Tag Archive: Political Corruption

Congratulations, New York, You’re #1 In Corruption






” Other states have plenty of corruption, but it’s hard to beat New York when it comes to sheer volume. The indictment Monday of Dean Skelos, the state Senate majority leader, and his son Adam came just three months after charges were brought against Sheldon Silver, then the Assembly Speaker. Having the top leaders in both chambers face indictment in the same session is an unparalleled achievement, but Skelos is now the fifth straight Senate majority leader in Albany to face indictment.

  New York doesn’t so much have a culture of corruption as an entire festival. So far, Senate Republicans are standing by Skelos, but if they decide to make a change, they probably won’t turn to Thomas Libous, the chamber’s Number Two leader. He faces trial this summer on charges of lying to the FBI, while his son faces sentencing later this month on similar charges. All told, more than two dozen members of the New York state legislature have been indicted or resigned in disgrace over the past five years. “Albany for a long time has had a culture of self-interest, where private gains are woven in with public policy,” says Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause in New York.

  Clusters of corruption and even convictions are not unique to New York. Silver was one of four state House Speakers to face indictment over the past year (Alabama, Rhode Island and South Carolina are home to the others). In Massachusetts, three Speakers prior to current incumbent Robert DeLeo all resigned and pleaded guilty to criminal charges. When Dan Walker died last week, it was hard for obituary writers not to note that he was one of four Illinois governors over the past five decades who ended up in prison. “While I’m a proud New Yorker and want my state to be ahead in everything, I’m not sure we’re ahead on corruption,” says Daniel Richman, a former federal prosecutor who teaches law at Columbia University.

  Richman is kidding, but he makes a serious point. Give any U.S. attorney a year and 10 FBI agents and he or she can probably come back from the state capital with a passel of indictments. Having said all that, however, the waters in Albany have long been heavily stocked with potentially big fish. Remember in the movie Lincoln, when the president decides he has to resort to low dealings to get the anti-slavery amendment through Congress? The characters he relies on to do the trick come from Albany.”


Politico has the details












Biggest Protests In 20 Years Sweep Brazil




” As many as 200,000 demonstrators marched through the streets of Brazil’s biggest cities on Monday in a swelling wave of protest tapping into widespread anger at poor public services, police violence and government corruption.

The marches, organized mostly through snowballing social media campaigns, blocked streets and halted traffic in more than a half-dozen cities, including Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia, where demonstrators climbed onto the roof of Brazil’s Congress building and then stormed it.

Monday’s demonstrations were the latest in a flurry of protests in the past two weeks that have added to growing unease over Brazil’s sluggish economy, high inflation and a spurt in violent crime.”












National Editorial: Did IRS Dirty Tricks Against Tea Party End In Cincinnati?





To understand the moral context of the IRS’ admission that it improperly targeted conservative Tea Party and Patriot nonprofits during the 2012 presidential campaign, it helps to know that Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have something in common besides twice being elected to the Oval Office: All three appear to have been quite willing to use the most intrusive powers of the federal government against their political opposition.

Unlike the Nixon scandal, there is as yet no evidence that Obama or one of his top aides ordered the IRS to go after the conservative groups, but then it was only on Friday that Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS tax exemption unit, admitted the “inappropriate” actions while answering a question during an American Bar Association conference.”













William Boyland Jr. Indicted Yet Again





” Assemblyman William Boyland Jr. just can’t catch a break.

Mr. Boyland, who was previously charged with soliciting bribes to pay his legal bills in an unrelated corruption trial, was indicted again last March for wire fraud charges stemming from alleged abuse of per diem requests. And he was just charged yet again today.

“Boyland engaged in a scheme to defraud New York State by steering public funds to a Brooklyn based non-profit organization (‘Non-Profit A’) and then directing that a portion of those public funds be used to pay for community events promoting Boyland and on goods such as t-shirts imprinted with the slogan ‘Team Boyland’ which were distributed at those events,” a press release from the U.S. Attorney’s office this evening declared.”






Chicago Police Chief: Second Amendment Is A Danger To Public Safety





” Chicago’s Chief of Police, who previously blamed ”government-sponsored racism” and Sarah Palin for Chicago’s gun violence, declared that the law-ful exercise of the Second Amendment was a threat to public safety. From the Illinois State Rifle Association:

” Chicago’s embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of political corruption.  Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCarthy expressed his conviction that firearm owners who lobby their elected representatives or who donate money to political campaigns are engaged in corruption that endangers public safety.  McCarthy went on to express his belief that judges and legislators should rely on public opinion polls when interpreting our Constitution.

After totally dismissing the citizen’s right to redress grievances, McCarthy trained his constitutional wisdom on the 2nd Amendment.  Despite recent court decisions to the contrary, McCarthy opined that the 2ndAmendment limits citizens to owning smooth-bore muskets.  McCarthy went on to say that he believes that the 2nd Amendment supports mandatory liability insurance for firearm owners and the mandatory application of GPS tracking devices to civilian owned firearms.” ”


Judge Jeanine Calls Out Garry McCarthy Chicago Superintendent of Police in Opening Statement


Foreign Aid: Money Down A Rat Hole?



CPI Index



” A few months ago I stumbled upon a nonprofit organization that publishes an annual corruption index. It’s called the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) and it measures the “perceived levels of public sector corruption in 176 countries/territories.” The CPI is published by Transparency International and their web address is: http://www.transparency.org. It should be noted that a score of 100 is perfect (i.e.; least corrupt) and a score of ‘one’ would indicate a high level of corruption.

At the bottom of the index (top of the table) are the two most corrupt regimes. They are Somalia which received $168 million and Afghanistan which received $2.3 billion. Together, these two nations received approximately $2.47 billion! The total given to all of the countries listed in the table approaches $9.0 billion. The U.S. issues approximately $50 billion a year in foreign aid with nearly 20% allocated to the countries in the table. In case you’re curious, the U.S. ranks 19th on the corruption index with a score of 73. The least corrupt nations according to the CPI are Denmark, Finland and New Zealand, each with a score of 90.”

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 SEIU: Culture of Political Corruption



  “Please take a few minutes to watch the unbelievable footage our investigators captured recently in the offices of politically connected labor unions like SEIU.

The “you scratch my back, I scratch your back” relationship between organized labor and Democrat politicians like Senator Robert Menendez goes a long way toward explaining how millions of dollars of YOUR tax money ends up going to fund “bullsh–” Green Jobs.

It’s a shocking message that must beseen by as many Americans as possible.

After you’ve finished with the video, please use the contribution form below to make your most generous contribution to Project Veritas, so we can continue our work to expose this kind of fraud and corruption wherever it exists.”