Tag Archive: Refineries

Why? Because Of Obama , That’s Why




” Her trip took her to Gascoyne in the southwest corner of the state where she saw 218 miles of pipe sitting quietly among wildflowers in an 83-acre field.

“There’s millions worth of pipe sitting on the ground when it should be in the ground,” Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) told Harder. $200 million of pipe to be exact.

That pipe should be part of the Keystone XL pipeline moving Canadian heavy crude from oil sands and Bakken crude from hydraulic fracturing to refineries on the Gulf Coast. But President Obama refuses to approve Keystone XL even though it’ll create thousands of jobs, help state and local economies, and improve energy security while having minimal environmental impact.”


See Also : My Week in Oil Boom Country













Forbes reports :

“An estimated 50% of East Coast refinery capacity is predicted to shut down in June thanks to EPA regulatory restrictions on new refinery plant construction and upgrades, along with others that discourage Gulf Coast suppliers from piping gas into to this fuel-starved region. Unsurprisingly, theEnergy Department warns that the resulting shortage will cause pump prices to spike, and “While the short-term effects of the idled Philadelphia-area refineries will be concentrated in the Central Atlantic, their long-term impacts will be more evenly spread throughout the entire East Coast.”

Like I said , whatever it takes . Better stock up on candles and horses as we will be back in the Dark Ages if these Luddites get another 4 years .