Tag Archive: Pets

10 Differences Between Dog Lovers And Cat Lovers


cats vs dogs




” A tale as old as time: cat lovers pitted against dog lovers in a battle over who’s really got life figured out. Assumptions have been made and stereotypes created in attempts to settle the score in the past, but science has come to the rescue to set the record straight. The definitive answer? Well, it’s still a bit biased depending on your stance. Why? Because just like they do in pet preference, cat and dog lovers seek and prefer different qualities in life and relationships than dog people. In a study of 600 college students, researchers found that each group shared similar (maybe controversial) characteristics according to their furry friend of choice. Allow me to explain with a list of the 10 most significant differences between dog lovers and cat lovers that were pulled from this study!

1. Dog lovers listen

  Not too surprisingly, dog people tended to be more obedient in nature. According to an article in the Huffington Post, dog lovers “followed the rules more closely”, while cat lovers “tended to be non-conformists, preferring to be expedient rather than follow the rules”. Those of you who’ve ever tried to call your cat to you when you have company over probably understand this one. “


Read the other nine differences here












The 30 Most Intelligent Doggies



Our personal favorite , the Brittany



” We feel a little guilty labeling one dog smarter than another, but Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia Vancouver, published a book in 1994 titled The Intelligence of Dogs. In this book he highlights his research, explaining how he determined which dogs were smarter than others. He determined that dogs have three types of intelligence: instinctive intelligence, adaptive intelligence, and working and obedience intelligence.

  Instinctive intelligence is a measurement of how well the breed performs the task it was bred for. Is it a herding dog? Well, how good of a job does it do herding livestock?”



Pembroke Welsh Corgi

 Our other favorite , the Pembroke Welch Corgi



” Adaptive intelligence is all about independent problem solving. Without any training, how quickly and thoroughly will the dog adapt to its environment and solve problems?

  Working and obedience intelligence deals with what the dog can learn from humans. This has to do with trainability. So, a dog may have instinctive and adaptive intelligence in excess, but be a pain in the rear to train. Or, the breed may take to training like nobody’s business, but be further down the list than others who are more stubborn.

  So, without further delay, check out the 30 most intelligence dogs! “



See all thirty breeds at Wably.com












Pharrell Williams Happy




Published on May 1, 2014

” Inspired by Pharrell William’s International “Happy” Hit! Lot’s of dogs and cat playing at the beach. Special appearance from “DIDGA” aka ‘Worlds BEST Skateboarding Cat’ 

For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Consider subscribing to CATMANTOO: http://tinyurl.com/kq2rj6x
OR Malibu Dog Training: http://tinyurl.com/mql8has

Other videos by CATMANTOO: http://tinyurl.com/lnmb2h4
OR Malibu Dog Training – http://tinyurl.com/lbnephl

Check out Didga’s skateboarding viral video (over 2.3 million views) here – http://youtu.be/YRbakPKgU5Y

Follow Didga on Instagram – catmantoo_youtube

Story behind this video:
After a dog graduates my off leash training program, I’ll offer a “doggy outing service”. I pick up the dogs (usually between 8-12 dogs), take them to dog beaches or other dog friendly places, let them play together, while continuing to practice the training they’ve learned. I’ll rinse off any sand, trim their nails (if needed), then take them home. 2 1/2 year old Didga, aka ‘Worlds Best Skateboarding Cat’, who I adopted from the shelter at 13 weeks old has been joining us on the outings her whole life. Especially being a part of the group photos or videos I make. A GoPro camera was used for all the shots for this “Happy” video.

When I’m not on the group outings, Didga still joins me everywhere and loves riding in the car, at times she is very “dog like” sticking her head out the window as we drive down the road, riding on my stand-up paddle board or enjoying a little swim. Most cats don’t like being in water, BUT when she was young she didn’t react too negatively to water, so I took on a HUGE challenge of ‘desensitising’ her even more to the water. FYI – It was several months of patience and dedication to achieve what you see in the video. I’m a professional animal trainer so PLEASE don’t try getting your cat to swim at home.

Although I don’t make any money directly from this video because I used the “Happy” song, I couldn’t think of any other song that goes so perfectly with the – HAPPY DOGS!” 

Thanks for the Likes, comments (I read them), shares and SUBSCRIBING. Check out my other videos, (6+ million views) I’m just getting started, so more videos on the way.

Thanks, Robert And Didga

Facebook – CATMANTOO and Malibu Dog Training
Twitter – Malibu Dog Trainr
Instagram – catmantoo_youtube

Filmed mostly at Currumbin Dog Beach”















Cat Saves Young Boy From Dog Attack  







” A boy and his mother were in their front yard, playing and watering the plants. The neighbor’s dog was let out of its backyard enclosure, seemingly by accident. The dog spotted the boy from across the yard and stalked up behind him. The boy never saw the attack coming. The dog clamped on to his leg and began dragging the boy. That’s when the family’s cat took action.

  Responding police officers stated that if this had been their own son, the call response would have been for “Shots fired.”

  Uploaded with permission.

  Why the mom leave the son… The dog continues to linger on the other side of the SUV. She is trying to run it off while simultaneously getting the attention of the dog owner who is also in his driveway. She ends up going head to head with the dog, and also getting bit herself. Both the cat and the mom are bad-ass.

  What type of dog? – He is a medium breed mutt of some kind.

  Dog’s Status: He is in public quarantine. I will post his fate when it is decided by officials.

UPDATE – The dog will be euthanized.”












He might only be here for a part of your life ...


Man's Best Friend




… but for him , you are his whole life .










Cat Attacks Woman Kicking Snow At It In Detroit



Published on Dec 17, 2013

” A Detroit-area woman who was allegedly trying to “protect” her dog from a stray cat went about it in the worst possible way — by kicking snow in its face. The cat, being a cat, responds by pouncing in the woman and dropping her like a sack of Meow Mix. The woman then retreats from the scene of the cat fight holding her injured head, leaving the dog she was “protecting” behind as the ferocious feline approaches the unattended fence.

  Moral of this story: Cats don’t like having snow kicked in their face “



HT/Watch This

















Smartest Dog Breeds





” How do you qualify a question that asks what the smartest dog breeds are?

Defining the smartest dog breeds depends on what defines a “smart dog.” Is it the ability to wrap people around her dewclaw and get her way, no matter what?

Which dog is smarter, the one that does as he’s told and works hard for his supper or the one that cocks her head, looks confused and is waited on because she’s obviously too challenged to find her way to her own food bowl?”


Here are some of the dumber breeds …


” Breeds often accused of being most likely to be held back a grade include:

Owners of these breeds might agree their dogs may not have college futures, but they do have street smarts, and when it comes to getting their way, they’re without peer.

The reason for these differences in the smartest dog breeds and “other breeds” is all in the genes.

Or more precisely, the tendency to follow human direction depends very much on what a breed was developed to do in the first place. Of the most trainable breeds, almost all come from herding or retrieving backgrounds, jobs for which the ability to follow human cues is vital.”


If you want to know the smartest breeds you’ll just have to follow the link … good doggie 










Iowa Man Bites Dog That Ripped His Wife’s Nose Off



” Madrid – An Iowa woman was saved from a vicious attack by a dog which had ripped her nose off, when her husband leapt to her defence and bit the dog.

The Independent reported Caren Henry was assaulted by a 50 pound Labrador as she walked her pet beagle.


Caren described the attack which took place in rural Madrid to KDVR. She said:“This dog came racing across this yard, a big dog. It got me here and I had my sunglasses on which I’m glad I did because I think it might have taken my eye as well as my nose, then it knocked me down and then it went after my dog.”