify the data offered. By using any of these links or information provided here, you agree to hold harmless and without liability, PC Solutions, Inc., Steve Aikens, Gary Slider, or any provider of such information. You are responsible for validating your own information.


This site is owned by Steve Aikens and Gary Slider. We firmly believe in the Second Amendment, Concealed Carry and the fact that we have both a right and responsibility to take a pro-active position in our personal defense. Unfortunately, we recognize there are so many variances in our state to state laws, the average individual may have difficulty keeping up with those laws well enough to prevent them from breaking the law, especially as they travel. Since we have the ability to research those laws and create an informative Concealed Carry specific site, we have done so.”








Photo: 20,000 Pages of Obamacare Regulations





” Late last week, Obamacare regulators added more than 800 pages to an ever-growing document that will govern your healthcare.  The bureaucrats’ work product now prints out to 20,000 pages — nearly eight times the length of the infamous original bill:

That tower is already taller than Kobe Bryant (see update), and much of the law hasn’t even gone into effect yet.  According to the Government Accountability Office, Obamacare is projected to add $6.2 trillion to the nation’s long-term deficits, despite presidential assurances that it wouldn’t add a “single dime” to our red ink:



Not one dime , but 58 trillion dimes … Good grief 



See also :


Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing your taxes.




And we wouldn’t want Fido to feel left out : 


Obamacare May Bite You At The Vet’s Office





The Heritage Foundation









” WASHINGTON (AP) — While the “fiscal cliff” of looming tax increases and spending cuts dominates political conversation in Washington, some Republicans and business groups see signs of a “regulatory cliff” that they say could be just as damaging to the economy.

For months, federal agencies and the White House have sidetracked dozens of major regulations that cover everything from power plant pollution to workplace safety to a crackdown on Wall Street.

The rules had been largely put on hold during the presidential campaign as the White House sought to quiet Republican charges that President Barack Obama was an overzealous regulator who is killing U.S. jobs.

But since the election, the Obama administration has quietly reopened the regulations pipeline.”



Illustration By Steve Rustad

Obamacare Requires 34 Million Pizza Nutrition Signs In Stores


Sample of simple pizza nutrition sign.



” New Obamacare regulations targeting the fast food and grocery store market that require signs detailing calorie and nutritional information on every product will force pizza makers like Domino’s to post up to 34 million different signs in every store: One for every possible pizza order.

“It’s not like a Big Mac. Pizza is customizable, there are options to factor in,” said Jenny Fouracre-Petko, legislative director for Domino’s and a member of the trade group American Pizza Community. “There are 34 million pizza combinations. We’ve done the math.” ”



Could This Crowd In DC Be Anymore Clueless About The Real World ? This Is What You Get When You Dispense With The Founder’s Idea Of Citizen Representatives . We’ll Never Right This Ship With A Professional Class Of Politicians .

  The title above is a plea of sorts for help creating a suitably clever category for this type of post . Call it idiocy , bureaucratic overreach , ah , I don’t know , thus the cry for reader contributions .

   Anyway , earlier I posted about an Idaho regulation governing how a citizen should deal with roadkill . The idea of the need for such wasted funds and government intrusion struck me as absurd so I brought it to your attention .
    Now I find another of similar folly and come to the realization that there are a limitless supply of equally inane rules , ordinances and laws and that they could easily comprise a regular feature here at YouViewed.com .
    While I recognize the place for the idiocy of the day/week category , I’m afraid that I’ve already linked forever , in my mind anyway , the term idiocy with my buddy Joe ” Idiocy ” Biden so I need something else to title the ludicrous government regulation/rule/law of the moment .

Enough of the intro , here is the ??? of the day brought to my attention by Lowering The Bar :

Can’t a man and his wallaby be left alone ?

” According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review , a Pennsylvania man accused of harboring a
wallaby has pleaded no contest to that charge, and was sentenced last week to one year of probation. ”

Now imagine a year’s probation without any physical evidence of harm to or even of the actual existence of the alleged wallaby.

“Ott refused to comment
as to the wallaby’s location “but said it is being well cared for.” Ott pleaded no contest to one count of unlawful importation of a wallaby and one count of tampering with evidence ( i.e.wallaby concealment).
The wallaby, if that’s what it was, may just have escaped. ”

Wallaby concealment …. Who’d a known ?

And lest we yanks think we rule in the stupidity and waste department we are reminded that our cousins across the pond have eons more experience in the “ridiculous” arena : 

Also via LTB

” For those of you who are not entirely clear on how to wash your hands, here’s a handy instructional video on the subject created by
the county council of West Sussex in the UK. Some residents were upset when the council revealed in March that it had spent over
£100,000 to make 92 such videos, covering not just hand-washing but also such perplexing topics as how to use a compass and how to make a phone call. “I have my phone firmly in my right hand,” said the star of the latter video, “and then select the digit of choice, in my case the left index finger.”
Presumably there is a separate video for left-handers. “