Tag Archive: Poll

Pew: Americans Say Obama Is A “Good Man” Who Is “Incompetent”





” As President Obama finishes the touches on his seventh State of the Union Address, to be delivered tonight at 9 P.M. Eastern Time (come to Reason.com for live blogging and tweeting), here’s something he can chew on: Pew Research asked Americans to sum him up in one word.

  The most popular choices? “Good/Good man” and “Incompetent.” Intelligent is well represented as is “idiot/dumb/stupid,” honest, dictator, liar,awesome, and arrogant.

  In the interest of #realkeeping, George W. Bush was viewed similarly at this point in his presidency:

  At a comparable point in his presidency, incompetent, arrogant and honest were frequently used descriptions of George W. Bush. Bush’s approval rating was lower than Obama’s (33% for Bush then, 47% for Obama today) and negative terms were used more frequently to describe him.”



Shifting Impressions of Barack Obama



Read more from Reason and view the poll results here












Public Attitudes Toward Federalism: The Public’s Preference For Renewed Federalism



Cato Federalism Poll



” For much of its history, the United States had a notably decentralized government structure. Since the 1930s, the national government has undertaken new efforts to regulate the economy and society and to redistribute resources. Those new efforts have implied a greater centralization of authority in Washington. In the past the public often supported such centralization. Public opinion about federalism has changed. Voters are more supportive of decentralized policymaking on many issues where they previously supported a stronger national role. This shift in the public mood is consistent with other polling data that indicates profound distrust in the capacity of the federal government to act on behalf of the public good. On some issues, like national defense, much of the public continues to support national primacy. Such issues are often assigned to Washington by the Constitution. In contrast, much polling finds that many citizens believe state and local governments are likely to perform better than Washington. Americans support a more decentralized federalism than in the past both on particular issues and as a general matter of institutional confidence. “


   The study is filled with topical data on the public’s shift away from supporting the overweening Leviathan state including this very telling nugget of information on attitudes towards healthcare …


Healthcare Federalism


   As the above graph demonstrates , there remains one segment of society that is out of touch with the mainstream on who should decide the issue of healthcare and it’s not the Right . The results are the same or very similar on a wide range of issues , all indicating a strong support of state’s rights with the single exception of education policy . 

The other single factor that remains steady is the Democrat’s desire for federal control over ALL issues . Once a statist , always a statist .


Read the entire study at Cato












One In Four Americans Want Their State To Secede From The U.S.



SECESSION_opinion_map with q





” For the past few weeks, as Scotland debated the wisdom of independence, Reuters has been asking Americans how they would feel about declaring independence today, not from the United Kingdom, but from the mother country they left England to create. The exact wording of the question was, “Do you support or oppose the idea of your state peacefully withdrawing from the United States of America and the federal government?”

  It was hard to imagine many people would support secession.Forget the fact that the cautionary lesson of the Civil War is top of mind for many people as we commemorate its 150th anniversary;just in terms of dollars and cents, who in their right minds would give up all the money they’ve already paid into the Social Security and Medicare systems? Besides, most states get more back from the federal government than they put in.

  Then the results came in. You can see them for yourself here, and you can filter them any way you want—by age, region, income, party affiliation, etc. Any way you slice it, the data are startlingly clear: Almost a quarter (24 percent) of those surveyed said they were strongly or provisionally inclined to leave the United States. and take their states with them. Given the polling sample — about 8,600 people so far—the online survey’s credibility interval (which is digital for “margin of error”) was only 1.2 percentage points, so there is no question that that is what they said.

  Secession got more support from Republicans than Democrats, more from right- than left-leaning independents, more from younger than older people, more from lower- than higher-income brackets, more from high school than college grads. But there was a surprising amount of support in every group and region, especially the Rocky Mountain states, the Southwest and the old Confederacy, but also in places like Illinois and Kansas. And of the people who said they identified with the Tea Party, supporters of secession were actually in the majority, with 53 percent.”



Reuters has more







CNN Poll: Trust In Government At All-Time Low






” The poll also indicates that the public’s trust in government is at an all-time low.

  Just 13% of Americans say the government can be trusted to do what is right always or most of the time, with just over three-quarters saying only some of the time and one in 10 saying they never trust the government, according to the poll.

” The number who trust the government all or most of the time has sunk so low that it is hard to remember that there was ever a time when Americans routinely trusted the government,” CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. 

” But polls conducted by the University of Michigan consistently found a majority of Americans in the 1960s and early 1970s saying that the government could be trusted all or most of the time – until Watergate. In 1972, 53% said they trusted the government always or most of the time. By 1974, that figure had plummeted to 36%, and except for a brief period of patriotic sentiment immediately after the 9/11 attacks, it has remained under 50% ever since,” Holland added.”


CNN has the details












Time Offers Readers The Opportunity To Vote For First Woman On The Dollar Bill



Woman Dollar Bill Poll




” Eleanor Roosevelt? Harriet Tubman? Beyoncé? Cast your vote in the poll below.

  Is it time to put a woman on our paper currency? President Obama went on record today saying it’s a “pretty good idea.” During a speech in Kansas City, Obama said he received a letter from a young girl asking why there aren’t any women on American paper money. (Dollar coins with Susan B. Anthony and Sacagawea are still in circulation, but they are no longer being minted, and Martha Washington appeared on a paper note in the 19th century.)

  Well, if Congress is taking suggestions… who do you think should get the honor? Take our poll: “



    Two things strike us about this poll … firstly that Ayn Rand Is the runaway leader but even more-so the fact that Time Inc included her in the first place . Ayn Rand rocks … Go cast your ballot . We don’t imagine that these are the results that either Obama or Time had in mind .












Voters See A More Divided Nation; GOPers More Enthusiastic To Vote




” Voters strongly believe the United States is a more divided nation these days, and they think both sides are to blame. Most are also ready to do something about it at the ballot box in November.

  Sixty-seven percent (67%) of Likely U.S. Voters say America is a more divided nation than it was four years ago. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just seven percent (7%) think the country is less divided now, while 21% rate the level of division as about the same.(To see survey question wording, click here.)

  Among voters who see more division or about the same level of it, 35% believe President Obama is to blame. But 34% point the finger at Republicans in Congress instead. Twenty-three percent (23%) say they’re both to blame. Just five percent (5%) attribute the division to something else.”


     All is proceeding as the Left has planned in the Balkanization of America , the first step towards bringing our nation to it’s knees …













… And Most DON’T Want The Face Covered


Survey: Chart shows how people from seven different countries with a majority-Muslim population believe women should dress



” The way Muslim women should dress in public has been a strongly debated topic in recent months.

  But a new study has now revealed what the citizens of different Muslim countries believe is appropriate female dress – and how widely views differ between them. 

  The survey was conducted across seven countries – Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey – which all have a majority Muslim population.

  And the research from the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research found that most residents in these countries prefer women to cover their hair with a traditional hijab, al-Amira or head scarf rather than cover their entire face with a full burqa or niqab. “










CNN Poll: GOP Has Edge In Early Midterm Indicator





” Democrats have lost their advantage and Republicans now have a slight edge in the battle for control of Congress, according to a new national poll.

  A  released Thursday also indicates that President Barack Obama may be dragging down Democratic congressional candidates, and that the 2014 midterm elections are shaping up to be a low-turnout event, with only three in 10 registered voters extremely or very enthusiastic about voting next year.

  Two months ago, Democrats held a 50%-42% advantage among registered voters in a generic ballot, which asked respondents to choose between a Democrat or Republican in their congressional district without identifying the candidates. That result came after congressional Republicans appeared to overplay their hand in the bitter fight over the federal government shutdown and the debt ceiling.

  But the Democratic lead evaporated, and a CNN poll a month ago indicated the GOP holding a 49%-47% lead. The new survey, conducted in mid-December, indicates Republicans with a 49%-44% edge over the Democrats.”


Related:  CNN Poll: Health care law support drops to all-time low








Fox News Poll: More Voters Like Bush Than Obama




” More voters have a positive opinion of former President George W. Bush than President Barack Obama, according to the latest Fox News Poll.  But former President Bill Clinton is liked best of the three.

  The poll finds 50 percent of voters have a favorable opinion of Bush, while 47 percent have an unfavorable view.  

  By contrast, Obama has a net negative rating:  46 percent have a favorable opinion of him, while 52 percent have an unfavorable opinion.”









Poll: Ted Cruz Third “Most Influential” World Leader, Behind Pope Francis, Barack Obama…





” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has had the best year of any Republican and virtually anyone in the world, ranking third in Rasmussen Report’s new poll of the of the “most influential” people in the world, behind Pope Francis and President Obama.

  In the new poll, Cruz, who made headlines for trying to dismantle Obamacare, was the pick for the most influential of 11 percent. The pope was tops at 23 percent, Obama second at 21 percent.

  Among Republicans, Cruz was second behind the pope, with 19 percent calling the freshman senator and Tea Party leader the world’s most influential leader. Just 9 percent of Republicans said the same thing of Obama.

23% Pope Francis

21% Barack Obama

11% Ted Cruz

8% Edward Snowden “



Read More









78 Percent Of Americans Say They Weren’t Inconvenienced By Government Shutdown: Survey



” As politicians and cable news pundits spent the 16-day shutdown of the federal government describing the apocalyptic scenario of the shutdown, the vast majority of ordinary citizens weren’t even phased by the fed being closed for business, according to a new survey.

The Washington Post/ABC News survey, released Tuesday, finds that 78-percent of those polled say they were not inconvenienced by the shutdown at all.

Of the 22-percent who said they were inconvenienced, 11-percent described their troubles as a ‘minor inconvenience.’ “


   The 11% that were inconvenienced must have been made up of the bureaucrats that had to change their work schedules to cover their furloughed (and paid) brretheren .







Cast Your Ballot Now



The median wealth of a House member is $765,010… For a senator it’s $2.38 million. Yet, incredibly, they still enjoy all of this:


  • $174,000 salary
  • Free company car
  • Free gas
  • Free parking (even at airports)
  • Free flights almost anywhere in the world
  • Per diem travel allowance… up to $3,000 a trip
  • A month’s paid vacation
  • 3-day work-weeks
  • Free membership to a top-flight gym
  • Pension plan and 401K plan
  • Full retirement benefits (including up to 44% of their six figure salaries) at age 62
  • Free top of the line health insurance with 10 plans to choose from
  • Fully covered – even with pre-existing condition

” Being a member of Congress is the most lucrative “Public Service” job in the world. Are our representatives officially out of touch with the real America? Should Congress live like the rest of us?

Vote now to make your voice heard and receive a stunning report that shows the full scope of congressional abuse of power. You won’t believe how well members of Congress live – all at our expense.”


The Money Morning Pledge

” This poll is being conducted by Money Morning, the nation’s fastest growing source for independent financial news, research and advice. We’re on a mission to keep our readers’ money safe and growing. When you submit your vote, you’ll receive a full report on congressional abuse, up-to-the minute poll results, as well as daily strategies for building wealth and taking control of your finances. Make your voice heard by voting above and passing this important vote to a friend. “







It’s Not Just ABC And WashPost Who’ll Skip Finding That Majority Of Women Feel Guns Make Home Safer





” On April 18, a new Washington Post/ABC News poll that showed 51% of Americans feel that guns in the home make it safer, compared to 29% who think otherwise. More telling is that fact that 51% of white middle class women agree with the sentiment about firearms making homes safer.  Additionally, a Nexis search detailed that ABC News has yet to report this poll, and, with the exception of the Fix blog, the Post avoided the “guns make a home safer” findings.

So, will there a correction to Jill Filipovic, Amanda Marcotte, and Co. for trying to smear the NRA as the “domestic abuse lobby? The article by New York Times’ Michael Luo that set off this meretricious commentary on guns looks like to have been a smear too far.  After all, it wasn’t “intense pressure” the gun lobby that killed Obama’s anti-gun agenda.  It was white middle-class women, who liked their Second Amendment rights to be left untouched by big government.

Concerning the feminist left, last month Jill Filipovic, a liberal feminist, wrote for Al-Jazeera that:

The latest group to have their gun ownership rights championed by the NRA? Domestic abusers.

Forty percent of women who are murdered in the US are killed by intimate partners. Guns are the cause of more than two-thirds of those domestic violence homicides, killing more victims than all other weapons combined. When an abuser has access to firearms, his victim is eight times more likely to be killed by him. The simple presence of a gun in the home makes any woman 2.7 times more likely to be murdered. And an abuse victim having access to a gun does not make her any less to be killed by her partner.”










Poll: No More Harvard, Yale Presidents!



” Despite electing Yale and Harvard graduates for the last four consecutive presidents, Americans overwhelmingly want the next president to come from a non-Ivy League school, according to a national poll of likely voters.

Rasmussen Reports found that just 5 percent think it’s better for American to have an Ivy president. A staggering 85 percent believe its better for presidents to come from a variety of schools, not just the elite eight.

President Obama attended Harvard Law. Both Bush’s went to Yale as did former President Clinton.

Unlike most polls, there was no partisan disagreement in Rasmussen’s survey.”







Poll: Law Enforcement Officers Overwhelmingly Support Gun Rights and Oppose New Gun Control




” According to a survey released by PoliceOne.com of over 15,000 retired and active duty officers it is clear that the law enforcement community in the US strongly supports the gun rights of private citizens.

Based on the findings it does not look like most officers support any new gun legislation currently being proposed, saying that it would do little to promote officer safety or reduce crime rates.

This is in direct contrast to many anti gun politicians statements that a majority of police officers support their gun control initiatives in the interest of improving “officer safety”.

Here are the key findings from the survey:

  • 99 percent said policies other than an “assault weapons” ban are most important to prevent mass shootings.
  • Almost 96 percent said that a ban on standard capacity magazines would not reduce violent crime.”


Read More 







‘ED Show’ Poll: Would You Send Your Kids To School With Armed Teachers?



Armed Teacher Poll



Poll Results As Of 11:53 am Saturday , January 12th

Somehow we doubt that these are the results MSNBC Was Hoping For .


The Tea Party




NATIONAL POLL: Newt Gingrich Says Obama’s Benghazi-Gate is Worse Than Watergate. Do You Agree? 

Cast your vote & opinion here: http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e6icccygh8ayz086/start



National Association for Gun Rights



Swing States Poll:

Women Push Romney Into Lead


 ” A new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of the Swing States shows Mitt Romney with a lead among likely voters as he strengthens his standing with women in the nation’s top battlegrounds.”



 ”  October 15. 2012 – WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney leads President Obama by four percentage points among likely voters in the nation’s top battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and he has growing enthusiasm among women to thank.

As the presidential campaign heads into its final weeks, the survey of voters in 12 crucial swing states finds female voters much more engaged in the election and increasingly concerned about the deficit and debt issues that favor Romney. The Republican nominee has pulled within one point of the president among women who are likely voters, 48%-49%, and leads by 8 points among men. “

64% of Americans Say Too Many
Dependent on Government


The graph speaks for itself .




From Rasmussen 

  ” From the beginning of the nation, Americans have recognized a necessary tension between giving power to government and maintaining individual freedom. The Federalist Papers, written to advocate ratification of the Constitution, noted that when creating a government “the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers.”

 Today, however, 66% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that there is too much government power and too little individual freedom. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just eight percent (8%) believe the opposite to be true. Twenty-two percent (22%) think the balance is about right.  (To see survey question wording, click here.)”


That’s great as far as it goes but try and square that with what happens on the first Tuesday in November .

Everybody wants the costs of government to be cut but not at their expense . ” Everybody’s Senator sucks … except mine .