Tag Archive: Phoenix Police Department

What Was Found At A Phoenix Crime Scene Could Land Holder And Obama In Boiling Hot Water




” The federal gun-walking operation provided weapons to criminals in Mexico – often without any subsequent tracking of their use. The death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has been attributed to a killer using one of these guns.

  The latest claims came from Judicial Watch, which offered a brief summary of its allegations in an exclusive interview with Phoenix news radio station KFYI Monday. Mark Spencer confirmed only that his organization is confident that, following an investigation, a firearm recovered at a crime scene last year will be definitively linked to the botched operation.

  Spencer noted that Judicial Watch first petitioned the Phoenix Police Department in an effort to obtain the relevant information earlier this year. As authorities have yet to comply, he explained that the organization is now pursuing action through the court system by filing a complaint with a local judge.”



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Police Show Up At Kindergarten Graduation After Girl’s Dad Killed

In Line Of Duty





” Five-year-old Tatum Raetz was cheered on by hundreds of police officers on Wednesday at her kindergarten graduation.

What was going to be a happy occasion took a heartbreaking, tragic turn when her father, Phoenix Police Officer Daryl Raetz, was struck and killed by a car on Sunday during a DUI arrest.”