Tag Archive: Protests

10 Of The Most Disturbing Pictures And Videos From The Ferguson Rioting Last Night



Looting Selfie





” * Some idiot doing a “Looting selfie,” courtesy of Twitchy. “



Right Wing News has the rest













FBI Nabs Two Aspiring Ferguson Protesters With Guns, Explosives







” When I first heard about this story on Twitter and mentioned it, I was immediately shouted down by some left side tweeters who claimed that this was a “set-up” or a “mistake” or a report which had been “debunked” already. However, I’ve yet to find a single, reputable news outlet which is backing down on it, including not only NBC News and Reuters, but Talking Points Memo. (And if anyone was going to pull the plug, it would have been the latter.)

  What are we discussing? The FBI has nabbed two individuals heading for Ferguson who were allegedly engaged in straw purchases of guns, as well as explosives.

  Federal law enforcement officials say two men arrested Friday, now held on gun charges, are suspected of trying to acquire pipe bombs with the intent of using them during protests in Ferguson, Missouri…

  Court documents say the two men, Brandon Orlando Baldwin and Olajuwon Davis, were arrested after they made false statements while trying to buy two pistols at a sporting goods store in Hazelwood, Missouri. They currently face only the firearms charges, though officials say other charges are pending.

The story gets even more convoluted. “


Read the rest at Hot Air










Arrests Made In Hong Kong Demonstrations







” Hong Kong police said Saturday that they have arrested 19 people, some of whom are believed to have organized crime ties, after mobs tried to drive pro-democracy protesters from the streets where they have held a weeklong, largely peaceful demonstration.

  At least 12 people and six officers were injured during the clashes, district commander Kwok Pak-chung said at a pre-dawn press briefing. Protest leaders called off planned talks with the government on political reforms after the battles kicked off Friday afternoon in gritty, blue-collar Mong Kok, across Victoria Harbor from the activists’ main protest camp.

  Police struggled for hours to control the battles as attackers pushed, shoved and jeered the protesters. Those arrested face charges of unlawful assembly, fighting in public and assault, Kwok said, adding that eight men are believed to have backgrounds involving triads, or organized crime gangs.”


Read more










6 Cities React To Illegal Immigrants In Their Communities


A demonstrator at a protest near the entrance to the US Border Patrol facility in Murrieta, Calif. on July 7, 2014. (Photo: Newscom)



” An influx of illegal and unaccompanied immigrant children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador in U.S. border towns is causing the federal government to look elsewhere around the country to house them. But many Americans oppose the placement of illegal immigrants in their communities.”


See how these half-dozen different cities react to Obama’s illegal immigrant hordes …












Feds Engage In Chinese-Style Brutality And Violence







” In 1989, members of China’s Democracy Movement staged a massive protest in Tiananmen Square. In response, the communist Chinese government commanded near-total control over the nation’s media while dispatching heavily armed soldiers and tanks to surround and intimidate the protesters.

  Today, the U.S. government has dispatched hundreds of heavily armed soldiers, snipers and helicopters to lay siege to a ranch near Bunkerville Nevada, called the “Bundy Ranch,” where the Bundy family has been running cattle since the 1870’s. In 1949, the federal Bureau of Land Management was created, and in the 1990’s the BLM claimed (false) authority to start charging “grazing fees” for Bundy’s cattle. Today, the BLM claims the Bundy family owes over $1 million to the government.

  In order to collect that $1 million and lay seize the land the Bundy family has been using for generations, the BLM in engaged in the very same kind of brutality and threat of violence that the Chinese government used against its protesters in 1989. I fact, similarities between the two are numerous:

•  The mainstream media now functions as a total government mouthpiece, broadcasting lies and propaganda such as the false claim that “a protester kicked one of the BLM’s security dogs.” (In fact, a BLM officer verbally commanded the dog to attack the protesters.) This is similar to the Chinese government directly controlling virtually the entire Chinese press.

•  The massive show of unjustified force, such as positioning government snipers on hilltops around the Bundy ranch, with line-of-sight inside the Bundy home so that shots can be taken to kill the Bundy family.

•  The deployment of absurd “overkill” hardware: Tanks in the case of China, and government helicopters in the case of the Bundy ranch in Nevada. It has also been reported by Pete Santilli and Adam Kokesh that BLM has hired Blackwater-style operatives to don BLM badges and wade into the scene as soldiers for hire.

•  The intimidation and silencing of local law enforcement. In the case of the Bundy ranch in Nevada, the local Sheriff of Clark County has the constitutional authority to arrest all BLM personnel for felony theft of cattle and trespassing. Yet he has been intimidated into silence, thereby abandoning his own constituents. In China, officials who were friendly to the protesters were demoted, purged or kidnapped and killed by the Chinese government.

•  The Chinese government declared Martial Law and arrested anyone they wished. Similarly in Nevada, the BLM has declared a state of effective Martial Law by threatening to arrest anyone who sets foot on the desert dirt. The BLM also set up a “First Amendment Zone” and threatened to arrest anyone who strayed outside the zone who wished to express their First Amendment rights. Dave Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy was brutalized and arrested for taking photographs on a public highway. “



   Natural News has much more on the powder keg that is Bunkerville .

     See also this report alleging that the Feds have shut down the area cell towers in order to cease communications and this reportthat raises further questions about the motives of the State and features an appearance by none other than Dingy Harry Reid . As we said yesterday , if there is something dirty going on in Nevada chances are that Reid is involved 

  This letter sent to Jim Stone paints an ominous picture of Federal motives and reveals them for the thuggish thieves that they are .




” Immediate family friend of the Bundy’s tells it all in a mail sent to Jimstonefreelance.com


A Rancher TELLS ALL:

B. Hunt wrote:

  I live in SW Utah. I grew up on a ranch less than 100 miles from the Bundy’s ranch. My father knows Cliven Bundy. I know Cliven’s son Ryan. This is not a hoax, it is an action of force by the BLM.

  The BLM was going to sell the cattle at one of the smallest cattle markets in Utah.No cattle markets in Nevada would take the cattle without a properly signed brand inspection (which the BLM cannot obtain without Cliven Bundy’s signature). The BLM paid the owner of the Utah cattle market $300,000 to do the sale (‘R’ Livestock Connection in Monroe, Utah, owned by one Scott G. Robbins, according to the Utah Business Entity Search). Utah Governor Herbert stepped in and forbid them from bringing the cattle into Utah without the legally required health and brand inspections (which again, require Bundy’s signature) and that no feral cattle are allowed to be imported at all (per Utah statute). Because Bundy claims ownership over maybe 350-500 head of branded cattle, the other 500-700 estimated head of cattle would all be considered feral. BLM officially backed off, but we suspect they are still secretly shipping them through Utah without any permission to do so, to “private” buyers in Colorado. The contract cowboys that the BLM hired to do the roundup are from Sampson Livestock in Meadow, Utah (traitors one and all).

  From what I understand, Cliven Bundy owns both the Water Rights and Grazing Rights to all of the land where his cattle run. If Bundy failed to use them, the Grazing Rights would revert to the BLM and would be retired, while the Water Rights would revert to the State of Nevada, likely to be sold to the highest bidder (which would probably be a bidding war between mineral companies that are behind this action with the BLM and the City of Las Vegas which is thirsty for water and has had multiple attempts to buy water–through eminent domain from Utah farmers and ranchers–from Utah, which were all blocked by the Utah Legislature and Utah Governor Herbert). Chances are, the BLM has already filed a claim on the water rights so that they can sell to the highest bidder (instead of the state) and are trying to get the cattle off to show that Bundy cannot use the water beneficially (much like what the US Forest Service and BLM both tried to do to Wayne Hage).

  Now, for Cliven Bundy, he’s not fighting this for his cattle or his own livelihood. He recognizes that he will probably die before this fight is over. He has said multiple times that he is fighting this to wake people up about the tyranny of the Federal Government and also to help wake up the western states about getting the rights to their own land back from the federal government, which has repeatedly shut down ranchers and closed off land. (MO = 1st, get all the ranchers, farmers, Native Americans, and foresters that use the land for positive, sustainable production off of the land; 2nd, grab up all the resources; 3rd, close off the lands to public access including camping, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, boating, shooting, etc; 4th, sell off the resources to the highest bidder regardless of what that will do to the land, the local environment, or the economy; 5th, collect royalties on the resources in perpetuity; 6th, reduce and eliminate all SLS and PILT payments to the states, impoverishing them beyond belief.)

Anyway, thanks for posting about this. It is important for us to be able to raise the appropriate resistance.” “







Military Family Protesters Tell Hillary Clinton She Is Not Welcome

In San Diego








” Former Secretary of State and potential Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, recently canceled her plans to appear as the keynote speaker for the 17th Annual Western Healthcare Leadership Academy, taking place April 11th in San Diego, amid planned fervent protests from local San Diego residents.

  Protesters have organized under the banner of “The Difference Matters” coalition, a group that primarily consist of local San Diego women who refuse to allow Clinton into their community because of her alleged role in the Benghazi cover up scandal.

  Clinton originally planned to deliver the speech in person, but it is now understood that she will speak to the audience via a satellite feed displayed onto a large projection screen during the conference, PR Newswire reports.”



Read more









Never To Forget: 60 Most Impressive Photo Confrontations In Kiev




These 60 photos provide a memorable picture of the Euromaiden struggle in Kiev 



December 1, storming the Presidential Administration. Photos REUTERS / Vasily Fedosenko.

Here is another unforgettable image from early December …


December 7, from Lviv plays for the siloviki. Photo by Oleg Matsekh.

This image from February offers the ultimate in contrasts …


February 18, rainbow through the barricades. Photo porphyre.livejournal.com.

Go to Blog Armdavo for the entire collection of Euromaiden photos that will leave you speechless …

The Revolution Captured On Camera


Fireworks explode near anti-government protesters during clashes with riot police at Independence Square in Kiev on February 18

Fireworks explode near anti-government protesters during clashes with riot police at Independence Square 
in Kiev on February 18


” Ukraine has experienced its bloodiest week in decades after days of deadly clashes between anti-government protesters and police which ended in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych.

  For three months demonstrators have been involved in a stand-off with authorities in the capital Kiev.

  But on February 18 violence escalated and the Health Ministry said the death toll between protesters and police had reached 82. The protesters put that figure at over 100.

  Here are a selection of photographs which capture the devastation caused in Kiev’s Independence Square.”

Activists pay respects to protesters who were killed in clashes with police in Independence Square, the epicentre of demonstrations in Kiev

Activists pay respects to protesters who were killed in clashes with police in Independence Square, 
the epicentre of demonstrations in Kiev

Wounded people are seen after clashes with riot police in central Kiev on February 18

Wounded people are seen after clashes with riot police in central Kiev on February 18

Smoke rises above Independence Square during anti-government protests in central Kiev in the early hours of February 19

Smoke rises above Independence Square during anti-government protests in central Kiev 
in the early hours of February 19

People cheer as they listen to police officers from Lviv who have joined anti-government protesters during a rally in Independence Square in Kiev on February 21

People cheer as they listen to police officers from Lviv who have joined anti-government protesters 
during a rally in Independence Square in Kiev on February 21

   The Daily Mail has many many more photos on display courtesy of Reuters , AP , Getty , AFP and others . See the entire collection here .


Euromaidan in English


Ukraine Map Of Control




” Who controlled what before truce ended..”









Click On The Picture Below For A LiveStream Of The Ukrainian Protests



Ustream Kiev




    If you can help out with a donation please do so . There are links at the bottom of the page to help pay for the cost of the continuous livestreaming that has been broadcasting since late November .




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Ukraine Crisis: Renewed Kiev Assault On Protesters

” Police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev have launched a fresh attack on anti-government protesters as the death toll in renewed clashes has climbed to 26.

  The new attempt to uproot the protest stronghold came as President Yanukovych blamed opposition leaders for the worst violence in months of unrest.

  The EU says it expects to agree sanctions on those behind “repression”.

  The violence is contained – and mostly takes place in four square kilometres in central Kiev – but the determination of the most active protesters should not be underestimated, nor should President Viktor Yanukovych’s determination to survive.

  It’s unlikely that any leader of a Western European democracy would still be in post if similar events had happened in their country.

  What makes this crisis so serious is the quiet support that many in western Ukraine, particularly in Lviv, are giving to the violence. It means that a split between eastern Ukraine and western Ukraine is being openly discussed, even though few people say they want that.”


BBC has the story and see our previous story for more videos of the violence unfolding in Independence Square .









Shocking Police Brutality In Ukraine; Riots Spreading To Major Cities





” In a shocking video released today on the Internet, special government police force “Berkut” beat up and humiliate an arrested activist on Grushevsky Street in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev. The man, wearing a “Ukrainian cossack” haircut, is severely beaten and can be seen with bruises and lacerations all over his naked body. The police strip him to his socks in 25 degrees Farenheit weather, scream insults, and force him to hold a small shovel as they take pictures.

  Other videos of clashes and police brutality against the pro-European protesters are circulating the Internet.

  Protesters are fighting back by publishing the names of policemen and their officials responsible for the murders and brutality on social media, calling for vengeance. The flyer below promises $5,000 for the information about the “Berkut” officer who murdered activist Sergei Nigoyan and $100,000 “for the head of that scumbag.” “


Story continues







Riot Police Attacked by Molotovs



Kiev Molotovs




   Reportedly 163 officers hurt and 80 police officers hospitalized. Reuters offers another video of the violence in the streets of Kiev .



Kiev Riots












Protesters Hold Mirrors To Police, Force Them To Stare At Their Own Reflections

” In the Ukraine, hundreds of citizens have been protesting because they are unhappy with their government.

  When the protests started, there was numerous incidents of police brutality. One such attack was caught on camera:

  In response to what they thought was excessive force, the protesters in the Ukraine now bring mirrors with them. They are doing this to literally force police to look at their own reflections and face what they have turned into.”




 ” Many Ukrainian citizens claim that cops in their country only protect the government — not citizens, communities, and children.”

Read more at Ben Swann








The Brave Men And Women At The Barricades In Kiev Are Fighting For Freedom And Rule Of Law




” As the new year begins, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are manning barricades in the central square of Kiev, continuing their month-long demonstrations demanding a path towards freedom from the corrupt Yanukovych dictatorship. Imprisoned opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko has called upon the West to support the Ukrainian people by freezing the out-of-country bank accounts that Viktor Yanukovych and his cronies use to sock away their loot.”



The Ukrainians are still fighting for their rights even if the media is ignoring them . Spread the word .









Million Mask March Shuts Down Sections Of DC

Anonymous protesters at Washington Monument.



” The Million Mask March, an event organized by the Anonymous collective, unfolded in hundreds of cities around the world and the United States today.

The District of Columbia was no exception, and participants in the event peacefully assembled at national landmarks, occupied the Capitol building’s steps, shut down Pennsylvania Avenue, and briefly laid siege to the Department of Justice headquarters.


The March began at the Washington Monument at nine in the morning, where the group organized themselves as participants arrived from as far away as California, Oregon, Canada, Texas, Florida, and Maine. The air was filled with an excitement as more and more people arrived. Signs were made drawing attention to various causes including NSA surveillance, genetically modified foods, auditing the Federal Reserve, and freeing imprisoned Anons; most notably Jeremy Hammond and the PayPal 14.”



Million Mask March activists heading back to the White House.


This article from Digital Journal represents the most comprehensive , thorough piece on the Million Mask March that we have seen anywhere and includes many photographs .


We are Anonymous

We are legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us







#MillionMaskMarch: Photos From The ‘Million Mask March’ Events Around The Globe


The first arrest at the DC Million Mask March


” Supporters of the Anonymous hacktivist collective held rallies all around the world on Tuesday, Guy Fawkes Day. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November,” took on a whole new meaning as thousands protested corruption and corporatism together. Numbers aren’t in yet, but there were at least 450 scheduled rallies around the globe.

Most of the coverage you’ll find on these rallies will be very anti-Anonymous, like this one by the Washington Post. But social media tells a different story. The following slideshow is pictures from various “Million Mask March” events around the world.”


Guy Fawkes Day Videos






Published on Nov 6, 2013

In London a bonfire lit outside the gates of Buckingham Palace with crowds wearing white masks involved in scuffles with police. There were similar scenes near parliament too. Read more”




Washington DC


Published on Nov 5, 2013

” People in hundreds of cities across the world are taking part in mass rallies planned by the global protest group – Anonymous. The day of action is called the Million Mask March – it’s uniting those, protesting against the violation of online privacy, as well as corporate greed and corrupt governments. Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks – are demonstrating their allegiance with the Anonymous hacktivist group – infamous for its online anti-government actions. One of the biggest rallies is underway in Washington DC – RT’s Gayane Chichakyan joined the protesters there. Live Updates: http://on.rt.com/fnd6uh



Washington DC


Published on Nov 4, 2013

” Hundreds of cities across the world are expected to stand together as one today in major rallies planned by the global protest movement Anonymous. The Million Mask March aims to unite those protecting online privacy, as well as standing up to corporate greed, GM foods, and other causes. Gayane Chichakyan spoke to some of the activists. READ MORE http://on.rt.com/0t3ysl LIVE UPDATES http://on.rt.com/fnd6uh





Published on Nov 6, 2013

” Supporters of Anonymous take to the streets of London on November 5 2013, sparking minor clashes with police #OpVendetta #MillionMaskMarch. Report by Mark Morris.”






Streamed live on Nov 5, 2013

” Remember, remember the 5th of November. Today was the Million Mask March, a global protest held by Anonymous. Laura went down to the London march between Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament. This is the livestream of the march.”



Washington DC


Published on Nov 6, 2013

Activists from the umbrella group Anonymous donned their Guy Fawkes masks on November 5 as they held a rally outside the White House.

The 1605 failed assassin who tried to blow up the English parliament has become the symbol of the group which has various concerns including spying governments, education and war. 

Demonstrator Doug Johnson explained why he was taking part:part:

“I’m just here, I’m trying to help the American people wake up a little bit and know that it’s our life, it’s our world and we can do with it what we want and we can make it a better place if we all choose to and if we all work together.”


Techies Concerned Over NSA Surveillance Will March In D.C., Proclaiming ‘Stop Watching Us

” Organizers hope to draw a couple of thousand protesters to the rally and march, set to kick off at 11:30 a.m. Saturday in front of Union Station before moving to the Reflecting Pool at the Capitol. Speakers will include Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), former congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake and former Army Lt. Dan Choi, who is a gay-rights activist.” 

Capitol Reflecting Pool Cam

” Hosted by a hodgepodge coalition that includes the American Civil Liberties Union and the Council on American-Islamic Relations as well as libertarian-leaning groups such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute and FreedomWorks, the Stop Watching Us organizers hope for a diverse crowd that includes the Internet-weary. No need to RSVP by name: Just show up! Don’t worry about those addresses they’re collecting from you — it’s just to let lawmakers know that an actual constituent has shown up; no other use for the data planned.

But it’s the Internet-savvy who represent the beating heart of the movement. At a training session Friday morning on the Hill, a few gray-haired activists and policy wonks stood out in a crowd dominated by the postgrad vibe — beards, glasses, shaggy hair — of techies on their day off from the cubicle farm.”


    Click the picture above to go to the Washington Monument Earthcam  that provides a live feed of the National Mall and can be zoomed in to see the Capitol Reflecting Pool , albeit a bit pixilated . Union Station , being a transportation hub is devoid of street cameras so this is the only live view that we could locate to watch the demonstration . 

 Here are some links to traffic cameras in the area . Perhaps viewers with a better knowledge of the DC area can find other viewing alternatives .

TrafficLand Cameras

DDOT Cameras

   Here is a map of the area involved today including Union Station and the roads leading to the Capitol Reflecting Pool.

Were DC Bound Truckers Intimidated/Threatened ?

Published on Oct 11, 2013

” Truck drivers protesting government corruption in today’s “Ride for the Constitution” may have been intimidated by government officials and law enforcement, according to Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, and former Department of Justice prosecutor. Klayman revealed to MRCTV in an exclusive interview that the truckers were allegedly threatened with arrest and advised to stay out of D.C.”










Latest Updates on Protests in Egypt


 ” As a day of violent clashes that killed dozens of people drew to a close, the Muslim Brotherhood urged its supporters to take to the streets every day for the next week in what Gehad el-Haddad, a spokesman for the group, called a “Week of Departure” in a message posted to Twitter.”







Hawthorne Dog Shooting: Police Threatened By Hacking Group Anonymous




” The Hawthorne Police Department is being threatened by the self-described “hacktivist” group Anonymous. Their cyber threat is in response to the controversial shooting of a dog by a Hawthorne officer.

The video of the shooting has gone viral online with nearly four million views on YouTube. Now, a video allegedly posted by the group Anonymous threatens retaliation.

Their message: “Police of Hawthorne, you must know that you are our primary target. This matter will not remain unresolved.” “








Incredible footage of the largest protest in mankind’s history!!, Long Live Egypt!



Millions Flood Egypt’s Streets To Demand Mursi Quit





” Waving national flags and chanting “Get out!”, a crowd of nearly 500,000 massed in and around Cairo’s central Tahrir Square in by far the largest demonstration since the 2011 uprising that overthrew Mursi’s predecessor, Hosni Mubarak.

The people want the fall of the regime!” they shouted, echoing the Arab Spring rallying cry that brought down Mubarak – this time yelling it not against an ageing dictator but against the first elected leader in Egypt’s 5,000-year recorded history.

Huge protest rallies continued late into the night in a mostly festive atmosphere.

While the main protests were peaceful, five people were shot dead in clashes in the Nile valley towns of Assiut and Beni Suef and the oasis town of Fayoum. The Health Ministry said more than 200 were injured in clashes in several provincial towns.

A military source said as many as 14 million people in this nation of 84 million took part in Sunday’s demonstrations in sweltering heat. There was no independent way to verify that estimate, which seemed implausibly high, but the armed forces used helicopters to monitor the crowds.”