Tag Archive: Photographs

Russia Releases Photos Of Its Submarine Fleet






” The Russian Defense Ministry released photos of a cargo ship transporting two of its nuclear-powered attack submarines in a pretty stunning set of photos.

  Russia is transporting the Bratsk and the Samara Akula II-class submarines from Kamchatka to Severodvinsk where both are set to receive massive modernization upgrades at the Zvezdochka shipyard. The submarines will be ferried by the Russian nuclear icebreaker fleet  along Russia’s frigid northern coast before it is set to arrive Sept. 20.

  The release of the photos along with an update on the modernization of the Russian’s highly-secretive submarine fleet is what sticks out. RT was the first to publish the photos. “


Read/see more at Defense Tech










38 Hilarious Warning Signs That Prove Human Beings Are Literally The Worst






We’ve all seen the nit-wits wearing hats like these but how many of you have seen this one ?







    Here are three dozen more signs such as these indicating to us that humanity has reached the apex of it’s evolutionary journey and is now backsliding towards a well-deserved purging of the gene pool .

Do we detect a hint of skepticism on the part of our readers ? Think we’ve overstated the danger of our present path towards idiocy ? Have one more sample then , before seeing the rest . You’ll weep for mankind .




Told you so …














Fantastic Photos From Berlin And Hitler’s Bunker





Hitler's Bunker















Knob Creek 2014 Shoot (Photo Heavy)






” The famous Knob Creek Gun Range bi-annual Machine Gun Shoot needs no introduction. It is heaven-on-earth for gun nuts, or at least for gun nuts with cash to burn on ammunition. The April shoot happened last weekend. Roy of Andrews Armory, Little Rock, AR and Houston Hardin of Xrayguns.com (the man who makes those awesome xray gun prints) sent me these photos taken at the shoot … “




Knob Creek Shoot 2014



Tons more photos at The Firearms Blog






31 Of The Most Exotic Pools On Earth…



Infinity pool in Singapore at Marina Bay Sands resort


Infinity Pool Singapore Marina Bay Sands



” Summer is right around the corner and I’m sure you’ll want to jump into a swimming pool soon to celebrate. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most awesome swimming pools on earth for you.”



If you’re not to keen on heights perhaps a pool a little closer to the water would be more to your liking …




Chongwe River House pool in Zambia, Africa


Chongwe River Pool

The suite that goes with the Changwe pool for $2000 per night must be seen to be believed .



Finally , for those who like a more traditional pool/seaside combination we offer you this beauty from the Bahamas …




The pool at Nandana Villas in Bahamas


Nandana Villa Pool



The inquisitive reader can explore the other 28 exotic water holes here … Think summer …












The Revolution Captured On Camera


Fireworks explode near anti-government protesters during clashes with riot police at Independence Square in Kiev on February 18

Fireworks explode near anti-government protesters during clashes with riot police at Independence Square 
in Kiev on February 18


” Ukraine has experienced its bloodiest week in decades after days of deadly clashes between anti-government protesters and police which ended in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych.

  For three months demonstrators have been involved in a stand-off with authorities in the capital Kiev.

  But on February 18 violence escalated and the Health Ministry said the death toll between protesters and police had reached 82. The protesters put that figure at over 100.

  Here are a selection of photographs which capture the devastation caused in Kiev’s Independence Square.”

Activists pay respects to protesters who were killed in clashes with police in Independence Square, the epicentre of demonstrations in Kiev

Activists pay respects to protesters who were killed in clashes with police in Independence Square, 
the epicentre of demonstrations in Kiev

Wounded people are seen after clashes with riot police in central Kiev on February 18

Wounded people are seen after clashes with riot police in central Kiev on February 18

Smoke rises above Independence Square during anti-government protests in central Kiev in the early hours of February 19

Smoke rises above Independence Square during anti-government protests in central Kiev 
in the early hours of February 19

People cheer as they listen to police officers from Lviv who have joined anti-government protesters during a rally in Independence Square in Kiev on February 21

People cheer as they listen to police officers from Lviv who have joined anti-government protesters 
during a rally in Independence Square in Kiev on February 21

   The Daily Mail has many many more photos on display courtesy of Reuters , AP , Getty , AFP and others . See the entire collection here .

‘Urban Ninjas’ Scale China’s Tallest Building


The view from the heavens: Vitaly Raskalov's feet dangling from the top of the Shanghai Tower


” If you are afraid of heights then look away now as these photographs from the top of a super skyscraper are wrong on so many levels.

  Captured from over 2000 feet above the ground, the fear-inducing images reveal what it is like to stand above the tallest building in China.”




” Urban ninjas Vadim Makhorov and Vitaly Raskalov climbed continuously for two hours before conquering the partly constructed Shanghai Tower.

  Unbelievably, the plucky pair used no safety equipment on their awesome ascent and were so high they even passed through clouds.”

The Daily Mail has the story and more photos 









This 80 Year Old Man Has Not Taken A Bath In 60 Years. Just Wait Til You See Him… Whoa.


This Iranian man, Amoo Hadji, hasn't bathed in over 60 years.



” This 80 year-old man looks like a troll or maybe a creature from The Lord of the Rings. His skin is scaly, you can barely see his eyes and he smells to high heaven. The reason for this is simple, he doesn’t have a skin disease or terrible condition: he has just refused to take a bath for sixty years. A Reddit user posted the gallery below. It’s hard to believe this is a real human being.”



Lots more at ViralNova






Pearl Harbor Mega Gallery



Pearl Harbor as viewed from space.

Image Credit: NASA

” Pearl Harbor as viewed from space.”




An aerial view of the U.S. Naval Operating Base, Pearl ...

Image Credit: USN


” An aerial view of the U.S. Naval Operating Base, Pearl Harbor, Oahu, looking southwest on 30 October 1941. Ford Island Naval Air Station is in the center, with the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard just beyond it, across the channel.”





See them all at Military.com









Christmas Celebrations Around The Globe In 21 Different Parts Of The World – You Will Love Them!



A decked out Christmas house in Melksham, England


“A decked out Christmas house in Melksham, England”




Sand sculpture in India.


” Sand sculpture in India.”




Christmas Night Mass at the Vatican.


” Christmas Night Mass at the Vatican.”




See them all …









Friday Firepower

Today’s Firepower Display Courtesy Of The Brigade

    Today’s offering had so many cool pictures that we had a hard time deciding which to include . As a result readers are treated to a third sample to grab their interest … We have it all covered … Air


Sea … well sort of …


And land …


If you want to see more you will have to click through , you’ll be glad you did .

From Amazing Things In The World



” Paul Eppling is a St. Petersburg sculptor, well known in Florida for his metallic animals, usually made from auto parts. I’ve started this posting with one of his most dramatic pieces, the giant “Security Lizard” that sits atop St. Petersburg’s police car garage.”




Artwork crafted from used auto parts 





” I’ll end the Eppling tour by taking you to the beach community of Pass-a-Grille, where these two giant flies hang out on the side of an old building. Paul Eppling has incorporated blown glass into his more recent work, and this is a fine example.”








20 Batkid Instagram Photos That Will Make You Whole Again





” The hero known as Batkid spent Friday restoring peace and order to the people of San Francisco — also known as Gotham City for the day— and smiles to people all across the Internet.

If you’re just getting up to speed, “Batkid” is a five-year-old boy named Miles who’s currently battling leukemia. His biggest wish? To be Batman for a day. So the San Francisco Make-a-Wish Foundation set about making that happen. But they got more than they bargained for when more than 10,000 strangers volunteered to help bring Miles one magical day.”



” Thousands of cheering fans lined the streets of San Francisco as Batkid saved a damsel in distress after the Riddler tied her to train tracks, stopped a bank robbery, rescued San Francisco Giants mascot Lou Seal from the vile Penguin and attended a press conference in which Mayor Ed Lee presented him with a key to the city.

Batkid’s appreciative fans flocked to social media to record the spectacle. By 4 p.m. San Francisco time, more than 10,000 Instagram photos had been posted with the hashtag #SFBatKid. We’ve rounded up 25 of our favorites in the gallery above. And as an added bonus, you can check out footage of Batkid rescuing his damsel in distress right here:”




Pictures and video at the link









Then And Now: Recovery After Sandy


Then And Now: Recovery After Hurricane Sandy




” Hurricane Sandy hit October 29, 2012 near Brigantine, New Jersey, and terrorized 24 states up and down the East Coast. A year later, people are still recovering from an estimated $65 billion in damage. These photos capture the destruction of New York City and Long Island, New York.”



See 52 more photos of the recovery effort a year into it 















World’s Most Stunning Libraries Captured In New Book That Will Leave You Lost For Words


Quiet please: The grand surroundings of the Mafra Palace Library, in Mafra, Portugal is just one of the many libraries featured in Dr James Campbell's new book

The grand Mafra Palace Library, in Mafra, Portugal

” These stunning photographs illustrate the world’s greatest libraries built long before Kindles and iPads existed.

The incredible images document spectacular literary institutions from around the globe, dating from modern times right back to the 15th century.

British academic Dr James Campbell visited more than 80 libraries in 20 countries for his new book The Library, the first complete history of library buildings ever to be written.”



Here is one more sample . Go see the rest at the Daily Mail.




A bookworm's dream: Even the most ardent reader would struggle to get through the six storeys of books kept at the George Peabody Library, Baltimore, United States of America

George Peabody Library, Baltimore








Hilarious Pictures Of Shoddy Workmanship From Around The World

Poor workmanship: Double yellow lines have been painted over a car parked in the way (left)



” It is the sort of shoddy workmanship that provokes fury and hilarity in equal measure.

Re-defining the phrase work-shy, these pictures show the lengths some people will go to in order to not finish a job properly. 

The collection includes examples of people painting around objects instead of moving them, not removing old signs and showing a total lack of common sense as they complete a task.”



In a rush? Workers resurface the road around this parked Audi


More here

























    A month or so ago we linked to a fabulous 3D sidewalk painting brought to us by Amazing Things . It was a very popular post on a really cool subject . Now we have the pleasure to bring you not one more sample of that type of creative genius , but a whole collection of them from various artists around the world . We hope you enjoy the show .



Amazing 3D Sidewalk Art



The 3D street painting 'Crevasse' by artist Edgar Mueller .

The 3D street painting ‘Crevasse’ by artist Edgar Mueller




3D artist Kurt Wenner unveils his latest creation inspired by The Big Lunch.

3D artist Kurt Wenner unveils his latest creation inspired by The Big Lunch.



       These are two samples , there are thirteen more photos of these exciting creations at the link















I Want Thaaaat (55 Photos)






Another Teaser










Biometric Database Of All Adult Americans Hidden In Immigration Reform



” The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system.

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf)  is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.

Employers would be obliged to look up every new hire in the database to verify that they match their photo.”








Bloodbath at Boston Marathon

43 Pictures From Eyewitnesses : Warning Some Are Extremely Graphic

One of the blast sites on Boylston Street near the finish line. Picture: AP

    For those of you that desire to see the carnage at it’s most explicit , LiveLeak has what you are looking for . We’ll post no samples of this one . Be forewarned … brutal pictures 

Rare Historical Photos Pt. 8 [20 Pics]


Golden Gate Bridge Construction

Golden Gate Bridge construction. 1937.

One More Sample For Good Measure Then Go See The Rest




Niagara Falls freeze over

Niagara Falls during the freeze of 1911. You can see people walking right at the bottom of the frozen waterfall.