Tag Archive: Photos

Niagara Falls Frozen: Amazing Pictures Show Waterfall Draped In Sheets Of Solid Ice




” Niagara Falls has frozen over as arctic temperatures have taken hold across the Great Lakes, creating an amazing sight that’s generating some viral photos and drawing tourists from around the world.

  With temperatures dipping to 13 degrees below zero in the region, the famous waterfall has turned into a giant cascade of icy sheets. Pictures of the frozen Niagara Falls have circulated around the internet, showing just how massive the ice is around the waterfall.”






” The extreme cold temperatures are helping create the frozen phenomenon. When the weather is this cold, the tremendous amount of mist generated by the powerful waterfall turns everything around it into ice, building in ever-thickening layers that make for an incredible sight.

  This is not the first time that a frozen Niagara Falls has gained attention. Last year some photos of the ice-draped waterfall went viral, thanks in part to a bit of a misunderstanding about just how icy it had gotten. In March, a late-winter cold snap left icy covering the sides of the waterfall, but many pictures circulating on the internet and social media claimed that it had actually frozen over entirely.”


   In fact the Falls are so frozen that intrepid climber Will Gadd dared to ascend the icy wall …







Visit the Inquisitr for more on frozen the Niagara Falls













28 Dog Photos You Just Can’t Explain





” When this chihuahua went where no man had gone before.”


   We’ll never know what that chihuahua was thinking and perhaps we’re better off for it , but there are 27 other photos here that will also leave you scratching your head , smiling and marveling at the wonders of the canine mind . 












These Are the Most Amazing Le Mans Race Cars of the Year

(One Is A Freaking Backhoe)







” The 2014 season of the 24 Hours of LeMons was the best one yet, with 20 races all over the country, the world-record largest endurance road race in history (the Guinness folks just declared it as the official record holder), floods, ice, pitch darkness, and—of course—the greatest crop of new-to-the-series race cars we could ever hope to see. 2013 had some great machinery, as did 2012 and 2011, but nothing like what we saw during the last 12 months. Here we go, the new cars (or cars modified so heavily that they might as well have been new) from the 2014 season!”



CMP - Truckster 2



” You can’t go wrong with British sports cars in LeMonseverybody knows that—and so it was something of a mystery that we saw zero Jensen-Healeys during the first eight years of the series. You can get an ugly example for cheap and the “Torqueless Wonder” Lotus 907 engine seems well-suited for screaming around a road course, so we knew it was just a matter of time before some team took the plunge. That team was Bangers N Mash, which showed up to the Return of the LeMonites race at Miller Motorsports Park in Utah with this car.”



NJMP1 - Super Grover 2



   Car & Driver has a comprehensive review of the past year’s action along with dozens of photos documenting the amazingly creative racing machines that appeared nationwide throughout the course of the year .












A Few Hilarious Lost Pet Signs (24 Photos)




funny lost pet signs 12 A few hilarious lost pet signs (24 Photos)






Here’s another sample …




funny lost pet signs 6 A few hilarious lost pet signs (24 Photos)


See the rest here












From Del Shores








” Another THEY DID NOT THINK THIS THROUGH moment brought to you by John Noble. Or perhaps, the designer knew EXACTLY what he/she was doing! “



Read the comments . some of them are priceless , including this commenter’s weather map photo …












 … Put The Eternal Joys Of Parenting In Perspective



Here are a few samples to start your day off with a smile .




10. Basic hygiene… 







16. Sometimes they raid the fridge for midnight snacks…







Kids can be mean …




21. So mean.








34. Their first jobs can be a little dirty.






See the other 36 examples of parental joy at IJR . Have a nice day .









… ‘To Make Reading Sexy’








” It’s spring in New York City, and that means the city’s most topless literary club is back in action. Members of the The Outdoor Co-Ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society bared their breasts in Central Park on Friday, and then again Saturday while lounging on the rooftop sundeck of a certain “nude-friendly, gay-friendly, everything-friendly boutique hotel.”

  The reading material included, of course, some pulp fiction titles like “Hunt Through The Cradle of Fear,” “Borderline,” as well as “Abraham Lincoln, Presidential Fu*k Machine,” and, er, “Moby Dick.”

  For the uninitiated, OCETPFAS formed a few years ago. It’s the group’s mission to “make reading sexy,” as well as remind New Yorkers that toplessness is very legal in New York City.

  Take a NSFW scroll below. And if you’re interested in joining the OCETPFAS, find out where the group meets next here or follow them on Twitter.”


HuffPost has more including many NSFW photos












NYPD’s Twitter Photo Contest Backfires With Images Of Aggressive Police Force





” The New York Police Department attempted to harness Twitter to drum up support today, but things haven’t exactly gone as planned. Earlier today, the official NYPD Twitter account asked followers to tweet photos of themselves with NYC police officers under the hashtag #myNYPD — but so far, many users have jumped on that hashtag to flood it with images of police aggressively apprehending apparent suspects. So far, these are hardly the friendly images the NYPD was hoping for.”








” While it’s hard to say if the force used in many of the pictures tagged with the #myNYPD hashtag is justified or not, the overall sentiment is clearly one in defense of citizens against an overly brutal police presence. Either way, there’s little doubt that the anti-police co-opting of the #myNYPD hashtag is picking up mainstream attention — it’s one of the top trending items on Twitter right now.”




   Read more at the Verge and the Huff Post while you can visit #myNYPD here and see lots of less than flattering NYPD photos .









Here Are 18 Beauty Ads From The Past That Would Result In Mass Protests Today.







” Throughout history, a lot have things have changed in our society. Groups of people have gained rights and, in general, we are more open minded and progressive.

  There was a time, however, when advertisements were a little more aggressive than they are today. Modern advertisements still pressure men and women to look a certain way, but at least they try not to use the word “chubby.” Some of these may be … slightly offensive.”

See the others at Viral Nova

This Haunted House Takes A Flash Photo At The Exact Scariest Moment. These 30 Reactions Are Hysterical.






” For the past four years, the brilliantly twisted geniuses at a Canada-based attraction called Nightmares Fear Factory  have been running an automatic camera that snaps pictures of spooked people at the perfect moment, a split second after a big scare in the pitch dark. Since it’s a flash, it catches their hysterical reactions.”


See the other 29 photos here 










… What Happened Is Priceless

Back from the hospital, their very first meet and greet.

” A lot of parents are concerned with how their family dog will react when they bring a newborn baby home. We read horrifying stories of dogs turning on helpless children, so it’s a legitimate concern.

  In the case of Reddit user banpeiSF, he was worried about how his Corgi, Wilbur, would handle the arriving of their little one. I think these photos perfectly answer that question.”

    Ever the faithful herder , Wilbur watches over his baby sister like a hawk . See the rest of the charming pictures at Viral Nova .

The Most Frightening Water Creatures You Never Want to See While Swimming



” There are certainly some frightening creatures out there. Did you know that more than 90% of life on earth lives in the water? Much of it is still to be discovered, but we wanted to share a few pictures with you of some of the creepiest under water lifeforms to have been discovered so far. Most of them are completely harmless, but still, just one look at some of them might be enough to give you a heart attack.”



”  As frightening as this fish, the Fangtooth, appears, it is virtually harmless. It lives at depths greater than 16,000 feet below the surface, and due to the lack of light there, it is blind. It literally has to bump into its food to find it.”

You can see more at LibertyDigest

Rock Hill Students Hold Guns During Veterans Day Event





” The principal of Saluda Trail Middle School in Rock Hill is defending the decision to let students hold military weapons during a Veterans Day program at the school last week.

A parent complained after pictures of two students holding weapons were posted on the eighth grade school blog.

In each picture a member of the military is next to the student.

The parent thought, that in light of recent school shootings, it was inappropriate.

Principal Brenda Campbell disagreed.

“Those guns are completely no ammo. They had been checked out by the military themselves, who brought them into our school,” Campbell said.”


Kudos to Principal Campbell for standing her ground .






#MillionMaskMarch: Photos From The ‘Million Mask March’ Events Around The Globe


The first arrest at the DC Million Mask March


” Supporters of the Anonymous hacktivist collective held rallies all around the world on Tuesday, Guy Fawkes Day. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November,” took on a whole new meaning as thousands protested corruption and corporatism together. Numbers aren’t in yet, but there were at least 450 scheduled rallies around the globe.

Most of the coverage you’ll find on these rallies will be very anti-Anonymous, like this one by the Washington Post. But social media tells a different story. The following slideshow is pictures from various “Million Mask March” events around the world.”


Athens Police Investigate Alleged Rape Caught On Camera


Ohio %22Rape%22


” An Ohio University student says she was raped, and the alleged assault was photographed and shared on social media.
Investigators say they have spoken to both the man and woman in the photo, and they are trying to determine exactly what happened.
They say one thing is clear: there were witnesses, and investigators want to speak with them.

The 20-year-old woman contacted Athens Police Sunday night and said she had been raped.
She said the assault happened on Saturday morning sometime between 1 and 6 a.m.
Within hours, photos and video of the incident were online and sparking outrage.”



   Make no mistake here , we are certainly not apologists for barbaric male behavior as many of our previous posts can attest , yet none can deny that many young men have been railroaded into scandal and/or criminal charges by vindictive lovers .

While the facts remain to be brought to light in this case , one must admit that the possibility exists that the sex that was witnessed on a public street between two adults and photographed could very well have started out as consensual but once it became a spectacle on social media the woman , in a desire to avoid shame , cried rape .

     We take only the side of truth here , caution readers not to rush to judgement , let the truth will out . Remember more than one innocent has been sent to jail because of the pride of another .










Amazing Things in the World







53 Rare Historical Photos


Washington-Hoover Airport … Present Site Of The Pentagon.


Dinosaurs Tranported on The Hudson River For The 1964 World’s Fair.

Damaged and Destroyed Aircraft

52 Photos


A B-17 that was able to limp home after being ...

Image Credit: Military Channel

” A B-17 that was able to limp home after being sliced by an ME-109. You can see plenty more Damaged B-17s in our Damaged B-17s Photo Gallery.”



Here’s another sample 



Realizing that he doesn't have enough altitude to execute a ...

Image Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III

” Realizing that he doesn’t have enough altitude to execute a split S maneuver, the USAF Thunderbirds pilot of this F-16 guided his plane away from a crowd of 60,000 and ejected seconds before the plane hit the ground in Idaho, September, 2003. Fortunately there were no casualties.”











U.S., British Intelligence Mining Data From Nine U.S. Internet Companies In Broad Secret Program





” The program, code-named PRISM, has not been made public until now. It may be the first of its kind. The NSA prides itself on stealing secrets and breaking codes, and it is accustomed to corporate partnerships that help it divert data traffic or sidestep barriers. But there has never been a Google or Facebook before, and it is unlikely that there are richer troves of valuable intelligence than the ones in Silicon Valley.

Equally unusual is the way the NSA extracts what it wants, according to the document: “Collection directly from the servers of these U.S. Service Providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.”

London’s Guardian newspaper reported Friday that GCHQ, Britain’s equivalent of the NSA, also has been secretly gathering intelligence from the same internet companies through an operation set up by the NSA.

According to documents obtained by The Guardian, PRISM would appear to allow GCHQ to circumvent the formal legal process required in Britain to seek personal material such as emails, photos and videos from an internet company based outside of the country.”



Despite the spate of corporate denials it would appear that they are all willing participants … shame .



In exchange for immunity from lawsuits, companies such as Yahoo and AOL are obliged to accept a “directive” from the attorney general and the director of national intelligence to open their servers to the FBI’s Data Intercept Technology Unit, which handles liaison to U.S. companies from the NSA. In 2008, Congress gave the Justice Department authority for a secret order from the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Court to compel a reluctant company “to comply.”

In practice, there is room for a company to maneuver, delay or resist. When a clandestine intelligence program meets a highly regulated industry, said a lawyer with experience in bridging the gaps, neither side wants to risk a public fight. The engineering problems are so immense, in systems of such complexity and frequent change, that the FBI and NSA would be hard pressed to build in back doors without active help from each company.


The money quote …


As it is written, there is nothing to prohibit the intelligence community from searching through a pile of communications, which may have been incidentally or accidentally been collected without a warrant, to deliberately search for the phone calls or e-mails of specific Americans,” Udall said.





Google CEO Larry Page On PRISM: ‘What The…?’

Apple: ‘We Have Never Heard Of PRISM’

Dissecting Big Tech’s Denial of Involvement in NSA’s PRISM …

Google and Facebook Double Down on Prism Denials

PRISM’s NSA fallout: Apple, Google, Facebook issue denials …

Evolution Of The PRISM Denials: This May Be Why They Seem …

Apple, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Paltalk, AOL issue …

Liberal England: PRISM: Should we believe the internet companies …












100 Percent FED Up





” I love Judge Jeanine Pirro!! Check this out-she’s at the range target shooting with a handgun. Awesome!!

Judge Jeanine: “I’ve been reading your comments. Thanks so much!! FYI close to the target with handgun because any engagement would be with someone in my home. I am not a sniper ergo I will not be shooting from 25 yards but rather only to defend myself in my home.” “




MP5 wow!



My AR15 hits the target.








Before/After Oklahoma Tornado Pictures Capture Devastation (LIVE UPDATES)


” The tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma on May 20 left many dead and injured, a school destroyed and a community to pick up the pieces.

While rescue workers are still in the process of assessing the damage, President Obama already declared Monday’s tornado to be one of the most destructive in U.S. history.

The National Weather Service gave the tornado a preliminary ranking of EF4, which puts it in the second most powerful category. According to the Associated Press, the twister was an estimated two miles wide with winds up to 200 mph.

Below are images showing what the Moore area looked like before the twister hit, and the tragic destruction that soon followed.”





4. Plaza Towers Elementary School














See Them All Here







Mile-Wide Tornado Hits Oklahoma City Suburb, Killing at Least 51





” A massive, mile-wide tornado touched down in Moore, Oklahoma Monday afternoon, killing at least 51 people, including 20 children. A reporter from local news station KFOR supposedly called it “the biggest, most destructive tornado in the history of the world,” and estimated it was two to three times the magnitude of the massive tornados that hit Oklahoma in 1999.”








Hundreds Of Parents Send In Photos Of Their Child With A Gun



” Last week I requested my readers to send in photos of their children/grandchildren to show support for the New Jersey family that had the Department of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) raid their home.  The unlawful visit was all due to a photo the dad posted on Facebook of his son with a rifle.

Townhall and Fox & Friends picked up on the story since then.

I received hundreds of e-mails from parents that shared their child’s gun photo to show support for the Moore family. These are the kids ‘facing the fight’.” 



    Here are just a few samples , go here to see the rest … Hundreds of them … It warms the heart .


















  Be sure to check them all out . It will make you proud , and remember this is what we fight for .













” So you weren’t able to get to the NRA convention in Houston this year? Luckily we were there for you. Below, we’ve compiled our favorite pictures from the first day. From guns to celebrities to just downright awesome it’s all here:” 







   We include this moment from the 2000 NRA convention  … just because !