From ISIS To Unemployment: What Do Americans Know?


Modest Partisan Differences in News Knowledge



” The latest Pew Research Center News IQ quiz measures the public’s awareness of key facts in the news: from questions about conflicts around the world to the current minimum wage and the chair of the Federal Reserve. (Before reading this report, take the quiz yourself by clicking here.)

  The survey finds that a large majority (73%) is able to correctly identify the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour (from a list of other amounts ranging from $5.25 to $12.50).

  In addition, amid ongoing U.S.-led airstrikes against Islamic militants in the Middle East, 67% can identify Syria as one of the countries in which the militant group known as ISIS currently controls territory (from a list that included Pakistan, Kuwait and Egypt). And 60% know that Ukraine was once part of the Soviet Union; the other choices were Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Scandinavia.”




   The most interesting part of the survey concerns the partisan divide in news awareness . Contrary to MSM memes those on the right are , overall , better informed than their “betters” on the left … see chart above .



” Differences in news knowledge across partisan groups are relatively modest, though Republicans tend to do somewhat better than Democrats overall.

  Republicans are 16 points more likely than Democrats to answer the Common Core question correctly (58% vs. 42%). And 57% of Republicans identify the oil industry as a primary driver of growth in North Dakota, compared with 42% of Democrats.”



See the whole survey and take the quiz yourself here