Tag Archive: Playground

City Orders Family To Get Rid Of Special Needs Child’s Make-A-Wish Gift



Make-A-Wish Playset

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” 10-year-old Tiffany Miranda of Santa Fe Springs, CA suffers from a severe seizure disorder that prevents her from playing on playground equipment in public parks. To ease her quality of life, the Make-A-Wish Foundation built her a playground play set, which her parents placed in the back yard of their own property. However, according to CBS Los Angeles, the Santa Fe Springs city government has issued a citation ordering the family to remove the play set from their back yard, claiming that it is an eyesore.

  Jessica Torres, Tiffany’s mother, told CBS Los Angeles, “When I asked the city, ‘So where do you expect my daughter to play?’ they said ‘Well, the city’s not responsible for your daughter’s disability…’ They said ‘Your Tiffany is not our problem.’” Stating her intention to fight back against the citation, Torres said, “I’m not going to let this go. I’m not going to remove the playhouse and I’m not going to remove her canopy and I want them to stop picking on my Tiffany.” Torres said that her daughter loves playing on her playground play set, “She’s able to be a normal kid. She has her own special park.” “


Ben Swann has more on the ever-caring State











Awesome Dad Makes His Home A Blast For The Kids (30 Photos)


awesome dad makes houses kid friendly 15 Awesome Dad makes his home a blast for the kids (30 Photos)



” One day an epic father decided to give his kids the life he always dreamed of by turning his house/yard into a fun fantasy island resort.”



Don’t Let Outward Appearances Deceive You

Look A Little Closer



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Yes An Honest To Goodness Fireman’s Pole



But That’s Only The Beginning


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From Pirate Ships …




… To Space Ships


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This Pop Is The Tops … You Must See The Rest … Bravo Dad !!






Don’t Believe the Hype About “Dangerous” Christmas Toys

Welcome To The Season Of Bogus Scare Stories





” Of course, if it was just a few trial lawyers practicing the sky-is-falling business, the whole idea of super-dangerous toys wouldn’t have gone so viral. But the U.S. Public Interest Research Group also publishes an annual “Trouble in Toyland” survey—this year in its 27th iteration—making it seem like anyone who thinks toys are pretty safe is a soon-to-be-sorry sap.

Just like W.A.T.C.H., the survey warns about string: “Drawstrings on children’s clothing lead to deaths and injuries when they catch on playground equipment, bus doors or cribs.” How big a threat do drawstrings pose? “From January 1985 through June 1997, the CSPC [Consumer Product Safety Commission] received reports of 21 deaths,” says the report. That’s 21 deaths over the course of 12 years. Still, “CSPC recommends parents remove drawstrings from all children’s upper outerwear sized 2T to 12 and buy clothing with alternative closures, like snaps, buttons and Velcro.”

Let me repeat that recommendation: Remove the drawstrings on all children’s clothes up to age 12.”