Tag Archive: Provocation

Europe’s Largest Oil Refinery Catches On Fire, Happens To Be In Russia





” Amazingly, no one was injured when Europe’s largest oil refinery, like, totally burned with the force of a thousand suns yesterday. And obviously it’s in Russia.”

” The refinery is OJSC TANECO, formerly known as the Nizhnekamsk refinery, in Tartarstan. If you get into your Lada and drive due East from Moscow, you’ll get there in about 14 hours.”



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Obama Inc. Bows To North Korean Threats, Claims It Isn’t Bowing To North Korean Threats





” Obama Inc. is absolutely not backing down by cancelling a missile launch. That would be crazy. They’re just scrapping the missile launch to ease tensions which is nothing at all like backing down.

The decision to delay critical U.S missile tests is not a sign that the White House is bowing to North Korea’s “bellicose rhetoric,” a top administration official said Sunday.

During an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” senior Obama adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the decision was “absolutely not” a retreat after Pyongyang’s recent aggressive actions against the U.S. and its allies in the Western Pacific.”










” Russian attack submarine sailed in Gulf of Mexico undetected for
weeks, U.S. officials say”

” Of the submarine activity, Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas), member of the Senate Armed Services.Committee, said, “It’s a confounding situation arising
from a lack of leadership in our dealings with Moscow. While the president is touting our supposed ‘reset’ in relations with Russia, Vladimir Putin is actively working against American interests,
whether it’s in Syria or here in our own backyard.” “