Tag Archive: Private Sector

86M Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148M Benefit Takers



Entitlement Nation





” Buried deep on the website of the U.S. Census Bureau is a number every American citizen, and especially those entrusted with public office, should know. It is 86,429,000.
  That is the number of Americans who in 2012 got up every morning and went to work — in the private sector — and did it week after week after week.

  These are the people who built America, and these are the people who can sustain it as a free country. The liberal media have not made them famous like the polar bear, but they are truly a threatened species.”



Have a look at the numbers …



” In 2012, according to the Census Bureau, approximately 103,087,000 people worked full-time, year-round in the United States. “A full-time, year-round worker is a person who worked 35 or more hours per week (full time) and 50 or more weeks during the previous calendar year (year round),” said the Census Bureau. “For school personnel, summer vacation is counted as weeks worked if they are scheduled to return to their job in the fall.”

  Of the 103,087,000 full-time, year-round workers, 16,606,000 worked for the government. That included 12,597,000 who worked for state and local government and 4,009,000 who worked for the federal government.

  In the last quarter of 2011, according to the Census Bureau, approximately 82,457,000 people lived in households where one or more people were on Medicaid. 49,073,000 lived in households were someone got food stamps. 23,228,000 lived in households where one or more got WIC. 20,223,000 lived in households where one or more got SSI. 13,433,000 lived in public or government-subsidized housing.”


   Anyone can do this math , the system is unsustainable … The question is , ” By accident or by design ? ”

Read the rest










Government Workers Cost 45% More Than Private Sector Workers





” The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced on March 12th that the total cost of employing a state or local government worker is 45% more than an equivalent worker in the private sector. 

  For the month of December 2013, employers in private industry spent an average of $29.63 per employee hour worked, but the equivalent cost for a government worker averaged $42.89 per hour. Not only do government employees average 33% higher pay than those in the private sector, their pension and retirement benefit costs are now an incredible 254% higher also. Given that compensation formulas for federal, state, and local government are comparable, it should come as no surprise that this year spending by the U.S. government will exceed revenue by an all-time high of $744.2 billion, and our gross national debt is a stunning $18.5 trillion. ”


Read it and weep … or better yet get mad 








Obama Took More Vacation On Average Than Private-Sector Workers

20 Yrs On Job



Obama Vacation


” President Barack Obama, who is departing Friday for a vacation in Hawaii that will reportedly last until Jan. 5, took more annual vacation days on average in his first term than the average private-sector worker gets after 20 years on the job.

  Obama took an average of 21.5 vacations days per year in his first four years as president. By comparison, private-industry workers in the United States who have at least 20 years on the job get an average of 19 days of paid vacation per year.”



    This estimate seems low and must not count all the time spent on the links . Also , given the fact that the man is forever in campaign mode shouldn’t all the time spent jetting around to fundraisers be considered vacation time ? He’s certainly not attending to the nation’s business when he’s out glad handing and cocktailing it . For that matter are trips like the one to Mandela’s memorial service necessary State business ?

   The man has played 151 rounds of golf since taking office and given the fact the the average time for a round of golf is at least four hours including transportation to and from that means that we can safely add another 75 work days off over the past five years . that brings his total time off to over one month per year so far . 










Those Who Can’t, Govern





” What does Dan Pfeiffer know of this thing called “the private sector”? To say there is less private-sector experience in the Obama administration than in any other of the last century hardly begins to convey the particular pool of smarts on which this president has drawn. Nearly 60 percent of Eisenhower’s cabinet appointments had private-sector experience; Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes scored well over 50; FDR and Truman smack on 50/50; in Obama’s cabinet, fewer than 10 percent have real-world business experience. None of Obamacare’s begetters have ever created anything — certainly not a dime of real wealth.

  Instead, we have government by people who read Thomas L. Friedman and use words like “interconnectedness” and give commencement addresses where they rave about how our world is changing so fast — and assume that just being glibly au courant is a substitute for being able to do, make, build. There are lessons here beyond the abysmal failure of one misconceived government program, lessons about what our esteemed (if not terminally self-esteemed) elites value as “smart,” and about the perils of rule by a poseur technocracy. As for Obama, he’s not Jay-Z, nor even Justin Bieber: He can’t sing, or dance, or create a government bureaucracy that functions any more efficiently than a Soviet supermarket. He broke the lifelong rule that had served him so well — “Don’t just do something. Stand there” — and for the first time in his life did something, terribly. It will bear his name forever.”










ObamaCare is About to Make Five Guys’ Burgers Cost More




” Liberals’ response to this will be: Well, Five Guys are just doing it wrong. That’s always their response. The government is always benevolent and doing it right (even when it imposes laws that the majority did not want); the private sector is doing it wrong. Just because, so there. That’s what arguing with liberals over ObamaCare amounts to.

The fight over Obamacare, so far held at the 30,000-foot level, is about to hit home. The latest impact hot off the grill: prices of burgers and hot dogs at Five Guys, the national chain that started in Washington, are going to rise to cover the president’s mandated insurance coverage.”




InfoWars :


“Welfare facts:
– For every 1.65 employed persons in the private sector, 1 person receives welfare assistance
– For every 1.25 employed persons in the private sector, 1 person receives welfare assistance or works for the government.”





 ” In the recent past we noted the somewhat startling reality that “the single mom is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045.” While mathematics is our tool – as opposed to the mathemagics of some of the more politically biased media who did not like our message – the painful reality in America is that: for increasingly more Americans it is now more lucrative – in the form of actual disposable income – to sit, do nothing, and collect various welfare entitlements, than to work. This is such an important topic that we felt it necessary to warrant a second look. The graphic below quite clearly, and very painfully, confirms that there is an earnings vacuum of around $40k in which US workers are perfectly ambivalent toward inputting more effort since it does not result in any additional incremental disposable income. With the ongoing ‘fiscal cliff’ battles over taxes and entitlements, this is a problematic finding, since – as a result – it is the US government that will have to keep funding indirectly this lost productivity and worker output (via wealth redistribution).”


Bryan Preston explains why Obama’s economic gaffe (“the private sector is doing just fine”) really matters . He likens it to Bush Sr.’s supermarket scanner moment as did we here yesterday . While Bush’s “gaffe” was largely a manufactured meme , Obama’s is only too real and a true indication of how insular and out of touch this administration is .

It’s certainly of more significance than the price of arugula .

“His gaffe that the private sector is doing fine, though, is different. It will probably dog him from now to November. Here are a few reasons why.

1. It lit up social media. Within seconds of the president making his comment, Twitter went hot with a new trending hashtag: #doingjustfine. That hashtag, usually the province of people tweeting that they’re fine without someone they just broke up with, became an anti-Obama feed and shot to #1 in the U.S.It was probably the hot social media action that forced the president to walk the comment back later in the day. Twitter put the president’s comment directly into the American bloodstream before he even realized that it was a gaffe and could do any damage control.”

  ” You can tell that President Obama’s press conference statement Friday morning — “The PRIVATE SECTOR IS DOING FINE”— is a big problem for Democrats, the left, and much of the media simply because they’re spending so much time and energy denying that it is.”

Read this and visit the reason for the denial .


Blumer goes on

   ” Even on a percentage basis, it’s clear that the private sector, where employment is almost 4% lower than it was at peak employment, is still the biggest problem — or “drag,” if you will — of the bunch. Wait until you see what that means in terms of actual headcount: ”


  Denial is all they can do at this point . This is a George H W Bush scanner moment . Of course the press wasn’t carrying Bush Sr’s water as with our dear Wile E but these kind of numbers cannot be ignored or buried on page 23 .

   Which leaves us , the producing , wealth creating , government subsidizing , taxpaying citizens about like this …


We realize that in the past we’ve portrayed our buddy Wile E as Obama , as we will continue to do , and that this time we used him as a metaphor for US .

Our apologies …

  We are thinking though , that the above picture could also represent  (hopefully) Obama and his chances come November …

   That’s a more pleasant reality to strive towards .

Thanks to PJmedia for the graphs and Tammy Bruce for Wile E Coyote

 Clueless and Truthless 

Here’s Hot Air’s take 

“It’s going to be a long day for Team Obama. David Axelrod appeared on CNN’s State of the Union a few minutes ago to attempt to spin the disastrous press conference on Friday, and Candy Crowley asked him directly no less than three times if he agreed with President Obama that “the private sector is doing fine.” Axelrod refuses to give a direct answer on all three occasions, the first two of which are captured in this clip from the GOP:”


The man plainly does not understand basic economics . This is what happens when the administration is made of entirely of policy wonks , academics and life-long public employees .


Jennifer Rubin  

 “President Obama seems unaware that we need the private sector to generate wealth (you know, make things, sell things, etc.) or that we face in the near future a fiscal crisis when we can no longer off-load our debt. Where does he think the money to pay for an ever-expanding public employee workforce comes from? (“The fair if depressing takeaway from Mr. Obama’s press conference is that he continues to believe, despite three and a half years of failure, that more government spending is the key to faster growth and that government really doesn’t need to reform. This is how you get a jobless rate above 8% for 40 months and the weakest economic recovery in 60 years.”) “