Tag Archive: Precedent

USA Today’s Susan Page: Obama Administration Most ‘Dangerous’ To Media In History






” At some point, a compendium of condemnations against the Obama administration’s record of media transparency (actually, opacity) must be assembled. Notable quotations in this vein come from former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson, who said, “It is the most secretive White House that I have ever been involved in covering”; New York Times reporter James Risen, who said, “I think Obama hates the press”; and CBS News’s Bob Schieffer, who said, “This administration exercises more control than George W. Bush’s did, and his before that.”

  USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page has added a sharper edge to this set of knives. Speaking Saturday at a White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) seminar, Page called the current White House not only “more restrictive” but also “more dangerous” to the press than any other in history, a clear reference to the Obama administration’s leak investigations and its naming of Fox News’s James Rosen as a possible “co-conspirator” in a violation of the Espionage Act.”



     Read the entire piece as some in the media are finally coming to rue the “Frankenstein’s monster” of irrelevancy that their own slavish devotion to Obama’s rise and continued success re-election has given birth to .




    The sycophants are finally getting a feel of the same bite on the ass that we , the public , have been enduring these past six years .  The irony of the media , or parts of it anyway , finally coming to terms with their own self-destruction would be laughable if not for the terrible price this whole country has paid to see it come about .

Tim Carney: Eminent Domain Often Leaves Broken Communities Behind







” Weeds and rubble cover 90 acres along Long Island Sound. A room with cinder-block walls sits locked in an empty in Brooklyn basement. And a gleaming industrial palace has failed to bring jobs to the banks of Ohio’s Mahoning River.

  These are monuments to failed central planning. Eminent domain, state and local subsides, and federal-corporate partnerships have yielded these lifeless fruits, failing to deliver the rebirth, community benefits and jobs they promise — but succeeding in delivering profits to the companies that lobby for them.

  The economic philosophy at work here isn’t capitalism or socialism. It’s corporatism: the belief that government and business should work together. You could describe corporatism as the view that profits provided by the market aren’t sufficient motivation for business, so government must put some icing on top. From another perspective, corporatism is government’s attempt to harness the profit motive for the goals of policymakers: let industry row the ship while politicians steer.

  Often, the corporatist ship founders on the rocks of false promises.

  Last decade, the New London Development Corporation — a quasi governmental body — crafted a plan for revitalizing the small Connecticut town. This plan involved a new Pfizer plant. The NLDC and local politicians sold the land to Pfizer for $10, gave the company tax breaks and pledged $26 million to clean up contamination and a local junkyard.”



 Read Mr Carney’s entire piece and see our post on the ninth anniversary of the Kelo decision for more on the evils of the State’s eminent domain abuse in the service of corporate cronyism . For those who are interested in further reading on the subject of State sponsored theft of private property you can read our posts here , here , here and here


   Parts two and three of the Independence Institute’s video above are available here .













” Excerpted from FRONT PAGE MAG: As FOX News reported and Robert Spencer noted, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev stopped talking once he was prematurely read his Miranda rights. That helps the authorities establish the lone wolf narrative. Whatever else we might have learned from him is probably lost.

Once Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was read his rights on Monday, he immediately stopped talking, according to four officials of both political parties who were briefed on the interrogation but insisted on anonymity because the briefing was private.

After roughly 16 hours of questioning, investigators were surprised when a magistrate judge and a representative from the U.S. Attorney’s office entered the hospital room and read Tsarnaev his rights, the four officials and one law enforcement official said. Investigators had planned to keep questioning him.”







Obama’s NLRB Pushes Pro-Union Agenda




” The National Labor Relations Board unleashed a raft of precedent-busting, pro-union decisions soon after President Barack Obama’s reelection in November.

The board’s three Democratic appointees issued rulings that weakened checks on union power, including two high-profile decisions forcing employers to automatically deduct union dues from worker paychecks when contract agreements expire and limiting the ability of employees to exercise theirBeck rights.

“The board is an inherently political institution because it is made up of political appointees,” the Center for Union Facts’ managing director J. Justin Wilson said. “They are constantly overruling themselves. Unlike the Supreme Court, they do not like to overrule existing precedent.” ”



Obama Doctrine

 This partial listing of Obama’s “legal precedents” should give pause to any lover of liberty . 

 From Powerline .

  “Remember the good old days when Democrats cared about the rule of law? Or pretended to, anyway. That was during the Bush administration, even though most if not all of the policies that prompted “rule of law” complaints from the left were in fact supported by good legal authority. That was then, and this is now: the Age of Obama is, among its many other faults, an age of lawlessness. I won’t attempt anything like a complete catalog, but let’s just recall a few–the cramdown of bondholders’ rights that first caused the label “Gangster Government” to be applied to the administration; the circumvention of administrative procedures to speed up cash flow to the administration’s “green energy” cronies; the illegal funneling of weapons to Mexican drug cartels; the attempt to dictate religious doctrine to the Catholic Church in violation of the First Amendment; and the president’s targeting of Mitt Romney’s financial supporters with vicious smears, including falsely accusing them of being criminals.”

The figures, contained a in a new book called The Rise of the President’s Permanent Campaign by Brendan J. Doherty, due to be published by University Press of Kansas in July, give statistical backing to the notion that Obama is more preoccupied with being re-elected than any other commander-in-chief of modern times.

“Doherty, who has compiled statistics about presidential travel and fundraising going back to President Jimmy Carter in 1977, found that Obama had held 104 fundraisers by March 6th this year, compared to 94 held by Presidents Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Snr, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush combined.

Since then, Obama has held another 20 fundraisers, bringing his total to 124. Carter held four re-election fundraisers in 1980, Reagan zero in 1984, Bush Snr 19 in 1992, Clinton 14 in 1996 and Bush Jnr 57 in 2004. ”


The man is just unbelievable . It’s as I’ve been saying all along , it is All About Obama All The Time . Jeez , if we ever had a president from the right side of the aisle with these personality traits , this narcissism , this arrogance and feeling of self-importance coupled with his complete ineptness and inability to complete an off the cuff sentence ,  the media and entertainment world as well as the touchy-feely , headshrinking , I’m OK ,You’re not industry would think they had died and reached nirvana .

* More on President Wile E Coyote and his precedent setting in an upcoming post .