Tag Archive: Progressivism

Op-Ed: Civilization Could Crash In 15 Years- NASA Study





” Sydney – NASA’s new study says the crunch time for civilization could be very near. Usually, when civilizations fall, it’s a big deal. Whether or not anybody will even notice the fall of this particular civilization is highly debatable.


The Guardian:


A new study sponsored by Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilization could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution.


Noting that warnings of ‘collapse’ are often seen to be fringe or controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical data showing that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history.” Cases of severe civilisational disruption due to “precipitous collapse – often lasting centuries – have been quite common.”


     NASA is sounding like an adjunct to the extremists of the Democratic party . While the drumbeat of income inequality is sure to grow louder and louder as the 2014 election nears we wouldn’t expect such a blatant show of partisanship from an allegedly apolitical scientific organization such as NASA , but such is life in Obama’s Amerika .



” You can see where this is going. Distribution of wealth, social inequalities, etc. One word would do- “Mismanagement”. The historical societies didn’t just collapse. They fell to pieces over time. At any point, they could have revived, but they didn’t. 

Old economics are still very much part of this perspective. The economic hierarchy is given as the primary symptom of the decline of civilization. Resource depletion is cited as the primary issue for economic management. “




The fact is that we are not in disagreement with the concept of the “s**t hitting the fan” , on the contrary , we see no other possible result under our present leadership of ignorance , foolishness and corruption . No , where we take issue with the NASA prediction is in the root causes … NASA’s main focus deems “income inequality” and “unsustainable resource exploitation” as the culprit in civilization’s impending death , which is just another way of demanding MORE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION .




” As a matter of fact, inequalities have existed since the caves. There are no recorded instances of any society of economically equal people, either, in those 5000 years. Quite the opposite, the “1%” of the historical past records the elites, not the mass of the society. “




  We here at YouViewed on the other hand feel that the demise of our way of life , should it come to be and things are not looking good  , will be a direct result of an overabundance of State action rather than a need for more . Trying to shift the blame to two of the Left’s favorite stalking horses all but guarantees our imminent collapse by throwing more gasoline on the already raging pyre . The solution to our ills lies at the very fingertips of our innovative citizenry if only those fingertips weren’t being crushed under the boot heel of the Leviathan State .

 ” History is made by individuals and groups, not by the whole society.” 



Read the rest







Modern Liberalism Explained By Evan Sayet




   This man explains liberalism as it exists in it’s present form . The above video is the condensed version of his speech . Below is the entire speech for those who’s interest is piqued .




Published on Jan 8, 2014

” According to David Horowitz, Mr. Sayet is, “simply the best political comedian working in America today”, and a more serious thinker. In the latter capacity, Evan delivered the speech to the Heritage Foundation which Andrew Breitbart called “one of the five most important conservative speeches ever given,” a lecture that is now by far the single most viewed talk in their history. Evan has written and/or produced in just about every medium there is, including TV’s “Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher” (for which he apologizes), the multiple festival award-winning documentary “Dodo” and authored The Kindergarden of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks (Evan will be selling and signing his new book). He was also the original writer for the long-running, cult classic game show, “Win Ben Stein’s Money.” Evan lives in Los Angeles.”


 Thanks to Kyle Becker at IJR









Arapahoe High Gunman Held Strong Political Beliefs, Classmates Said





” In one Facebook post, Pierson attacks the philosophies of economist Adam Smith, who through his invisible-hand theory pushed the notion that the free market was self-regulating. In another post, he describes himself as “Keynesian.”

” I was wondering to all the neoclassicals and neoliberals, why isn’t the market correcting itself?” he wrote. “If the invisible hand is so strong, shouldn’t it be able to overpower regulations?”

  Pierson also appears to mock Republicans on another Facebook post, writing “you republicans are so cute” and posting an image that reads: “The Republican Party: Health Care: Let ’em Die, Climate Change: Let ’em Die, Gun Violence: Let ’em Die, Women’s Rights: Let ’em Die, More War: Let ’em Die. Is this really the side you want to be on?

  Carl Schmidt and Brendon Mendelson, both seniors at Arapahoe High, knew Pierson. They said he had political views that were “outside the mainstream,” but they did not elaborate.”









Wonder Where They’ll Ever Find A Centralized World To Manage Choice And Behavior





” David Golumbia writing at Jacobin is steamed at the supposed “deletion of the left” by supposedly dominant “cyberlibertarians.”

  He starts off going wrong with a rather gross misunderstanding of what being “of the left” in American terms means these days:


  The digital revolution, we are told everywhere today, produces democracy. It gives “power to the people” and dethrones authoritarians; it levels the playing field for distribution of information critical to political engagement; it destabilizes hierarchies, decentralizes what had been centralized, democratizes what was the domain of elites.

  Most on the Left would endorse these ends. The widespread availability of tools whose uses are harmonious with leftist goals would, one might think, accompany broad advancement of those goals in some form. Yet the Left today is scattered, nearly toothless in most advanced democracies. If digital communication technology promotes leftist values, why has its spread coincided with such a stark decline in the Left’s political fortunes?


  What the left really wants is a centralized elite authority that pursues particular ends it claims to desire, often allegedly on behalf of “the people”; people who really want dethroned authority, free flow of information, and decentralization are libertarians.”













The Transformation Of The USA — Here Comes America 3.0



” America is going through a transformation, on a scale that few people now realize. The last such fundamental change was from the rural and agrarian society of the Founding era (America 1.0) to the urban and industrial society which is now coming to an end (America 2.0).

We are now making a similar transition to a post-industrial, networked, decentralized, immensely productive America, with a more individualistic, voluntarist, anti-bureaucratic culture (America 3.0).

The time-worn liberal-progressive wisdom is simple: See a problem, create a government program to fix it.

Medicare experienced cost overruns from the beginning, but was initially self-sustaining. Yet it now faces $22 trillion in future unfunded liabilities.

Unlike Social Security and Medicare, which were viable when they began, ObamaCare failed before it even got started

ObamaCare had 82 legally specified start dates, but missed half of them. Waivers have been granted to four million Americans, according to an arbitrary, opaque and politicized process.

ObamaCare is simply beyond the scope of anything the Federal government can accomplish. Health care takes up over 17% of US GDP, about $2.8 trillion annually. Attempting to centrally govern a complex economy of this size and complexity was always hopeless. 

Unfortunately, while liberal-progressive thought is trapped in the 20th Century, there has been an egregious dearth of creative alternatives from the other side of the political divide.”








Worksheet Asks Children To Remove Parts Of The Bill Of Rights


A photo of the worksheet asking students to  omit  two Amendments in the Bill of Rights

A photo of the worksheet asking students to “omit” two Amendments in the Bill of Rights


” A student in Bryant School District in Arkansas brought home a worksheet that presented her with a scenario that referred to the Bill of Rights as “outdated” and that as part of a special committee she would need to throw out two of the Amendments.

The worksheet was handed out to Sixth grade students in a History class. According to the girl’s mother, Lela Spears, she has not received any government or civics classes and this was the first assignment dealing with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The school district is participating in the embattled Common Core curriculum.
As more anecdotal evidence emerges concerning what will be taught under the Common Core, states are beginning to rethink their position on the program.”


The Food Stamp President

Now this is change but we’re not so sure where the hope is .

 ” Food stamp costs in this nation are exploding. Take a look at this disturbing trend…

Even more disturbing is the opinion that the federal government is doing everything they possibly can to get more people on the government dole. A few years ago the USDA changed the name of the program to SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) in an effort to “take away the stigma of people being on the program”. Politicians today use these “freebies” to get themselves elected or re-elected. So, it is no surprise that when a vote comes up in Congress to make fundamental changes to the program that it would go down in flames.