Tag Archive: Philadelphia

Mob Of Teenagers Beats Two High School Students In Philadelphia Subway Station







” A security video showing a mob of students brutally beating two high schoolers in a Philadelphia subway station on Tuesday is being investigated by the city’s transportation officers.

“ It’s an outrageous event. This is so dangerous, it’s not even funny,” Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Police Chief Thomas J. Nestel III told Philly.com.

“ We have operating trains down there. There are passengers waiting for the train … it’s horrendous.”

  The video, which was time-stamped around 3:15 p.m., shows about a dozen teenagers either participating in a one-minute assault on two male students, or cheering it on.”


NY Daily News










At Retreat, Dem Staffers Escort Reporters To Restroom




” Reporters covering the House Democrats’ retreat in Philadelphia this week are having a much different experience than when they’re on their home turf on Capitol Hill. 

  Reporters are being escorted to and from the restroom and lobby and are being barred from entering the hotel outside of scheduled events, even if they’ve been invited by a member of Congress. 

  During Vice President Joe Biden’s remarks at the retreat Friday, reporters were required to have a staff member, usually a junior member of the press team, escort them when going to the bathroom or to the lobby. The filing center for reporters was at a separate hotel from where the retreat was taking place, so access was limited to members of Congress specifically made available to the press.

It was a police state. It was absurd how heavy handed the capitol police and Democratic staff were in trying to control everywhere the press went,” New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters said in an interview.”


Read more about the media being shut out by their own home team here . The irony is delicious .























Johnny Winter, Muddy Waters & James Cotton – 3.6.1977

 Philadelphia, PA




Published on Aug 25, 2014

” Johnny Winter, Muddy Waters & James Cotton

Philadelphia, PA, 1977/03/06

Tower Theater, Upper Darby, Philadelphia, PA
March 6, 1977
Soundboard recording

01 – Band Intros [00:00]
02 – Muddy Intro [03:24]
03 – Hoochie Coochie Man [06:34]
04 – Blow Wind Blow [09:41]
05 – Walkin’ Through the Park [16:13]
06 – Deep Down In Florida [22:19]
07 – Blues Had a Baby [28:58]
08 – I Can’t Be Satisfied [33:35]
09 – Trouble No More [38:21]
10 – Howlin’ Wolf [41:34]
11 – Mannish Boy [48:33]
12 – Got My Mojo Workin’ [54:28]
13 – Oh Baby [59:48]
14 – Hideway [01:04:58]
15 – Cotton Gin [01:13:14]
16 – Last Night [01:15:38]
17 – See See Baby [01:24:41]
18 – Rocket 88 [01:30:37]
19 – How Long [01:32:35]
20 – Slow Blues [01:38:05]
21 – Done Got Over It [01:47:53]
22 – Crosscut Saw [01:54:59]
23 – Talk to Your Daughter [02:00:41]

Johnny Winter – guitar and vocals
Muddy Waters – guitar and vocals
James Cotton – harmonica and vocal
Charles Capice – bass
Willie Smith – drums
Bob Margolin – guitar
Pinetop Perkins – piano

Some notes that came with the show:

  Johnny Winter Timeline 1977
After playing “Rock and Roll” for several years, in 1977 Johnny Winter returns to his musical roots: playing the real blues. His stage shows become calmer; he ceased to jump around from one side of the stage to the other; while playing rough guitar riffs. Now he remains seated, close to the mike. For recordings he uses the notorious all metallic self-made John Velano guitar with the thin silver neck.

  Johnny Winter produces the grammy award winning album “Hard again” with Muddy Waters which launches the comeback of Muddy

  Muddy Waters : during an interview on Johnny:

  Tim: Talking about collaborations, I was curious how you got together with Johnny Winter.

  Muddy: I met Johnny in Austin, Texas. He opened the show for me back in ’60, I think.

  Tim: And how did his producing your Blue Sky album come to be?

  Muddy: He was on it. He was with CBS, and CBS distributed Blue Sky, and the guy that owned Blue Sky was Johnny’s personal man all the way through, Steve Paul. So we was looking for a record contract, and when my manager went to CBS, they said, “Well, we got a good place to put him.” And they put me on Blue Sky with Johnny. ‘Cause see, Johnny, he loves me, because he learned a lot of things under my music. He likes me personally as a friend. So when he heard that we wanted him to produce the record and all — Man, that was just what he wanted. It’s like a little family thing we got. So we did good over there. This is the fourth one out, and we done won three Grammy awards. Every one we put out, we win. This might be the one this time, who knows.

  Tim: That’s kind of a strange partnership. He’s a relative newcomer to the blues compared to you.

  Muddy: Yeah, definitely. He’s a young boy, compared to me. But he learned under my records, and people like me. But he mostly studied my records when he was a kid coming up. And a lot of more of ’em did too.

  Tim: And he’s helped to bring the blues to a bigger population, wouldn’t you say?

  Muddy: Sure. Definitely.

  Muddy about Johnny : ‘Cause see, Johnny, he loves me, because he learned a lot of things under my music. He likes me personally as a friend. So when he heard that we wanted him to produce the record and all — Man, that was just what he wanted. It’s like a little family thing we got. So we did good over there. This is the fourth one out, and we done won three Grammy awards. Every one we put out, we win. This might be the one this time, who knows.”












Teacher Laid Out During Encounter With Student At Bartram High School







” Police are investigating a videotaped attack on a substitute teacher at a southwest Philadelphia high school that left him motionless on the ground.

  The attack started when a female student sat on a male student’s lap, said 68-year-old substitute English teacher Pewu Johnson.

” He told me ‘get the f*(^ out of my face,'” Johnson said.

  The student then threw Johnson to the ground causing him hit his head, school district officials said. Video of the attack shows the teacher motionless in the hallway of the school while students looked on.”

NBC Philadelphia

Zombie Homicide Prank!!





Published on Oct 19, 2014

” Subscribe to PRANKVSPRANK for more crazy videos. http://youtube.com/prankvsprank

Ed Bassmaster – http://youtube.com/edbassmaster

  What appears to be a homicide on the streets of Philadelphia has innocent bystanders concerned. The victim lying on the ground quickly changes the emotions of these people by popping up viciously from the crime scene as a severely wounded Zombie. Much to their surprise, they are naturally horrified by the situation causing them to tremble, scream, and even flee the scene. At times, detectives lure in the passerby’s with questioning to make the situation more believable. An off duty security guard stood close by to ensure the safety of the public during the prank.

Zombie Makeup by Doug Sakmann – Backseat Conceptions

PrankvsPrank Facebook: http://facebook.com/prankvsprank “










Woman Store Owner Kills Robber After He Threatens Her With Knife: Police




” An armed robber was still holding onto the money after a female store owner who once worked as a police officer and Secret Service agent decided to take matters into her own hands.

” When police arrived he was behind the counter, unconscious on the ground,” said Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small. “He still had a $100 bill clutched in his left hand.”

  The robber was shot and killed by the woman after he allegedly threatened her with a knife.

  The 47-year-old man entered the Stan’s Health Foods Store on the 7100 block of Frankford Avenue on Monday, shortly after 5 p.m.”













Caught On Cam: Customers Fight Back During Robbery




Chinese Fight Off Robber




” Police hope surveillance video of a shooting inside a late-night Philadelphia takeout restaurant helps detectives capture the gunman and his getaway driver.

  Customers fought back when a man tried to rob the Good Good Chinese food take-out at E Cambria and Rosehill Streets in the city’s Kensington neighborhood.

  The entire incident was caught on surveillance video that shows the customers struggling with the would-be thief.

  Philadelphia Police said that three friends were waiting for their food shortly before 2 a.m. Tuesday when a man armed with a .45-caliber handgun burst in and demanded money.”


Read more







Row Over Man Sparks Rat Retaliation





” Investigators said an ongoing dispute over a man escalated, and a woman in her 20s, her mother and a pack of eight or nine other women went to the victim’s house with a baseball bat and a box containing an unknown number of white rats.

The group allegedly bashed in windows and the front door and then dumped the rodents into the home.”


Read more







Off-Duty Officer Fires Gun After Altercation With Neighbor




” The altercation began when the off-duty officer was working on his vehicle outside of his home. A 39 year old man was walking past with his dog when the dog defecated on the front lawn of the officers home. The two men exchanged words and the man and his dog left the area. However, the man later returned and got into a physical altercation with the off-duty officer.

  At a point in the altercation, the 39 year old male pulled the officer’s hooded sweatshirt over the officer’s head while he continued to assault the officer. The officer then drew a pistol and shot the man in the thigh. The shooting victim was taken to Albert Einstein Medical Center where he was treated and released. The officer was taken to Jeanes Hospital for facial lacerations. He was later released.”

Story continues







Woman Shopper Tases Fellow Shopper In Mall Fight





” In a separate incident, a woman apparently used a stun gun on a fellow shopper during a brutal punch-up in the latest incident of Black Friday violence.

Video footage taken by a bystander shows the women exchanging blows inside the Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia at around 2.30am on Friday – with not a single police officer in sight.

  As they scrap on the floor, one of the women apparently uses a device that flashes blue and buzzes, apparently giving her nemesis a sharp shock.

  Bewildered shoppers yell, ‘No, stop!’ before the woman’s friend and other bystanders help pull her away from her attacker. It is not clear what caused the fight.”


Makes you proud to be an American , doesn’t it ?







Philadelphia Voters Elect A Whig To Public Office


” Voters in Philadelphia have elected a Whig to public office for what the victor believes may be the first time in nearly 160 years.

Robert “Heshy” Bucholz, a member of the Modern Whig party, campaigned door-to-door and won 36 votes to his Democratic opponent’s 24 on Tuesday to become an election judge in the city’s Rhawnhurst section.

Now a heavily Democratic city, Philadelphia’s last Whig mayor was elected in 1854. It’s hard to verify whether Whigs won any lower offices after that, said Stephanie Singer, one of three commissioners overseeing local elections.

Previously an independent, Bucholz said he joined the Whigs three years ago because of their fiscally conservative but socially liberal views. They represent a sensible “middle path” between Democrats and Republicans, especially in light of the recent government shutdown, he said.”








Via Jim Hoft At Gateway Pundit




” Philadelphia city council members voted to approve socialist teachings in the public schools. And, to think, this is the city of the Liberty Bell.
The Daily Caller reported:

Philadelphia city council members have approved a resolution that calls for socialist historian Howard Zinn’s book “A People’s History of the United States” to be taught in public high schools.

The resolution was backed by council members Jim Kenny and Jannie Blackwell, who believe that Zinn’s far-left socialist vision of American history is currently missing from high school textbooks.”








Is There Any Limit To Law Enforcement A**holes ?



” A Keystone resident is stripped of his carry permit and firearm, detained and issued a city citation for possession of cutting weapons on a highway.

“The officer did not have the legal right to confiscate my firearm.  He also had no grounds to revoke my license to carry firearms,” said Edward Yealey, a professional audio engineer and production manager.

Yealey  said Oct. 8 at or around 11:30 a.m., he was standing outside a diner owned by a friend on Philadelphia’s East York Street, when he was approached by a city police officer concerning the .45 caliber Glock 30 he was open carrying.

“Instantly I turned the camera on, I had my arms crossed, so the phone is up in a good location. I don’t think he noticed it at first,” he said.”



Read the whole article to get a grasp of how convoluted the gun laws are from one place to another .



” While Pennsylvania has a specific law that requires a License To Carry Firearms for the concealed carry of a firearm, and the carry of firearms in vehicles, the law is silent on the legality of openly carrying a firearm in other situations, making it de-facto legal.

There is however a law that requires a License To Carry Firearms to carry either way in “cities of the first class”, which as defined by law is only the city of Philadelphia.

  • No person shall carry a firearm, rifle or shotgun at any time upon the public streets or upon any public property in a city of the first class unless:
    • (1) such person is licensed to carry a firearm; or
    • (2) such person is exempt from licensing under section 6106(b) of this title (relating to firearms not to be carried without a license).

To summarize, open carry is legal in Pennsylvania without a License To Carry Firearms except in “cities of the first class” (Philadelphia) and vehicles where a License To Carry Firearms is required to do so.

With that said, we would like to point out that there is much debate among firearm owners about whether openly carrying firearms is really a good idea. While we will leave that choice to the individual we will state that in many urban areas (namely Philadelphia) doing so will draw unwanted attention from law enforcement that may include (but not be limited to) the following repercussions:

  1. Being stopped and questioned by law enforcement.
  2. Having your License To Carry Firearms seized and sent back for revocation.
  3. Being arrested either improperly or for other charges like disturbing the peace or creating a public nuisance.

While this may not happen should you choose to carry openly, many urban law enforcement officers we have talked to have expressed a very negative opinion towards the idea. Some have suggested that law enforcement will do everything in their power to make your life difficult should you choose to.”



   This post would seem to indicate that the officer that harassed Mr Yealey was in fact wrong about openly carrying in Philadelphia : Packing Heat? You Can Show it in Philadelphia . Here is an excerpt …



” A police officer spots a citizen on a crowded city street with a handgun proudly strapped to his hip. The officer draws his own gun, and asks the gentleman to kindly get on the ground (using slightly stronger language.) The man insists that he has the right to carry his gun openly. Who’s right?

  • Open carry legal in Philadelphia with concealed carry permit
  • Man suing city for civil rights violations after being detained for openly carrying
  • Laws vary by state; know before you strap on


Get on the Ground

Gun rights activist Mark Fiorino is suing the City of Philadelphia after an incident last year in which he was detained for 40 minutes by police for walking around in public with a pistol holstered on his hip, for all the world to see. The altercation, which was captured on audio tape, features an agitated police officer telling Fiorino he can’t open carry in the city, and Fiorino lecturing the officer that he can, too. Backup soon arrives  and Fiorino is made to lay down on the ground, but eventually the police concede that he is right, and send him on his way.

It wasn’t over, though — Fiorino posted his audio to Youtube, and police were annoyed enough to arrest him after the fact for disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person. Fiorino spent 16 hours in jail before posting bail and eventually being cleared. Last week, he filed a lawsuit in conjunction with the ACLU for civil rights violations.”





The audio recording of Fiorino’s confrontation (contains profanity)




   These “public servants” need a course in the law and in how to deal with the people that pay their salaries . The arrogance is astounding and goes a long way towards explaining the general lack of respect for authority in this country today . 









US Police Detain Two For Talking To Stranger On Street





” Policemen in Philadelphia unlawfully detained two African American pedestrians for talking to a stranger on the street – namely, saying “hi”.

A video uploaded to YouTube shows two men walking down the street, when suddenly they are abruptly held back by policemen. Apparently, the men were being detained because they had said ‘hi’ to another stranger walking on the street. In response, the policemen abruptly said, “You don’t say ‘Hi’ to strangers,” and the other added, “Not in this neighborhood.” “

Jeb Bush To Present Liberty Medal To Hillary Clinton




” Hillary Rodham Clinton will receive the 2013 Liberty Medal at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

Jeb Bush, the chairman of the Constitution Center, will present the award to Clinton at a ceremony scheduled for Sept. 10.

Both Clinton and Bush are potential contenders in the 2016 presidential elections, for opposing parties. But in a statement, the GOP’s Bush only accentuated the positive.

Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to serving and engaging people across the world in democracy,” said Bush, the Republican former Governor of Florida, son of a former president and brother of another. “These efforts as a citizen, an activist, and a leader have earned Secretary Clinton this year’s Liberty Medal.” ” 



    Which one is a bigger Statist a**hole ? Good lord , the fact that either of them is involved with a “liberty” award demonstrates that the Liberty Medal is equally as meaningless as the Nobel peace prize .











Couple Arrested For Handing Out ‘End the Fed’ Fliers Near Independence Hall




” On May 18, activist Mark Passio and his wife, Barb Marinelli, were arrested and handcuffed for distributing “End the Fed” literature near Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Penn. by federal park rangers. The shocking incident was caught on video.

According to Passio’s description of events, “I was walking with my wife Barb in Philadelphia from Market Street to Chestnut Street between 5th and 6th Streets, and handed out a few fliers about how the Federal Reserve Bank is de-valuing our nation’s currency to people standing in the line at the Liberty Bell location — something I have done almost 20 times in the past. I briefly spoke to a couple of them who asked me for more information.” “





” A passerby mother, apparently with her kids, berated the rangers for their tactics “What are you teaching the kids? I don’t understand this… Children are watching this, is this what you’re teaching?” 

Moreover, as seen on the video, the very spot where Passio and his wife were arrested is the north side of Chestnut Street, which is, guess what? Another designated area where public assembly is allowed: “The following sidewalks [are designated as areas for public assemblies]: North side of Chestnut St. from 6th St. east to 5th St.” “










Second ‘House Of Horrors’ Abortion Clinic Where Doctor ‘Twisted Heads Off Fetus’ Necks With His Bare Hands’ Is Investigated In Texas




” A second ‘house of horrors’ abortion clinic is being investigated in Texas, just days after Dr Kermit Gosnells was found guilty of murdering newborns at his Philadelphia termination center.

Dr. Douglas Karpen, seen here in court, is accused of killing babies aborted in their third trimester

Houston doctor Douglas Karpen is accused by four former employees of delivering live fetuses during third-trimester abortions and killing them by either snipping their spinal cord, stabbing a surgical instrument into their heads or ‘twisting their heads off their necks with his own bare hands’.

Other times the fetus was so big he would have to pull it out of the womb in pieces, Karpen’s ex-assistant, Deborah Edge, said in an Operation Rescue video, which has prompted a criminal investigation into the doctor.

‘Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out… he would yank pieces – piece by piece – when they were oversize,’ Edge explained. 

‘And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.’

Two of Edge’s colleagues, Gigi Aguliar, and Krystal Rodriguez, also described the hellish scenes which took place at the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston in 2011, and possibly two other abortion clinics run by Karpen in Texas.”












How Case Of Abortion Doctor Accused Of Slaughtering Babies He Delivered Alive Raises Profound Moral Questions That MUST Be Faced





” For more than 30 years, it was supposed to be a haven for poor and needy women, a place where they could get check-ups, prescriptions and abortions from a doctor who boasted that he never turned away a patient for want of money.

But a shocking court case gripping America has heard that the truth about the Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia was very different — and that it was in fact a ‘baby charnel house’ where babies were delivered alive, only to have their spines severed after birth and their remains discarded in shoe boxes and even catfood containers.

The trial of Dr Kermit Gosnell, a late-term abortionist (a late-term abortion typically refers to a termination that occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy) who presided over what prosecutors dubbed a ‘house of horrors’, has sickened and disgusted the U.S. public.

But the case has also divided the U.S., a country which has yet to decide exactly where it stands on a woman’s ‘right to choose’ and raises moral questions that some argue undermine the whole ethical case for abortions.”








An Open Letter To Liberals




” Dear Liberals,

I wanted to send along my condolences in regards to the rough week you guys have had.

Now that the Boston Marathon bombers have been officially identified as Muslim terrorists, I can only imagine how heartbroken you must be. Hell – I wouldn’t be surprised if Tingles Matthews is on 24-hour suicide watch. Then, you have the morbidly-obese Michael Moore, who immediately speculated that the bombers were “white right-wingers,” now pathetically claiming via Twitter that he was “right.” (Seems as if he missed the part about the killers being radicalized Chechen Muslims.)


I’m sure it must also be rough for you guys to read about the horrific testimony and see the grisly images coming out of the Philadelphia abortionist’s murder trial. Not very good for the cause, is it? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place; your media refuses to cover the story in its effort to protect abortion at all costs – while it continues to draw an ever-increasing amount of criticism for doing so. I mean, it’s getting so bad that even liberal commentators are pointing out the hypocrisy. Too bad Gosnell didn’t kill all those babies with an AR-15, huh? How awesome would that have been? ” 



Read The Whole Thing











From Boston To Texas, It’s Been A Freaky Week In America




” In America, all atrocities are not equal: Minutes after the Senate declined to support so-called gun control in the wake of the Newtown massacre, the president rushed ill-advisedly on air to give a whiny, petulant performance predicated on the proposition that one man’s mass infanticide should call into question the constitutional right to bear arms.

Simultaneously, the media remain terrified that another man’s mass infanticide might lead you gullible rubes to question the constitutional right to abortion, so the ongoing Kermit Gosnell trial in Philadelphia has barely made the papers — even though it involves large numbers of fully delivered babies who were decapitated and had their feet chopped off and kept in pickling jars. Which would normally be enough to guarantee a perpetrator front-page coverage for weeks on end.

“Doctor” Gosnell seems likely to prove America’s all-time champion mass murderer. But his victims are ideologically problematic for the media, and so the poor blood-soaked monster will never get his moment in the spotlight.

The politicization of mass murder found its perfect expression in one of those near parodic pieces to which the more tortured self-loathing dweebs of the fin de civilization west are prone. As the headline in Salon put it, “Let’s Hope The Boston Marathon Bomber Is A White American.” David Sirota is himself a white American, but he finds it less discomforting to his Princess Fluffy Bunny worldview to see his compatriots as knuckle-dragging nutjobs rather than confront all the apparent real-world contradictions of the diversity quilt. He had a lot of support for his general predisposition.”








Father of 2 Shoots, Kills Home Intruder





” Lee Heng says he didn’t think twice about what he had to do when he heard two intruders break into his home early Easter morning.

“You don’t have time to think,” said the 63-year-old South Philadelphia homeowner, husband and father of two. “They came like lightning.”

Police say two men broke in through the second floor bathroom window of Heng’s home on the 1400 block of S. 6th Street just before 1 a.m. Heng was sleeping when he heard his 14-year-old son screaming. Realizing his son was in danger, Heng immediately took action.

“I jumped out of the bed and I grabbed my gun,” said Heng.

Police say the armed intruders confronted Heng and a struggle ensued. During the scuffle, Heng opened fire and the men left the house through the window and onto the rear roof, according to police.

When police arrived, they found one of the men on the back roof dead. The other  intruder got away and was spotted on surveillance video fleeing on foot towards 5th Street.”





Union Workers “Probably” Torched a Quaker Meetinghouse Over Christmas


The operating cabin of a construction crane is rendered useless by fire. The crane is parked on the construction site of the future new Quaker meetinghouse in Chestnut Hill. (Bas Slabbers/for NewsWorks)





 ” Police say union workers “almost certainly” torched an under-construction Quaker meetinghouse in northwest Philadelphia four days before Christmas. The Chestnut Hill Friends had hired non-union labor for the project, which discommoded several construction unions.

From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Vandals with an acetylene torch crept onto the project’s muddy construction site in the middle of the night. Working out of view in the meetinghouse’s freshly cemented basement, they sliced off dozens of bolts securing the bare steel columns and set fire to the building crane, causing $500,000 in damage.”



More On The Quaker Vandalism Here



” The suspected arson occurred sometime between 4 p.m. Thursday and 6 a.m. Friday at 20 E. Mermaid Lane, according to police. The incident drew the Philadelphia Fire Department, a bomb squad and representatives from the Police Civil Affairs Unit.

No explosives were found on site, according to police.

No arrests have yet been made.

About a dozen locations at the site – the future home of a brand new worship space for the Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting – were allegedly targeted, said Rob Reeves, owner of the merit shop E. Allen Reeves, Inc., the general contractor for the project.

Vandals cut anchor bolts and took acetylene torches to structural steel columns in the future meeting house’s community room, said Reeves. The cab of a subcontractor’s crane also suffered significant fire damage.

“I have a strong suspicion its union people,” said Reeves as he looked over the site. “The issue here is violence and bullying.”

Reeves noted that the construction site’s superintendent reported that five or six union representatives from different trades had recently come to the building site. One had even made threatening remarks, said Reeves.

The alleged attack, said Reeves, is about power, with the ultimate goal of union control of all construction work being done in the city. He said violent tactics continue because politicians, the business community and the public do not condemn it.

“It’s domestic terrorism,” he asserted.”


Acetylene torches were used to cut through structural steel columns. (Bas Slabbers/ for NewsWorks)





Related … Very Detailed Expose Of Union Misdeeds With Videos



On the screen we see an engineering contractor who wants to enter the controversial Goldtex construction site at 12th and Wood streets, only to find his path blocked by eight union men. With mincing steps, the non-union contractor—a middle-aged man in a blue short-sleeved shirt—tries to sneak in behind them, sidling through a narrow gap between a temporary chain-link fence and a stone wall. But the union men spot him, move toward the fence, and start to lean against it. Then we see four of them take turns pushing—using the fence like a microscope slide to fix the contractor against the wall. In one of the videos, you can hear the man start to cry out, his voice tremulous as he’s crushed. Finally, he slumps to the ground.

The most troubling part, though, isn’t the sight of the men trapping the contractor; it’s the brief glimpse of one of the protesters grinning as the contractor wails. And the way the union guys stroll casually away from the scene when their victim collapses.

“It’s standard for construction sites to have surveillance cameras,” says one of the two 30-something brothers responsible for capturing the incident on video, Michael Pestronk. “The only novel thing we did, which just seemed obvious to me, was to post the videos on the Internet.” And with that, everything changed.

Until this year, getting something built in Philly meant meeting union demands. No one had dared to challenge the power of this city’s Building and Construction Trades Council, a consortium of nearly three dozen unions representing 45,000 people. Then Matt and Mike Pestronk undertook the renovation of the old Goldtex ladies’ shoe factory in the Loft District part of the city, a 10-story building they planned to convert into 163 apartments.

A $38 million project, the Goldtex deal is just the sort of high-profile, good-money job this city’s unions have held a lock on since—well, forever. But the Pestronks first did the unusual: They bid the job out to both union and non-union contractors. Then they did the unthinkable: They awarded union contractors just 40 percent of the deal, including demolition and electrical work. The rest isn’t history so much as history in the making.

The unions responded to the Pestronks fiercely, declaring a mixed site of union and non-union workers a “disaster” and refusing what work they were offered. “All or none” went the battle cry, a herald of time-tested tactics.

As early as January, protesters began passing out fliers, chanting, and marching with signs. Eventually they blocked delivery trucks hauling in materials and equipment. They harassed non-union counterparts, daring them to fight. A few times, push came to shove. They poured oil across the site’s entrance. They printed fliers with a photo of Matt Pestronk’s wife superimposed with an erect penis and the oddly oblique message “Carrie Pestronk likes to get hard with it.”


They planted caltrops, old-school union contraptions made of nails and designed to flatten tires. And they uttered nasty, brutish threats. The brothers say that Building Trades business manager Pat Gillespie told them that unless they hired an all-union workforce, the project would “never get built.” Another time, as Michael Pestronk entered the worksite, voices cried out among the protesters: “You’re dead!”

There’s more, but all of it is typical of the rough-and-tumble sport of Philadelphia development. What was new was the response. Instead of cowering or capitulating, the Pestronks used batteries of video cameras to record the activities of picketing union members, which they posted online at YouTube and a website they dubbed “phillybully.com.” And the effect was galvanic.

For many years, Building Trades has been criticized—usually in fearful whispers—for stifling development and economic growth, shutting out new investors, and undermining this city’s entire political process. But the videos shot and posted by the Pestronks provided something to go with all those allegations: evidence. Footage of leering, chuckling union men spitting profanities—so afraid of losing what they have, they can’t see what they’ve become.

Since the first videos went up in spring, the tide of public sentiment has turned, and the Pestronks won a court order restricting the picketers’ behavior. But in coming years, the Goldtex battle and the techniques employed there may be seen in grander, historical terms: as the moment that started the unraveling of Building Trades’ vast economic and political power, and perhaps of Philadelphia’s entire power structure.

So this is a story about more than how new-school technology defeated old-school bully tactics. It’s a story about how a single apartment building, and the two guys who wanted to build it, created the opportunity for an entire city to come unstuck in time.


Originally published in Philadelphia Magazine, November 2012






” WTAE:: BEAVER FALLS, Pa. — Two 14-year-old boys are wanted in the senseless killing of a young mother who had words with them as they harassed her boyfriend walking down the street on Saturday afternoon. Two 14-year-olds are wanted for the death of a 22-year-old woman who had words for them as they harassed her boyfriend. Kayla Peterson’s boyfriend, Bill Bailey, said the situation began when he walked out of J’s News at about 3:15 p.m.”