Tag Archive: Recession

The Cloward-Piven Way





” If the Cloward and Piven agenda were being implemented, would it look any different?

In all likelihood, they would be delighted with the massive deficits and the “spillage” that is the lax implementation of government entitlements.

1966 Article by Columbia Professors Cloward and Piven was a hot topic for awhile, but has since fell from attention.  But isn’t now the time to reconsider exactly how this administration is steering people into record government program participation?

Some quotes from the 1966 article that reveal the mission.  Increase the entitlement roles, redistribute wealth, guarantee income, and reduce qualifications for participating in these programs.  Use organizing, demonstrating and a “climate of militancy”.”

Obama: 57 Vacation Days Since Vowing He ‘Will Not Rest Until Anyone’ Can Find A GOOD Job





” It’s time for the State of the Union address, which means the president is pivoting back to jobs once more. It’s an annual game where President Obama pretends to be focused on employment and many in the media pretend to believe him.

Back in 2009, the president promised never to “rest” until the job situation was fixed. Nearly four years later, he’s done a lot of resting.

According to The Weekly Standard, Pres. Obama has had 83 vacation days overall and Factcheck.org says he took 26 of those in 2009. That means the president has taken at least 57 vacation days since his vow not to “rest.” “

New Study Confirms Economy Was Destroyed By Democrat Policies


U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) brief the media after a meeting on Capitol Hill

Alex Wong:Getty Images



” A new study from the widely respected National Bureau of Economic Research released this week has confirmed beyond question that the left’s race-baiting attacks on the housing market (the Community Reinvestment Act–enacted under Carter, made shockingly more aggressive under Clinton) is directly responsible for imploding the housing market and destroying the economy.

The study painstakingly sorted through failed home loans that caused the housing market collapse and identified an overwhelming connection between them and CRA mortgages.

Again, let’s review:

-President Bush went to Congress repeatedly for years warning them that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were going to destroy the economy (17 times in 2008 alone). Democrats continuously ignored him, shut down his proposals along party lines and continued raiding the institutions for campaign contributions on their way down.”


  Not really news to us that pay attention , but still nice to see in print from a significant news source .





    A simple perusal of the above table will show that in 19 quarters of Obama governance there have only been 8 quarters with growth at 2% or above . That is anemic “growth” at best . Three quarters with negative growth and three quarters with growth in the 3% range . Pathetic . For a sitting president to be re-elected with this economic record is not only unprecedented but an embarrassment .



 ” The American economy has taken a nosedive.For the first time in over three years, the U.S. Gross Domestic Product shrank. Between October and December of 2012, the GDP had a negative growth of 0.1. And let’s remember that this is the same quarter where we saw the media go into hyper-drive to spin Obama’s anemic job and GDP growth into a repeat of the Roaring Twenties.”


   Media corruption is the obvious answer . If the MSM did their job even half a diligently in the age of Obama as they did with Bush we would all be better off . 


” The media is just as bad. The biggest story in our country today should be the increase in poverty and an unemployment crisis so dire our labor force has shrunk to thirty-year lows. But neither will speak of it. We do, however, know all about some idiot and his phony girlfriend. We know all about a “heckle” that didn’t happen. One wonders which is the bread and which is the circus.”


   We anxiously await the ” unexpected ” nature of the first quarter report for 2013 . With the tax hikes and Obamacare mandates kicking in as of January first we wager that this quarter is going to be a real winner .



Foodstamps Soar By Most In 16 Months: Over 1 Million Americans Enter Poverty In Last Two Months






” And we thought last month’s delayed foodstamp data was bad. The just reported foodstamp number for September was a doozy, with 607,544 new Americans becoming eligible for foodstamps, as a record 47.7 million Americans are now living in poverty at least according to the USDA. The monthly increase was the highest since May 2011, and with August’s 421K new impoverished America, over 1 millionAmericans made the EBT card their new best friend. ”




” They’ll Turn Us All Into Beggars , ‘ Cause They’re Easier To Please  “




Check These Stories For Further Edification 





State-Level Job Loss …

… Since the Start of the Recession



  “Employment in ten states is above their pre-recession levels. At 16.7%, North Dakota has, by far, the biggest job growth over this period, with Alaska and Texas growing at 3.4% and 3.0%, respectively.”


Notice anything about the growth states ? A common denominator ? 


  “What happened last night was predictable. Mitt Romney was well prepared and, without being uncivil, he went on the attack. Occasionally, policy wonk that he is, he got lost in the weeds. But for the most part he laid out broad themes, and it was easy to foresee what he would say. It was easy because Barack Obama is a sitting duck. His is a failed Presidency — and everyone who has been paying attention who is not blinded by partisan passion knows it.

  Obama inherited a recession and, without bothering to disguise what he was up to, dedicated himself to exploiting it for the purpose of jamming through a radical program, dear to his party, that never had public support. About the recession, he did nothing, assuming that the economy would bounce back quickly, as it usually does, and that he would get the credit for the recovery. In fact, everything that he did do when he and his party were fully in control — the looting bill thinly disguised as a stimulus bill, Obamacare, and Dodd-Frank — retarded the recovery by running up the deficit, loading on new taxes, and making it more expensive to do business. To this the President added the threat of further tax increases — targeted on the investing class: those especially apt, when future developments are exceedingly unclear, to be hesitant to risk their hard-earned capital in funding new ventures or in expanding old ones. The truth is that the programs passed by the Democrats, when they had the initiative, produced stagnation and prolonged and deepened the downturn. All that Mitt Romney had to do last night was to draw attention to the level of unemployment, the level of underemployment, and the size of the deficit.”



Romney slams Obama in tough speech

   ” Mitt Romney used a tough new campaign speech to personally blast the Obama campaign on Tuesday, saying comments earlier in the day from Vice President Biden are “what an angry and desperate Presidency looks like.”

“Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago,” Romney
said while campaigning in Ohio.”

  Things to come ?

” So the Bernanke Put is a lie. The markets will be realizing this in the coming months if not sooner. When they do, we’ll see the REAL
Collapse: the one to which 2008 was just a warm-up. “

  As Conrad Black explains when you have nothing positive to tout you are left with no alternative but to attack your opponent .

” So far, the presidential-election campaign has moderately exceeded even very high expectations of banality and nastiness. It is like a three-legged race between the head of a failed administration (except in continuing to combat terrorism), who is smearing his opponent because the president can’t run on his record; “

  The Hill
No real surprise here until you get to the end .

” Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change
America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority.

   A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership. ”

   What is difficult to fathom is the fact that 35 percent believe we have changed for the better .

Where do these people live ?

Welcome to the Mancession


 ” Check out this list found over at The Economic Collapse Blog that says that recession has been particularly difficult for men. Now, with that being said, let’s be clear: this does NOT mean women haven’t been affected by the recession, but the list simply points to a few reason showing how men have been directly affected in these categories. See for yourself and comment below to let us know what you think: “



” #1 During the last recession, men lost twice as many jobs as women did.

#2 According to the Economic Policy Institute, the “real entry-level hourly wage for men who recently graduated from high school” has declined from $15.64 in 1979 to $11.68 last year. “

Ed Morrissey :

“Anyone want to try defining “overnight” for me, just so that we have a rule of thumb going forward? On Inauguration Day, I would have accepted “2009″ or even “his first two years in office” as plausible answers. Instead, five months out from election day, somehow dawn still has yet to break. His braintrust is now actually on the cusp of arguing, in all seriousness, that it’s unfair to judge him on what’s happened in the jobs market over the course of his entire first term.”

“The Keynesian government-spending model has proven a complete failure. It’s the Obama model. And it has produced such an anemic recovery that frankly, at 2 percent growth, we’re back on the front end of a potential recession. If anything goes wrong — like another blow-up in Europe — there’s no safety margin to stop a new recession.”

  The wages of progressivism .

” While Greek politicians squabble over who can – or can’t – form a coalition government in the
wake of May 6 elections in which anti-austerity rage caused a fractured result, more than
1,000 businesses in Greece are closing up shop each week, victims of a deep recession caused by pay cuts, tax hikes and slashed pensions that have made many Greeks simply stop spending
on anything than goods needed for their survival. “

  This John Hawkins piece just happens to open with a “Quote of the Day ” post of mine from the other day . No great significance there , just my musing . Anyway , the point of the article ( well made ) is to verbalize the reasons that inevitably betray the left’s economic policies and doom them to failure .
   We who subscribe to a more ” original intent ” type of philosophy in matters of import most likely find Hawkins’ truths to be self-evident . At risk of preaching to the choir , I recommend his post as a concise yet thorough primer to fall back on the next time you are innundated with the usual “we just need to spend more ” litany from your more progressive friends . The aforementioned mantra is , as we know  “the solution to all ills” to the progressive mind .

PS: To be fair I must take slight issue with Mr. Hawkins on item #6 . The way I see it , the Right side of the aisle , with scant few exceptions , has been just as eager to regulate us into an early grave us the progressive left .

“There’s a reason it took the country so long to pull out of the Great Depression under FDR, why Americans became acquainted with the Misery Index under Carter, and why we’ve had the weakest economic recovery from a recession in U.S. history under Obama. Liberal economic policies just don’t work. In fact, the only time left-wingers have taken charge in the last 40 years without decimating the economy was during the Clinton years when Republicans in Congress balanced the budget and spent 6 years strong-arming Clinton to keep him from molesting the economy like one of his interns. This is no coincidence; it’s a natural consequence of the errant liberal view of economics.

1) Keynesian stimulus doesn’t work. As Walter Williams has pointed out, the whole idea of revving up the economy via a government stimulus is doomed from the start.

…Where does Congress get the resources for the spending? Well, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Santa Claus. So, the only way Congress can get one dollar to spend is to take that one dollar from Americans, borrow that one dollar from Americans, or inflate that one dollar from Americans.

 Who said Obama has no accomplishments ? Labor force participation hits a 30 year low . If you are feeling confident because the unemployment rate is slowly falling , don’t be . More people aren’t finding work . More people are ceasing to look for work . 

From Zero Hedge

People Not In Labor Force Soar By 522,000, Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1981

From the comments :

” Interesting.

Now the comparative years are startng to slide back. All comparisons were to 2005 and 2000 and 1995…..suddenly, we are in 1981 territory?

At this rate of reverse acceleration, we should be at war shortly and then back in the warm arms of Great Depression comparisons within a few weeks?

What goes up must come down…nah, that’s old ways of thinking…. new math, new rules don’t allow for such logic.

What is pushed up can be kept up is the new mantra.”
