Tag Archive: Petition

Enactment Of This Law Will Set A Dangerous Precedent … Sign The Petition Now



Anchorage Petition




” Florida is attempting to appease wealthy waterfront homeowners by permitting local municipalities to create ordinances that would ban anchoring anywhere near private residences and in particular, anchoring overnight for cruising boaters. The manner in which these ordinances could be written could actually effectively ban anchoring in large parts of Florida.

  Florida state politicians are attempting to circumvent the entire FWC Anchoring/Mooring Pilot Program by allowing any municipality not participating in the program to determine any minimum distance boaters can anchor from every private residence.

  Passage of an amendment such as this would not only make knowing where in Florida overnight anchoring is allowed an impossible task, but could effectively eliminate legal anchoring in nearly all of the state.
If you wish more information on this topic, you can view excellent articles at practicalsailor.com waterwayguide.com and at sailmagazine.com 

  Why should this matter to you? Because, laws enacted in Florida are being considered by waterfront communities as far away as Ontario Canada, even Australia and other overseas countries, and in all of the coastal states of the United States, including the Great Lakes.  

  These laws, if enacted, will create a precedent that could negatively affect your rights to enjoy the waters of your state or province. We need you to speak out and protect boaters’ and the public’s rights to use the waters of Florida.

  Please help us now, so that we don’t have to help you later when this comes to your town.”
















Dear Mr. Chairman,Don’t Break The Internet!






Save The Internet

 Click pic to go to the petition







Over 1,200 High School Seniors Sign Petition Against Michelle Obama Speaking At Their Graduation



US Presiden Barack Obama attends event aimed at expanding college opportunity




” According to DailyMail, “Taylor Gifford, 18, started an online petition on Thursday with over 1,200 signatures asking that Michelle Obama not speak at Topeka High School graduation… Some students feel that the speech would overshadow student accomplishments and others feel limited seating will be a problem.”

  The students are worried Michelle’s speech would overshadow their accomplishments and also limit the seating for their friends and family. But see, what these high schoolers fail to realize is that EVERYTHING is about the Obamas. That’s why the President tweeted a picture of himself to celebrate the anniversary of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on the bus. That’s why the President’s gift to Queen Elizabeth was an ipod pre-loaded with his speeches and photos of his inauguration. That’s why the President spent a three-day government shutdown posing for a portrait. That’s why Michelle goes on her constant vacations and hosts extravagant dinners on the taxpayer’s dime. That’s why the President showed up 30 minutes late and alone to dinner with Putin and other world leaders to discuss Syria. That’s why the President took a “selfie” at Nelson Mandela’s funeral. That’s why the President went to Vegas on the day when news broke about the attack in Benghazi. The list is unending. They aren’t leaders. They’re narcissists.”


Read more at Young Conservatives


According to The Blaze the number of signatories have climbed to 1750








Legalize Concealed Carry For Soldiers On Military Installations


Petition To Arm Soldiers



” Our hearts are saddened to learn of yet another shooting on a military installation in the United States. Yet again, service members who train regularly to responsibly handle firearms were murdered on base and were unable to defend themselves.

  Concealed carry policies provide not only an appropriate means for self defense against violence, but also a proven deterrent. Our military installations have become “soft” targets for those who would harm our military members. Lawful, concealed carry by responsible service members could have prevented or lessened the severity of these incidents.

  The DoD should set forth CCW regulations permitting service members in good standing who have received firearms training to carry concealed firearms on DoD installations.”


     As ridiculous as this sounds it is for real . Military installations are among our most vulnerable facilities in the country whereas they should be quite the opposite . Sign here .







Justice For Justina



After signing the petition make sure you:

2. Tweet using the official#FreeJustina hashtag
3. Contact the Mass Governor Gov. Deval Patrick

  Should doctors and bureaucrats be allowed to overrule parents when it comes to their children’s healthcare? We don’t think so. That’s why we need you to stand up for Justina.

  Justina Pelletier, a 15-year-old from West Hartford, Conn., is in the fight of her life. After being diagnosed and treated for a rare genetic disorder, Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) overruled the diagnosis and said it was “all just in her head.” When Justina’s parents refused to stop her treatment, BCH assumed custody of Justina and locked her up in the psych ward — against her parents’ wishes. Shouldn’t the parents of this young girl have the right to make decisions regarding her welfare?

  We are calling for justice for Justina. And for her parents.

  Since the State of Massachusetts assumed custody of Justina and locked her away on February 14, 2013, her parents have been caught up in a legal and medical custody battle that has been raging for more than a year. Judge Joseph Johnston has placed a gag order on all parties involved in this case, but Justina’s parents haven’t stopped fighting.

“ We are David, not against Goliath, but against two Goliaths — Boston Children’s Hospital and the State of Massachusetts,” Justina’s dad, Lou Pelletier, told ABCNews.com. “To me, it’s a hopeless cause, and the only way to win is in the court of public opinion.

  That’s why we need your help. Please add your name to the petition demanding that the State of Massachusetts and Boston Children’s Hospital honor the rights of Justina and her parents. We call on both BCH and the State to release Justina back to her family so she can receive the proper care and therapy she needs.

  Lou Pelletier reports that Justina’s health is rapidly deteriorating, so time is of the essence. Please don’t wait to join the thousands of Americans who have raised their voices demanding justice for Justina.”

Sign the petition today and let’s return Justina to her family.













Moms Kicked Off Staples Property But Deliver 12,000 Signatures to Retailer’s Security





” Members of the Massachusetts chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America deliver a petition with more than 12,000 signatures to Staples this morning asking for guns to be prohibited in their stores.

  Members of the Massachusetts chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America tried deliver a petition with more than 12,000 signatures at Staples headquarters in Framingham on Tuesday morning to Staples’ CEO but were asked to leave the property.”


Here’s the money quote …


“ The presence of firearms creates an inherent and unnecessary risk for Staples shoppers,” said Ann Krantz of Wenham and the communications lead for Moms Demand Action Massachusetts.

  Krantz, told Patch, while Staples does not sell guns it does allow customers to carry them in their stores nationwide. 

  Massachusetts shoppers do not see customers carrying guns, except for law enforcement, due to state laws, said Krantz.”



    So they can’t see them but they need to ban them . Smart . A google search reveals no history of shootings at Staples stores other than the above mentioned accidental one in NC last summer and an undercover cop shooting a criminal in a Staples Parking lot . 

While we couldn’t locate the annual number of customers Staples that walk through their doors with yearly sales in excess of $24 billion it is safe to say that at least one half million buyers enter the store on average in any given year . Since they’ve been in business since 1986 we have a low ball total of 13,500,000 customers with one accidental firearms mishap . That simple number reveals a minuscule chance of being harmed by a gun in Staples . Don’t these people have better things to do with their time ?


The Patch has more .









Why Is The Obama Administration Putting Government Monitors In Newsrooms?


FCC News Monitors




” The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media.

  Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner.

   Commissioner Ajit Pai reveals a brand new Obama Administration program that he fears could be used in “pressuring media organizations into covering certain stories.

As Commissioner Pai explains in the Wall Street Journal:

  Last May the FCC proposed an initiative to thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country. With its “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,” or CIN, the agency plans to send researchers to grill reporters, editors and station owners about how they decide which stories to run. A field test in Columbia, S.C., is scheduled to begin this spring.

  The purpose of the CIN, according to the FCC, is to ferret out information from television and radio broadcasters about “the process by which stories are selected” and how often stations cover “critical information needs,” along with “perceived station bias” and “perceived responsiveness to underserved populations.”

  In fact, the FCC is now expanding the bounds of regulatory powers to include newspapers, which it has absolutely no authority over, in its new government monitoring program.”


    Read more on this unbelievable display of chutzpah by our “Constitutional law” professor president at ACLJ. If the story wasn’t so chilling in it’s blatant disregard for constitutionally protected press freedoms one could almost laugh at the irony and sense of schadenfreude towards a press that has voluntarily been the government’s water-carrier for years now being subject to direct Statist intervention . 

   The ACLJ has started a petition to demand an end to this unconstitutional assault on freedom of the press which you can sign here .







College Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Registered Gun Owners!




Published on Feb 3, 2014

” College Students Sign Petition to Imprison All Gun Owners. Shot in San Diego, California. Political prankster Mark Dice tells some of the students signing the petition that he’d like to kill all registered gun owners, and it doesn’t deter them from signing! 
Subscribe to http://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice
http://www.Twitter.com/MarkDice “









It’s Time For Real Leadership



Fire Boehner



” Are you sick and tired of Washington spending trillions of dollars we can’t afford? While Democrats are the driving force behind running up our national debt, growing the size of the federal government and wasting our money, all too often Republicans, led by Speaker John Boehner, are happy to go along for the ride. Under Speaker Boehner, the House has repeatedly voted to increase the debt ceiling – pushing us deeper into debt than ever before, voted to fund Obamacare – a disaster which continues to get worse, and just agreed to a 1500+ page bill (most didn’t read) that will cost $1.012 trillion in new federal spending for 2014. The American people are desperate for principled leadership in Washington, not “go-along-to-get-along” capitulation. Sign the petition now! Then contact your Representative and tell them you are ready for real leadership. Tell them to fire the Speaker! “


You can sign the petition here .







Californians Sign Petition to Allow Soldiers To Commandeer Anyone’s Home & Live There For Free



Published on Jan 13, 2014

” Californians Sign Petition to Allow U.S. Soldiers to Commandeer Anyone’s Home and Live There For Free

Subscribe to http://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice
http://www.Twitter.com/MarkDice “








Mark Dice Petitions Southern Californians To Support A Nazi-Type Police State





Published on Oct 21, 2013

” Political prankster Mark Dice asks San Diego beach-goers if they’ll sign a petition supporting “the Police State” which includes “Orwellian” and “Nazi-Style” tactics to “keep Americans safe” in this “Brave New World.”  “

Subscribe to http://www.YouTube.com/MarkDice








… Sign The Petition 





CAGW Petition











Dueling Petitions Urge Tompkins County Action On SAFE Act



” ITHACA — Tompkins County might be the next Ithaca-area municipality that reacts to New York’s strict gun laws.

Petitioners from each side of the gun debate plan to attend the county’s Public Safety Committee meeting, 3:30 p.m. Monday at the Old Jail, 125 E. Court St.

The petitioning comes with City Common Council unanimously adopting a resolution Wednesday, which endorsed the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act to Mitigate Gun Violence, known as the NY SAFE Act.

As of noon Friday, the Anti-SAFE Act petition had more signatures, with 465. The Pro-SAFE Act petition had 122 signatures.

Democrats have a strong majority in the Tompkins County Legislature; three of the 15 members are Republicans. However, the Public Safety Committee is chaired by Republican lawmaker Brian Robison, of Groton.”


To read the petitions visit:

Anti-SAFE Act:www.ipetitions.com/petition/tompkins-citizens-effort-to-repeal-ny-safe-act/

Pro-SAFE Act:www.signon.org/sign/tompkins-county-supports

Petition Obama & Congress Directly Now!

Please read the important information below before sending your petition.

TheTeaParty.net has invested in a state-of-the-art petition system where your voice is finally heard immediately by your representatives in Washington, DC. Every week, we will host a new petition. You, along with hundreds of thousands of other patriots, will be cutting through the red tape and getting your message to the President and Congress to stop all this madness—cut spending and restore this great country to what our founders envisioned. This new system will automatically send them emails and faxes with your name attached to it at the touch of a button! On the next page, you will enter your name, email address, and zip code and our state-of-the-art system will locate your specific State representative, and, immediately, your petition voicing your opinion will be on its way to him or her. You will have the chance to write your own words in that petition so your representative will know exactly how you feel.

petition no new taxes

Related articles

Enough! Time To Stop The EPA!





 ” Today, The Heartland Institute is submitting to Congress more than 16,000 signed petitions demanding that Congress “rein in the EPA.” The petition recites EPA’s many sins against science and common sense committed during its campaign “to scare the American people into believing that their health, safety and even survival was at stake because of man-made global warming.”
It says “the EPA, having lost their war to scare America into giving them legislation that would allow them to seize control of virtually all energy production and use, are perverting the Clean Air law to give themselves unprecedented powers to regulate American society.”

The petition concludes saying “therefore, I call for deep cuts in the size, power and cost of the EPA.”

EPA wasn’t always so unpopular. It was created in 1970 to protect the air, land, and waterways of the U.S. from harmful pollution. Thanks in part to the agency’s efforts, Americans today enjoy a vastly cleaner environment — among the healthiest in the industrialized world. Yet over the years, EPA has become a rogue agency grasping for ever-more illegitimate power that does little or nothing to protect the environment. “


Illustration By Chip Bok

… Call Gen Carter Ham and Adm Charles Gaouette to testify to what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12


Sign The Petition 



  ” If American military leaders are fired, retired or reassigned for attempting to rescue four distressed Americans, we have to know the details. This could be one of the most outrageous failures of an American president in our nation’s history. “



Sign The Petition:

 ” We’d like to thank Speaker John Boehner for his service to the 112th Congress but due to the re-election of president Barack Obama we feel the House of Representatives is in need of new, stronger leadership, someone who can and will stop the tide of big government and new taxes proposed by the Obama administration and stand as a firewall to continued barrage of overbearing federal regulation”

Support Inclusiveness and Choice

“If you haven’t already signed the petition to get Gary Johnson into the debates, here it is: http://LibertarianPetition.com/

                                         President Obama, YOU Built It

” Sign the Petition : 1,306 Signers So Far


President Obama seems intent on telling Americans that they didn’t build their success; the government did. President Obama, this is what you and your big-government allies in Congress built:

The $16 trillion debt and the $3 trillion-and-counting government takeover of health care.

Trillions in bailouts for the biggest, most profitable banks and companies in the world.

The Food-Stamp Society and the corporate welfare economy that allows you to take our money and give it to the richest, most profitable companies in the world.

Failed “green energy” initiatives. Without you, we wouldn’t have seen the wisdom of throwing $500 million down the drain at Solyndra.

Tell President Obama he built these problems, not America’s businesses. ”  

Seiu Astroturf

Michelle Malkin is all over this progressive effort to stifle free speech/enterprise .

“I received the following statement from Amazon.com today regarding its decision not to renew its membership with the American Legislative Exchange Council:

Thanks for reaching out to me. Each year we evaluate all of our association memberships and we’ve decided not to renew our participation in ALEC, in part because of positions that group took on issues unrelated to our business.

Mary Osako
Amazon Spokesperson

In other words: They caved. They chose to appease marginal agitators who have capitalized on the Trayvon Martin case to squelch conservatives’ participation in the legislative process. ”

Be sure and sign the Reverse the Course petition and let Amazon Know how you feel .

Poetic Justice ?

I like this .

 MacIver News Service | May 10, 2012

[Madison, Wisc…]   “After refining the dataset created by Verify the Recall, a Wisconsin man began running it against other public records and discovered 571 tax delinquents signed Recall petitions.

  “His findings? The total in back taxes owed by petitioners is more than $17 million. The list of individuals can be found through the website, www.putwisconsinfirst.com

The creator of the site told the MacIver News Service, his databases should be considered to be tools and not definitive source documents. The source documents are from the State of Wisconsin and the Verify the Recall effort and can be found through links on the site, all he’s done is connected the names and addresses together.”

HT/ Professor Jacobson