Tag Archive: Rallies

Thousands Attend Day Of Resistance Rallies In Support Of Second Amendment [photos]


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” Thousands across the nation gathered today to mark Day of Resistance, an event sparked by President Obama’s signing in December of 23 executive actions on “gun violence reduction.” The president and his staff hand-picked four children to join him on stage to plead their case, but as more and more legislators at the state and national levels push for extensive restrictions on gun ownership, plenty of Americans would like to have their say as well, even if they have to brave the elements to do it.”




Guns Save Lives


Good day to you all . I write this first about us type post with the intention of self-aggrandizement …. Whoa now , just a second you say … But its not what you think . I speak for the promotion of our new website and not of myself . I’ll leave the self promotion to the denizens of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
   As our blog readership grows it is hoped that the growth will manifest itself in visibility for our project. The blog was started as a way for us to supply the site’s editorial page with content on a minute to minute basis without the hassle of constantly updating the site .
   It is working well in all respects but one ; a great deal of our readership is viewing us at the WordPress blog address and it would be much more productive for us if you viewed our posts from the website , thus building our exposure to the wider world of the web .

    We need video submissions to get the site rolling and to capture and hold  people’s interest . Please if you or your friends have first person vids of importance tell them about us .
   We are very excited about the ” sunshine project ” as we call it , but we can’t succeed without viewer input . Spread the word and help us spread the light . Thanks , JG

Posted by John Galt