Tag Archive: Pensacola

Blue Angels Thrill Record Crowd At Homecoming Air Show In Pensacola




Blue Angels Homecoming

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” The U.S. Navy Blue Angels drew a record crowd of 110,000 Saturday for their annual Homecoming Air Show at Naval Air Station Pensacola, according to base public affairs staff.

  The show started early with civilian air show acts taking off beginning at 9 a.m., building excitement for the early crowd until the Blues took to the skies just after 2 p.m. 

  Though the early acts included powerful jets, teams of up to 11 aircraft flying in formation, and a woman riding on the wings of a biplane, the signature F/A-18s were the main attraction. 

  There was an unexpected change to the show a few minutes in, when Blue Angel No. 3, piloted by Lt. Commander Nate Barton landed his plane due to what appeared to be a mechanical issue. Barton’s jet remained on the ground for several minutes while mechanics worked on the plane before rejoining the show in progress. While Barton was down, the Blue Angels’ usual four-plane formations used three jets instead. 

  Last year’s Homecoming Show was canceled along with most of the team’s 2013 schedule due to sequestration. Having missed the show last year, locals and regional travelers made a point to attend this year’s show. “












Two Giant Bluefin Tuna Caught In The Orange Beach Billfish Classic




” John Sims, a mate on the boat Reel Worthless out of Pensacola, Florida, tells Sport Fishing that they spend the summer traveling and fishing billfish tournaments. During the recent Orange Beach Billfish Classic, they had a double header on bluefin tunas in the Gulf of Mexico, while live-baiting for blue marlin.

  After the first hour and half, they caught and released the first bluefin, which they estimated to be 700-pounds. Then after three and half hours, they released the second, which they estimated to be 900-pounds.”













ATF Using Mentally Disabled Teens To Run Drug-and-Gun Stings






” If you thought the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) couldn’t stoop any lower, you’d be wrong. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the agency responsible for setting off the events that led to Waco and were at the center of the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal are using mentally disabled teenagers to advertise businesses that are actually fronts for ATF sting operations.

  Earlier this year, when the Journal Sentinel reported on an ATF sting operation in Milwaukee involving a “low IQ” informant, authorities wrote it off as an isolated act of rogue agents. The Journal Sentinel documents at least half-a-dozen stings from around the country that use the same “rogue” tactics of creating fake storefronts and using low IQ people to set stings in cities such as Pensacola, Florida, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Wichita, Kansas.”


    How convenient … everything wrong with State actions is attributed to the actions of “a few rogue agents” when in reality we are being oppressed by a rogue government . What sort of moral depravity encourages the “authorities” to enlist the mentally impaired as their stooges ? Fast & Furious was blamed on a few rogue agents as is the IRS/Tea Party scandal , the Secret Service hooker scandal . 

    Every time there is a scandal in the Obama administration it is blamed on “a few rogue agents” . Apparently in this White House the buck stops , oh I don’t know , oh yeah , over there . There is no assumption of responsibility at all in Obamaworld … everything is someone else’s fault . If this is the best kind of leadership and oversight we can expect from Dear Leader and his merry band of Chicago thugs we’d be better off without any president at all .