Tag Archive: Proof

Bombshell: Email Proves That White House, DOJ Targeted Reporter Sharyl Attkisson




” Judicial Watch reports that the Obama administration has turned over about 42,000 pages of documents related to the Fast and Furious scandal. The administration was forced to turn the documents over to Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. Judicial Watch is posting them on its web site. The administration turned them over on November 18, 2014.

  One of the documents provides smoking gun proof that the Obama White House and the Eric Holder Justice Department colluded to get CBS News to block reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson was one of the few mainstream media reporters who paid any attention to the deadly gun-running scandal.

  In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.

  Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.”

  Schultz also told Schmaler that he was working with reporter Susan Davis, then at the National Journal, to target Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA). Issa led the House investigation into Fast and Furious. Davis now works at USA Today. In the email chain, Schultz tells Schmaler that he would provide Davis with “leaks.”

  Davis wrote a critical piece on Issa a few weeks later.

  Attkisson was later subjected to hacking of her computer by people who remain unknown, but who likely belong to a government agency. She and CBS parted ways earlier in 2014, and Attkisson has since said that the network blocked her reports from airing.

  Update: More about Schmaler here, here, here and here. “


Thanks to Bryan Preston at PJMedia










The Incredible Picture That ‘PROVES’ There Is Life On Other Planets







” The never-before seen photograph shows a mysterious dragon-shaped organism found in space, which they claim also reveals that all life on Earth, including humans, is extraterrestrial in origin.

  It was discovered in dust and particulate matter gathered deep in the Earth’s stratosphere.

  Its finders say it is a “biological entity” made of carbon and oxygen – the building blocks of life.

  And the scientists who made the incredible find insist there is no way it could have blown up into space from our planet – and so must have originated  elsewhere in the universe.

  It was discovered by Professor Milton Wainwright and his team from the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology.

  Professor Wainwright sent balloons into the stratosphere 27 km above the Earth’s atmosphere to collect particles from space.”


Read on












Largest-Ever Study Provides Evidence That ‘Out Of Body’ And ‘Near-Death’ Experiences May Be Real





” There is scientific evidence to suggest that life can continue after death, according to the largest ever medical study carried out on the subject.

  Experts currently believe that the brain shuts down within 20 to 30 seconds of the heart stopping beating – and that it is not possible to be aware of anything at all once that has happened.

  But scientists in the new study said they heard compelling evidence that patients experienced real events for up to three minutes after this had happened – and could recall them accurately once they had been resuscitated.

  Dr Sam Parnia, an assistant professor at the State University of New York and a former research fellow at the University of Southampton who led the research, said that he previously that patients who described near-death experiences were only relating hallucinatory events.”















Rep. Gowdy: ‘I Have Evidence’ Of Benghazi Cover-Up



Gowdy Proof Of Cover-Up



” Rep. Trey Gowdy said Friday that he has evidence of a “systematic, intentional” effort by the Obama administration to withhold documents from Congress about the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans.

” I have evidence that, not only are they hiding it, there’s an intent to hide it,” the South Carolina Republican told “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren” on Fox News. “I can’t disclose that evidence yet, but I have evidence that there was a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress — and we’re just sick of it.” “




More at Newsmax and in other Benghazi news , John Boehner has appointed Rep Gowdy to head a special House select committee to get to the bottom of the lies of this administration regarding Benghazi .














First Ever Evidence Of A Comet Striking The Earth





” The first ever evidence of a comet entering Earth’s atmosphere and exploding, raining down a shock wave of fire which obliterated every life form in its path, has been discovered by a team of South African scientists and international collaborators, and will be presented at a public lecture on Thursday.

The discovery has not only provided the first definitive proof of a comet striking Earth, millions of years ago, but it could also help us to unlock, in the future, the secrets of the formation of our solar system.

“Comets always visit our skies – they’re these dirty snowballs of ice mixed with dust – but never before in history has material from a comet ever been found on Earth,” says Professor Jan Kramers of Wits University.

The comet entered Earth’s atmosphere above Egypt about 28 million years ago. As it entered the atmosphere, it exploded, heating up the sand beneath it to a temperature of about 2 000 degrees Celsius, and resulting in the formation of a huge amount of yellow silica glass which lies scattered over a 6 000 square kilometer area in the Sahara. A magnificent specimen of the glass, polished by ancient jewellers, is found in Tutankhamun’s brooch with its striking yellow-brown scarab.”











45 Survival Uses For Alcohol





” I have read that ethanol alcohol—the kind of alcohol that makes us drunk—was the first synthesized product that humans made. Originally made from honey, fruits, berries, grains, and other plants left in the sun to ferment, alcohol and its first use documented as far back as 10,000 B.C.

Historically, fermented beverages:

  • Acted as a substitution for water
  • Fixed nutritional deficiencies
  • Served medicinal purposes

Alcohol also had its place in religious ceremonies and even used as currency. Supposedly, vodka was an ingredient in early European gunpowder. And of course, people drank alcohol in order to become intoxicated.

When shopping for liquor, you will find two different numbers on the bottle. One is the percentage and one is the proof. The percentage is the amount of true ethanol alcohol content, while proof is the official government designation of how much alcohol content is in the beverage. Divide the proof in half to get the actual percentage of alcohol.

The term proof comes from 18th century distillers. To prove the correct alcohol content in their distilled beverages, they added gunpowder. If it did not ignite, there was not enough alcohol. If it burned blue, they declared the alcohol 100 percent proof, or 50 percent ethanol alcohol.

Here are my 45 suggestions for survival uses of alcohol: “







Syrian Blood Tests Positive for Sarin Gas, U.S. Spies Say



” The U.S. intelligence community has uncovered strong evidence that chemical weapons have been used in Syria. Several blood samples, taken from multiple people, have tested positive for the nerve agent sarin, an American intelligence source tells Danger Room. President Obama has long said that the use of such a weapon by the Assad regime would cross a “red line.” So now the question becomes: What will the White House do in response?

In March, the Assad regime was accused of using chemical weapons during an attack on the city of Aleppo. The blood samples were taken by Syrian opposition groups from alleged victims of that strike. But American analysts can’t be entirely sure where the blood came from or when the precisely exposure took place.

“This is more than one organization representing that they have more than one sample from more than one attack,” the source tells Danger Room. “But we can’t confirm anything because no is really sure what’s going on in country.”

What’s clear is that the samples are authentic, and that the weapons were almost certainly employed by the Assad regime, which began mixing up quantities of sarin’s chemical precursors months ago for an potential attack, as Danger Room first reported.

“It would be very, very difficult for the opposition to fake this. Not only would they need the wherewithal to steal it or brew it up themselves. Then they’d need volunteers who would notionally agree to a possibly lethal exposure,” the source adds.”









Beck Gives Obama Till Monday to Admit Boston Bombing was Inside Job

” Glen Beck claiming he has proof the federal government carried out the Boston marathon bombing as a false flag operation. He said that Obama has till Monday to admit it or his show will reveal the evidence for his conspiracy theory! “

HT/Chicks On The Right