Tag Archive: Racist Comments

Pro-Illegal Alien Activists On White House Facebook Page: “F**k All You White People,” We Win!






” Pro-Illegal alien activists are declaring victory on the White House’s Facebook page. More than that, they are specifically calling out white people.

  This is the White House’s actual page, which has on it the President’s official video announcing his executive amnesty plan. And the White House is allowing racist antagonism like the comments below.

  Racist comments by pro-illegal alien activists litter the page. Here are just a few:
Obama Comment

Obama Comment 5

Obama Comment 4

Obama Comment 3

Obama Comment 2

  Over on Twitter, people of about the same intelligence are saying similar things, again specifically saying racist things towards whites: ”


Read the rest at The Pundit Press










Harry Reid Just Told Asian Americans They’re Not ‘Smarter Than Anybody Else.’ He Does Stuff Like This A Lot






” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says things from time to time that are at best impolitic and at worst pretty offensive.The term for both of these things in today’s political vernacular is “gaffe.”

  Such is the case again with the above remarks from Reid, made in front of the Asian Chamber of Commerce and helpfully clipped Friday by the GOP opposition research group America Rising.

” The Asian population is so productive,” Reid told the group. “I don’t think you’re smarter than anybody else, but you’ve convinced a lot of us you are.”

  He added after his remarks that he has problems “keeping my Wongs straight.” (Rimshot.) The remarks are already being given the g-word treatment. And, yes, they are certainly questionable.

Update 12:45 p.m.: Reid has now apologized, saying in a statement: “My comments were in extremely poor taste and I apologize. Sometimes I say the wrong thing.”

  But Reid has also made a career out of saying such odd things — so much so that few tend to notice stuff like this. He’s like Joe Biden; he’s almost built up a gaffe immunity by committing so many small-ish gaffes.

  It’s hard to argue Reid (and Biden, for that matter) doesn’t pay a price — given his unpopularity back home and nationally — but he has yet to ruin his career. Here’s a sampling of some of Reid’s greatest gaffes:

1) “Negro dialect”

2) Mitt Romney hasn’t paid taxes in 10 years

3) The hottest senator

4) Those smelly tourists


Washington Post has more on Reid’s bid to out-gaffe “Crazy Joe” , and you can find further details on Reid and his history of stupid comments below …


Harry Reid and the Source of Democrats’ Gaffe Immunity

Harry Reid Gaffe: Were Jokes to Asian Audience Racist?

Harry Reid opens mouth, inserts foot

















Texas School Counselor Fired After Insane Facebook Post: Whites “Will Soon Be Wiped From the Earth. Lol.”



” After the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas, Karon Wright apparently became angry about some of the comments other people on Facebook made about Barack Obama. Then Wright, who was a counselor at Andrew Jackson Middle School in Texas, unwisely wrote the following.

“Its amazing how the “whites” get angry when Obama speaks. Oh well…its most of the whites who is getting blown away. So they will soon be wiped from the earth. Lol.”

Shortly thereafter, the school wiped Wright’s name from the school website and unceremoniously fired her.”