Tag Archive: Pistol Licensing

State Police Eye Early Pistol-Permit Registration




” State Police are planning a pilot program to start getting pistol-permit holders to re-certify their weapons as part of the state’s controversial SAFE Act.

  New York’s gun-control law adopted in January 2013 requires pistol-permit holders to re-certify their weapons every five years starting in 2018.

  But with about 2 million pistol-permit holders in New York, State Police appear to be starting the process early through a pilot program in the Albany area that could slowly expand to other parts of the state, county clerks and sheriffs said.

  The pilot program in Albany, Schenectady and Fulton counties could start as early as next month. State Police, according to local officials, are expected to start by sending out letters to 500 gun owners in each county asking them to voluntarily re-certify their guns now instead of 2018.

” They are trying to break up the workload,” said Wayne County Clerk Michael Jankowski, who wrote a memo to fellow clerks last month after State Police presented preliminary plans at a clerks’ meeting last fall.

  But the scope and the process for the early re-certification is unclear. State Police would offer no specifics.”


Read the rest … forewarned is forearmed

















” The Supreme Court is staying out of the gun debate for now.

The justices on Monday declined to hear a challenge to a strict New York law that makes it difficult for residents to get a license to carry a concealed handgun in public.

The court did not comment in turning away an appeal from five state residents and the Second Amendment Foundation. Their lawsuit also drew support from the National Rifle Association and 20 states.”








A Long Island Horror Story




” March 1st was just another day when I put my 10 year old, fourth grade son John on the bus and sent him off to school. Or so I thought. On the contrary, today was the day that my life as a gun owner was about to change, dramatically and rapidly.

Sometime during the day, my son allegedly spoke with a few of his classmates. The boys (excluding my son) were involved in a school yard pushing incident the day before. Two or three of these boys (including my son) were talking about going to the house of the boys that did the pushing. These boys were to take with them a water, paint and bb gun. Word of this got to the principal. She immediately interrogated the children. I received a call from the principal advising me of this just as my son got off the bus. She also advised me that my son was to be suspended for two days because of his words. She decided that this talk amongst students warranted filing a police report. If this wasn’t bad enough, the police were sent to my residence and I was advised that my guns may be taken from me. This can’t be happening, I thought. But it was.

The following Monday I received a call from Pistol Licensing that they would be at my residence in the morning to take my guns and suspend my license. I attempted to explain that this must be a mistake, no wrong doing occurred on my part. My son has no access to any of my guns. The officer that came to my residence saw that all my guns were secured.Pistol Licensing was not interested in my side of the story. They were only interested in what happened with my ten year old son in school.”





