Tag Archive: Pensions

More Robots Coming To U.S. Factories




” Manufacturers will significantly accelerate their use of robots in U.S. factories over the next decade as they become cheaper and perform more tasks, constraining payroll growth, according to a study out Tuesday.

  The development is expected to dramatically boost productivity and slow the long-standing migration of factories across the globe to take advantage of low-cost labor, says the Boston Consulting Group report.

” Advanced robotics are changing the calculus of manufacturing,” says Harold Sirkin, a senior partner at the management consulting firm.

  A handful of nations, including the U.S. and China, are poised to reap the biggest benefits of the automation wave.

  About 1.2 million additional advanced robots are expected to be deployed in the U.S. by 2025, BCG says. Four industries will lead the shift — computer and electronics products; electrical equipment and appliances; transportation; and machinery — largely because more of their tasks can be automated and they deliver the biggest cost savings.

  About 10% of all manufacturing functions are automated, a share that will rise to nearly 25% in a decade as robotic vision sensors and gripping systems improve, BCG says.

  That’s prodding manufacturers to replace workers. BCG says manufacturers tend to ratchet up their robotics investment when they realize at least a 15% cost savings compared with employing a worker. In electronics manufacturing, it already costs just $4 an hour to use a robot for a routine assembly task vs. $24 for an average worker.”

USA Today












The Heritage Foundation


    Total US Government unfunded liabilities are estimated to be between $195 Trillion as stated above and $238 Trillion , not including another unfunded liability of $4 Trillion that belongs to the individual states .









… show Obama administration’s deep involvement in Delphi pension scandal


  ” Internal Treasury Department documents described as
“highly confidential” and obtained by The Daily Caller
show a greater level of involvement in the Delphi
pension scandal from senior officials in the Obama
administration than has been previously acknowledged.
A July 2009 document prepared by the Pension Benefit
Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) titled “Treasury Talking
Points re: Delphi” shows coordination between high-level
players inside the PBGC and Treasury Department. The
document was an attachment to a July 7, 2009 email from
PBGC’s Joseph House to Treasury’s Matthew Feldman,
Oren Haker and Paul Nathanson.

  The talking points show that the PBGC thought the “[v]ast
majority of individual’s [sic] covered by Delphi [pension]
Plans” were “career GM ‘brethren’ distinguishable only
by the 1999 spin-out” of Delphi from its former parent
company, General Motors.
Only those “brethren” who were union members,
however, saw their pensions preserved in the 2009 auto
bailout. Nonunion Delphi retirees lost theirs. (RELATED:
TheDC’s complete coverage of the Delphi pension
scandal). ”

Posted by John Galt

  “California, America’s answer to Greece, is continuing to unravel. Via Meadia readers are already familiar with the state’s unaffordably lavish pensions and collapsing housing bubble, as well as the bankruptcies in Stockton, San Bernadino and Mammoth Lakes, but now even more cities are on the verge of bankruptcy.”