Tag Archive: Politico

Politico Battleground Poll Puts Obama At 44/56, GOP Up On Immigration






” Americans are sour on the economy, which surprises Politico’s Alexander Burns [link fixed], but it shouldn’t. In the first major likely-voter poll of the general election, Democrats face strong headwinds on the economic issues that voters tell pollsters will be their main focus in November. Burns notes that voters aren’t buying the Recovery Summer Part IV meme Democrats are selling, although it appears Burns is:

If the nation’s economy is on the mend, the voters of 2014 aren’t feeling it.

  Despite continued signs of a halting but persistent national comeback, midterm voters remain frustrated and unhappy with the state of the economy, according to the latest POLITICO poll of likely voters in 2014 battleground states. Many appear to blame President Barack Obama: 57 percent of these voters disapprove of his economic leadership.

  But while the economy has improved, it has not yet taken flight: Unemployment remains above 6 percent, and in August the country gained just 142,000 jobs. Candidates around the country have tempered their claims of economic improvement, including Republican governors who also initially aimed to run on their records of job creation.

  Some states have seen improved job creation, but not the US as a whole. With the exception of one month out of the past year, there haven’t been any “impressive monthly employment reports,” and even the one didn’t get to the 300K level. Adding an average of around 200K a month only slightly surpasses population growth in the US, which means for the last five years since the technical recovery began, the US has done little except tread water when it comes to job creation. Furthermore, the 6% unemployment rate would be impressive if the workforce participation rate had remained fairly constant, but it hasn’t; it’s at a 36-year low.”



Then there is this gem:



” Unfortunately for Democrats, 35% of likely voters believe economic issues are the top priority for this election in this battleground poll. Another 19% think it’s national security, which makes the situation even worse. The issues that Democrats hoped to highlight in this cycle — the environment, social problems, and immigration — combine up for a whopping 11% of voters who will prioritize them this summer.”



Read it all at Hot Air but remember … if there is a way to blow a huge advantage the GOP are the ones that can find it .








Politico Survey: WH Press Corps Are Wealthy Hillary Fans Who Think Obama’s Not ‘Forthcoming’



” The May-June edition of Politico magazine is out, complete with what it boasts is “the most comprehensive survey yet of [the] unique group of journalists” who comprise the White House press corps. The picture painted by the honest answers therein are not altogether flattering. For instance, we see just how much a self-congratulatory, conventional wisdom-spewing echo-chamber the group is with these two questions.”












Surprisingly Unanimous Journalist Panel: Media Lean Left, Exist In Socially Liberal Echo Chamber


Echo Chamber




” “Top journalists from The New York Times, NBC News and CNN acknowledged Wednesday that, generally speaking, the national media has a liberal bias,” Politico’s media reporter Dylan Byers noted in a December 18 post recapping a Politico Playbook breakfast discussion held earlier on Wednesday morning.

More than one panelist opined that it’s not just that journalists tend to be liberal on policy questions but that they live and work in environments which are socially liberal. “I live in northwest Washington, none of my neighbors are evangelical Christians [and] I don’t know a lot of people in my kid’s preschool who are pro-life,” New York Times writer Mark Leibovich noted. Fellow Washington, D.C.-based journalist Jake Tapper picked up on that thread: ” 


Read On 









Reid Blasts Media For Being Too Conservative




” If anyone still needs proof Harry Reid is completely disconnected with reality, recent comments he made about the state of mainstream media should suffice. The Senate majority leader and bitterly partisan Democrat unbelievably complained today’s press is not leftist enough.

Speaking to Politico recently, he identified a “real shortcoming” within the media, saying journalists “are trying so hard to be fair that [they] are unfair.”

With countless newspapers, networks, websites, and other outlets dedicated to carrying the Obama administration’s water on a daily basis, Reid’s argument falls flat in the face of facts. The mainstream leftist media are, for the most part, not interested in presenting a balanced reportage of the news. While Reid accurately describes the press as “unfair,” most Americans understand that bias is in favor of the leftist cause.”

Mitch McConnell Seeks FBI Investigation




” On Tuesday morning, Mother Jones, a liberal magazine, published an audio recording of McConnell staffers discussing opposition research they could use against actress Ashley Judd, who was considering running against veteran senator in the 2014 Senate race. Judd announced last week that she would not make the race.

The magazine reported that in the Feb. 2 recording, McConnell and his aides were heard considering attacking Judd for “past struggles with depression and for her religious views.”

McConnell is not disputing the authenticity of the tape. Yesterday, his campaign offices were swept by a private security detail, which did not find a bug. Still, given that the meeting was attending by only a handful of longtime McConnell insiders, team McConnell is convinced it was not an internal leak. In an earlier statement, the McConnell campaign accused “the Left” of using “Nixonian tactics” and bugging the campaign’s headquarters.

David Corn, the Mother Jones reporter who broke the story, stood by his reporting and noted that he repeatedly reached out to the McConnell camp before publication.

“Our lawyers vetted the story,” he told POLITICO. “The story itself says we were provided the tape by a source who wishes to remain anonymous. You know this job. I really can’t say much beyond that.” “





Group Claims Hacked Subscriber Database Of NY Newspaper Which Published Gun Permit Map




” The Lower Hudson Journal News, a Gannett newspaper, caused controversy when it published a map of names and addresses of gun permit holders, and announced that it planned to do so again.   The plan for further publication may be in doubt as a neighboring county just announced it was denying the Journal News access to its gun permit database.

In protest, bloggers posted the home addresses and telephone numbers of Journal News editors and staff.  Also cirulating was the personal and family contact information for the Chairwoman of Gannett.

The Journal News has hired armed guards for its offices, according to Politico, because of threats. ”



” One of the tweets (not imaged here) provided a link to a page with this message:

lohud.com was hacked by 2nd amendment supporters in response to the posting of sensitive gun owner information. This database contains user email, name, username, password, name, phone number and address of ~10,000 lohud.com users
Feel free to make maps of Lohud users with this data “

What Happens If Obama Loses?


” The Politico takes an interesting look at what kind of blamestorming will occur if Obama loses on Tuesday

   A defeat for Barack Obama on
Tuesday would be no ordinary loss
for Democrats.

   It would be a traumatic experience: the death of the dream of liberal realignment embodied in Obama’s insurgent 2008 campaign. And it would be all the more distressing to Democrats because so many of them fervently believe they will win tomorrow. “

Lobbyists … What Lobbyists ?

Tim Carney points out the ridiculousness of Politico’s “Lobbyists ready for a comeback under Romney” lede with the greatest of ease . He reminds us of the lobbying past of over four dozen Obama Administration staff from cabinet heads on down . 



“Some of the highest-level positions in a potential Romney administration are expected be filled by former lobbyists and Washington insiders.”


  ” Former lobbyists in some of the highest-level positions? Shock! What would HHS Secretary — and former head of the lobbying group Kansas Trial Lawyers Association – Kathleen Sebelius say? Or former NEA lobbyist, now Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack (16)? Or former Fannie Mae lobbyist and Goldman Sachs consultant Tom Donilon(17), now National Security Advisor. Or even Atty. Gen. and former registered lobbyist Eric Holder (18)?

Does Defense Secretary Leon Panetta (19) hold one of “the highest-level positions”? Because he was a registered lobbyist, too.”

Breitbart Reports 


This is a pre-debate poll .  


  “This week, Politico released its latest Battleground poll of the presidential race. Despite coming from the left-wing news site, the poll is one of my favorites. Its put together by respected pollsters from both parties, makes available its full cross-tabs and uses a very modest and reasonable turnout model for its sample. Including leaners, the sample in the poll is D+2. Nationally, Obama leads by 2-3 points, but, in the critical swing states, Romney now has the edge.”

According to Whom ?

Denver debate “do-or-die” for Mitt Romney

 The funny thing about American politics is the fact that it seems to be the only sport where one team presumes to not only compete in the match but also to set the rules and referee the contest as well . 

It certainly is a blessing that us yokels in ” flyover ” country have some betters in the media to explain things for us , otherwise we might just get caught up believing all of that crap fed to us as campaign promises .

“The kickoff presidential debate Wednesday in Denver is shaping up as do-or-die time for Mitt Romney, with the pressure intensifying this week after a flurry of swing-state polls showed President Barack Obama opening up a sizable lead.

Republicans, fretting about dwindling days for Romney to turn around his campaign, fear that if their nominee doesn’t come away with a decisive first-debate victory, he’ll continue to spiral downward and lose his last, best shot for a comeback”

  We all know how accurate the pollsters have been in recent times . Think Scott Walker . The polls more often than not reflect the wishful thinking of the bootlick media conducting them and not any scientific results . Remember , if you weight the poll sufficiently you can get any result you desire .

 Remain calm , ignore the hand-wringing ersatz-republican pundits and the openly partisan democrat political operatives ( read : reporters) , talk to your neighbors and friends and VOTE November 6th .

  It will come down to turnout . That is their goal with stories such as this one . They have no basis in fact , they only exist with one purpose in mind and that is DEMORALIZATION . 

We Must Not Let The Bastards Win .

A deeper bench ? Hah! That’s funny.

“Conventional warfare: Why Democrats won ”

  “Or maybe it’s because
Democrats were simply blessed with a deeper bench of political athletes in 2012. But whatever the reason, Republicans were lapped by their rivals and may ultimately
pay in November for botching Mitt
Romney’s debut.”

Perfect Timing

The Heritage Foundation


$16,000,000,000,000.00 Red Ink

Sacred Cows

” “It’s going to be a hell of a Labor Day,” said Jim Dyer, a former GOP staff director to the House Appropriations Committee, estimating the date the White House Office of Management and Budget will issue its report that details programs and projects targeted for cuts on Jan. 2, 2013. “You put specifics out there, and each cut is a story unto itself. It’s an unenviable position to be in.”

That’s precisely why many Republicans are urging Mitt Romney to avoid specifics on which programs he’d slash as the campaign season heads into its final stretch.

“Why would you want to go out on a limb and say, ‘I’m for this and this and this specific thing?’” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “You ought to do like [Ronald] Reagan did, if you want to be president of the United States, have a few big things and talk about them.” “

Amtrak’s $16 burger

” “I just went into this McDonald’s, and I could buy a drink for a dollar and a hamburger for a dollar. But if you buy a hamburger on Amtrak, it costs the taxpayers $6.65,” Mica said.

  The media event was a follow-up to a Thursday hearing that focused on the.railroad’s food and drink losses. A hamburger costs Amtrak $16.15, with riders paying $9.50, according to committee figures. Taxpayers pick up the remaining $6.65, Mica said. “

  At least it is when you have things to hide

  “President Obama’s campaign manager regularly used his
personal email account while working in the White House but was diligent in copying his official email address to preserve records of the emails, Press Secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday.

  But Carney dodged questions about White House officials arranging official meetings
at a coffee shop near the White House to avoid having names of who he was meeting with show up on official White House visitor logs.”

  John Nolte


” The photo above is of Brian Terry, an American Border Patrol Agent dead due to Fast and Furious. We don’t have photos of the hundreds of dead innocent Mexican
citizens gunned down by the Obama Administration’s guns. Though we probably would if Obama had a “R” after his name.
We would probably know a whole lot about the hundreds of Mexican families minus a loved one today due to our government if Republicans were in any way responsible. “

Weasel Zippers reports on Holder’s cluelessness . What a dolt .

“Due to a recent work assignment, I had the opportunity to enter a federal courthouse about 200 times in the past six weeks or so. Each and every time, I was asked for a photo ID, which the court security officer looked at and then allowed me to put away in my wallet.

This procedure, which takes place tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of times each day in federal courthouses across the country, is apparently entirely unknown to the nation’s top law enforcement officer, Attorney General Eric Holder.”

GOP targets president on gas prices with #Obamaonempty Twitter campaign

“The White House recently earned
accolades for its #40dollars Twitter
campaign, launched to help push through
a payroll tax cut extension.
Republicans are now running their own
campaign, #Obamaonempty, urging
Twitter users across the country to snap
photos of prices at the gas pump when
they fill up.
It’s part of a concerted effort by the GOP
to pin increasing gas prices on President
Obama after he trashed Republicans and
defended his energy record last Thursday,
POLITICO’s Darren Goode reported
The RNC Tweeted: “Today when you are at
the station, take a picture of the pump and
tweet us the photo- use the hashtag #
ObamaonEmpty. Great response so far!”
Twitterers from far and wide have sent in
pics: In Shreveport, La., regular hit $3.53 ,
in Virginia Beach it went to $3.63 , and in
New Port Richey, Fl., it was $3.75 ,
according to the submissions.
One Tweeter, @j_heals, pulled the two
campaigns together. Senate staffer Jeni
Healy Tweeted a photo showing a tank of
gas cost her $65.81 : “@RNC ugh @
whitehouse what $40 doesnt cover: A tank
of gas Payroll “tax break” wont help at the
gas pump #ObamaOnEmpty.”

As per the Politico .

Posted by John Galt

Courtesy of Bill Hobbs