Doubts Chip Away At Nation’s Most Trusted Agencies






” Even as Americans’ trust in government eroded in recent years, people kept faith in a handful of agencies and institutions admired for their steadiness in ensuring the country’s protection.

  To safeguard the president, there was the solidity of the Secret Service. To stand vigil against distant enemies, the U.S. nuclear missile corps was assumed to be on the job. And to ward off threats to public health, the nation counted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Now, in the space of just a few months, the reputations of all those agencies – as well as the Veterans Administration – have been tarred by scandal or tarnished by doubt. Maybe a public buffeted by partisan rhetoric and nonstop news should be used to this by now. But, with the CDC facing tough questions about its response to the Ebola outbreak, something feels different. Government is about doing collectively what citizens can’t do alone, but its effectiveness is premised on trust.

  A year ago, with Washington shut down and trust in government near records lows, the CDC still won a 75 percent approval rating, the highest of any federal agency, a poll by the Pew Research Center found. But when CBS News surveyed Americans in mid-October, just 37 percent said the agency was doing a good or excellent job.”

   There is no mystery to this lack of confidence in the State , When you politicize government agencies you immediately gain a near fifty percent disapproval right at the start . There is nowhere to go but down . 

” The Homeland Security Department won a 66 percent approval rating a year ago. But that was before the Secret Service, which is a part of the agency, was caught in a number of lapses: among them, the agency’s failure to stop a man armed with a knife from scaling the fence and running into White House and the unchecked entry of an armed contractor onto an elevator with the president. In the new CBS news poll, just 38 percent of those questioned rated the Secret Service’s performance as good or excellent and 43 percent did so for its parent department.

  The Veterans Administration was viewed favorably by 68 percent of those polled last year. But it too has since been swept up in a scandal over long wait times for veterans seeking care and records that were falsified to camouflage the problems. In the CBS poll, just 30 percent rated the VA as doing a good job.”

    While the trend is not exactly a new thing there can be no doubt that it has been greatly accelerated over the past six years by the King of Politicization himself .

   The trend away from big government and the subsequent move back towards local government control and  accountability , while certainly unintentional on Obama’s part , will turn out to be his greatest accomplishment .

    It takes a Statist to make people abhor the State .

    The magnitude of the shift is even more impressive when one takes into account the massive effort exerted by the MSM these past six years in carrying “Dear Leader’s” water . Imagine where public sympathies would be if they weren’t bombarded on a daily basis with Statist propaganda and instead were offered the truth .

AP News