Tag Archive: Rally

Some Videos From The Web From CCDL Rally @Hartford Statehouse Saturday April 5th


   We are still trying to process our large collection of photos from the pro-gun rally in Hartford this weekend . WordPress does not seem to like our high resolution photos very much as it takes in excess of twenty minutes to upload a single photo . We are thinking that perhaps we should host the pictures elsewhere and just post a link to them . Does anyone have any helpful hints to offer ? Should we use Imgur , Instagram , photobucket ? 

   Any advice would be very welcome as up to this point we have not tried to post many of our own original photos at one time . We are open to all suggestions as we have a couple hundred photos from the event and while many are similar we would prefer to post them all and let our readers decide which to view . 

   Another question for the masses: We are starting to photoshop and desire to label our original photos with a YouViewed tag . Up til now we have put text on each photo individually and this is very time consuming . Does anyone know if we can save our “YouViewed.com” layer in Photoshop and simply add it to each photo instead of having to type it out and arrange the type size and location on each photo ?




Gun Rights Rally Hartford Connecticut 4 5 2014




2014 CCDL Hartford 2nd Amendment Gun Rally


Hartford Gun Rights Rally April 5, 2014


2014 CCDL Gun Rights Rally in Hartford Connecticut


CT Gun Rights Fight (Update)


    We hope these videos will keep your interest as we try to put together our collection of photos of the event . Again , if anyone has some tips for us to deal with our large collection of pics please leave a comment . Thanks , hope to have more for you all soon . 




Raw video of David Codrea’s Address


    Posting will be light this afternoon folks as we are off to support the Second Amendment in Hartford today and will hopefully be able to offer our readers some original video , commentary , pictures and perhaps interviews from the Connecticut statehouse . We hope that any of our readers that are in the Connecticut area make an effort to attend as well . See our sticky post at the top of the page for details , directions and parking info … Molon Labe !





Published on Mar 2, 2014

” Thousands take to the streets of Hong Kong to protest against threats to press freedom in the city, days after a former newspaper editor was attacked with a cleaver.”









Massachusetts Breaks Silence About Justina Pelletier, Drops Gag Order Against Father


” Today the state spoke out on Justina’s situation. Massachusetts DCF spokesman, Alec Loftus said, “Our primary goal has always been the health and well-being of Justina. We want the parents to be able to work with the providers and courts to ultimately move Justina back to her home state of Connecticut. That is the objective, and is consistent with our previous efforts to find an appropriate placement near her home. A medical team has been identified at Tufts, the family’s provider of choice, with the clinical expertise to care for Justina.

  While this sounds like positive news for Lou and Linda, the parents are not very hopeful.

  Lou told The Blaze, “They have thrown more carrots out there over the last 13 months, dangling, teasing us, and that’s the cruelest thing you can do.” He claimed the state has made several broken promises regarding the Justina’s custody in the past. “Actions speak louder than words,” he said.”

    Ben Swann has more on the state’s latest moves and if you’d like to make your feelings know about state sponsored kidnapping there will be a rally today at noon in Framingham Massachusetts:



“Justina Pelletier Prayer Vigil and Witness!”

#FreeJustina Prayer Vigil

Today 12:00 until 13:30

  • Wayside Youth and Family Support. 1 Frederick Abbott Way, Framingham, MA 01701
  •   On Saturday, March 1 at 12:00 P.M., we are inviting people of faith and good will to stand in solidarity with the Pelletier family and join us at a prayer vigil and public witness at the facility where there daughter Justina is being held.

      It is critical that we be a loud and passionate voice for this 15 year old girl who was ripped from her home by the government against the wishes of her family. We cannot be silent when we see the rights of families and parents trampled by public officials and courts.

      We want to stress this is NOT a protest or demonstration and we are there to peacefully prayer and call for Justina to be returned to the loving arms of her family. Also, where the vigil is being held, the residents of the facility will not be able to see us.

    “ Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” 
    ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

      We’ve found that Justina will remain at the Wayside Youth and Family Center for now. We will keep you updated with her location, but for now, plan to meet at the Wayside center.

      The location is: Wayside Youth and Family Support.
    1 Frederick Abbott Way, Framingham, MA 01701

      Parking is sparse so we recommend people carpool. Park in the Whole Foods lot on Worcester Road. You will see us gathered near the entrance on Lockland Avenue which is public property.

   If you are anywhere near Framingham this afternoon please stop by and lend your support . It will be greatly appreciated and after all , the next child stolen may be yours .

Olya YarychkivskaHuman Chain Of Freedom

Razom for Ukraine


Chain Of Freedom



” Dear friends, please join us on Saturday, Feb 22nd to support Ukrainian people.

  We are inviting you to come to Brooklyn Bridge (the Manhattan Side) to form a human chain to demonstrate our solidarity with people of Ukraine. We will hold Ukrainian flags, sing the national anthem and light candles in memory of killed protesters. Please bring Ukrainian flags, black ribbons and battery operated candles to the event.”











From ReasonTV



Published on Oct 26, 2013

” On October 26, 2013, protesters from across the political spectrum gathered in Washington, D.C. to take part in the Stop Watching Us rally, a demonstration against the National Security Agency’s domestic and international surveillance programs. 

Reason TV spoke with protesters – including 2012 Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson and former Congressman Dennis Kucinich – to discuss the rally, why people should worry about the erosion of privacy, and President Barack Obama’s role in the growth of the surveillance state.

Produced by Joshua Swain, interviews by Todd Krainin.

About 3 minutes long. 

Go to http://reason.com/reasontv/2013/10/26… for downloadable versions of this video and subscribe to ReasonTV’s YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live.”








Park Service OKs Immigration Reform Rally On ‘Closed’ National Mall




” A planned immigration reform rally will take place on the National Mall on Tuesday even though the site is closed due to the government shutdown.

Organizers for the “Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform” were spotted Monday setting up a stage and equipment on the National Mall for the rally which will take place on Tuesday.”










Tea Party Rally Draws Modest Crowd On Capitol Hill



” A modest crowd of Tea Party enthusiasts descended on Washington in this afternoon’s “Audit the IRS” rally on Capitol Hill.

“There’s some people who want to write the obituary for the Tea party,” Mike Needham, CEO of the Heritage Foundation’s Heritage Action for America group, told the audience.

“But the Tea Party is alive and well. We are going to write the obituary for big government,” Needham said.”











The State of Colorado Part I: Denver Day of Resistance (VIDEO)


Mike Holler Denver Day of Resistance


” Protesters from across the state of Colorado scaled the steps up to the capitol building in Denver, rallying against the proposed gun control measures legislators will be voting on later this year. It was called the Denver Day of Resistance.

At least 400 people made it to the rally (protest organizers told us 500), and passers-by showed their support by honking regularly as they drove past the crowd.

There was no counter-protest, there was no conflict with the police, just a few hundred people cheering, singing, praying and showing their support for gun rights. It was one “hallelujah” short of preaching to the choir, although there were plenty of “amens.” “


Ex Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino @ Guns Across America Rally in Annapolis, MD – 2nd Amendment

Watch This






I Like To Waste My Time



Best Rally Video

Obama-Springsteen Concert Down 62,000 People From 2008 Concert-


  ” The Kerry-Springsteen concert in 2004 drew 80,000 people .

   And the Obama-Springsteen concert in Cleveland back in 2008 drew 80,000 people .

   The Obama-Springsteen concert today in Madison, Wisconsin drew only 18,000..In Madison Wisconsin”

… Romney And Ryan Draw A Huge Crowd In Virginia

” Tea Party Patriots to Salute US Military & SEAL Team 6 With Exciting Event Today at Liberty Plaza”

“The Tea Party Patriots host this event to honor men and women in uniform. There will be former members of SEAL Team Six, Army
Rangers, Gold Star parents and modern-day patriots, along with a few surprise guests. 4-6 p.m. at Liberty Plaza, 180 S Morgan St.,

  “In the Spirit of Andrew Breitbart Conservatives Will Confront Corrupt Media at “Occupy the Truth” March and Rally”

  ” On Saturday August 18th conservatives from across the Midwest will converge on Cleveland,
Ohio and demand that the media report the truth on the #Occupy terrorists.”

  “Documents and a whistle-blower affidavit obtained by The Daily Caller charge that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Illinois Democratic Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., and Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., participated in an unethical — and possibly illegal — effort to force 76 employees of an Illinois state agency to engage in political activity
on the taxpayers’ dime.”

Ignore us at your peril .

  “The 4,000 Wisconsin tea-
party activists rallying at Gorney Park this morning were a “red” crowd.
   But on stage, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch was
working blue. Kleefisch, who is facing a recall challenge on
Tuesday from Madison firefighter Mahlon Mitchell, began her fiery speech by invoking David and Goliath. She likened the “big union
bosses from out of state” to Goliath, accusing them of coming to Wisconsin to “pick a fight with David.” Kleefisch pointed out that in the story, David had five stones, then rattled off a number of the reforms Governor Scott Walker
enacted, calling them her “stones.” “