Email Scandal Mars Christie’s Chances For Presidency; Governor Apologizes





” That sound you’re hearing is the air going out of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s 2016 Republican presidential aspirations, thanks to the scandal known as Bridgegate.

  We’ve always known that Christie, a former federal prosecutor, has a temper. He can be nasty and combative — particularly when it comes to entrenched liberal interests like labor unions — and, frankly, that’s what a whole lot of Republicans like about him. (His temper is also beloved by Democrats who believe his explosive tendencies are their best secret weapon against him.)

  He’s popular with Republicans and Democrats because of what passes these days in politics for an “independent streak.”

  Last summer, in a stunningly petty act, Christie’s minions apparently ordered the closure of bridge lanes leading into New York City to punish a Democratic mayor who refused to endorse him for reelection.

  In an explosive story Wednesday, the Bergen Record revealed a cache of private emails that seemed to show Christie’s staff and appointees orchestrated the closure of lanes leading onto the George Washington Bridge to plague the small town of Fort Lee, whose Democratic mayor, Mark Sokolich, had failed to endorse Christie for reelection.”