Tag Archive: Paul Kevin Curtis

Mississippi Man Charged In Suspicious Letters Case





”  The arrest of a 41-year-old Mississippi martial arts instructor in a case of poison-laced letters sent to President Barack Obama and others capped a week in which investigators initially zeroed in on a rival of James Everett Dutschke, then decided they had the wrong man.

Federal authorities arrested Dutschke early Saturday at his home in Tupelo. He was charged with “knowingly developing, producing, stockpiling, transferring, acquiring, retaining and possessing a biological agent, toxin and delivery system, for use as a weapon, to wit: ricin.”

Dutschke’s house, business and vehicles in Tupelo were searched earlier in the week, often by crews in hazardous materials suits. He also had come under surveillance.

Dutschke’s attorney, Lori Nail Basham, said she had no comment. Earlier this week she said that Dutschke was cooperating fully with investigators and Dutschke has insisted he had nothing to do with the letters. He faces up to life in prison, if convicted.”






With Ricin Case Crumbling, FBI Targets New Man





” Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, was arrested last week for allegedly sending the threatening letters to Obama, U.S. Senator Roger Wicker, and a Mississippi county judge. But Curtis has been released from custody amid signs that the case against him has collapsed.

During a court hearing yesterday, lawyers for Curtis contended that he had been framed and pointed investigators toward James Everett Dutschke, a 41-year-old Tupelo man with whom Curtis has feuded. Like Curtis, Dutschke is a martial arts expert, a musician, and a Mensa member.

Dutschke was arrested in January on a child molestation charge in connection with the alleged assault of a seven-year-old girl at the tae kwon do studio he operates. In March, he was named in a three-count felony indictment accusing him of fondling a victim under the age of 16 (each count carries a maximum 15-year prison term). Dutschke, now free on bond, has previously been convicted of indecent exposure.

4/23 UPDATE: A federal judge this afternoon formally dismissed criminal charges against Curtis. Magistrate S. Allan Alexander signed an order for dismissal after prosecutors petitioned to drop their case since “the ongoing investigation has revealed new information.” ” 








An Open Letter To Liberals




” Dear Liberals,

I wanted to send along my condolences in regards to the rough week you guys have had.

Now that the Boston Marathon bombers have been officially identified as Muslim terrorists, I can only imagine how heartbroken you must be. Hell – I wouldn’t be surprised if Tingles Matthews is on 24-hour suicide watch. Then, you have the morbidly-obese Michael Moore, who immediately speculated that the bombers were “white right-wingers,” now pathetically claiming via Twitter that he was “right.” (Seems as if he missed the part about the killers being radicalized Chechen Muslims.)


I’m sure it must also be rough for you guys to read about the horrific testimony and see the grisly images coming out of the Philadelphia abortionist’s murder trial. Not very good for the cause, is it? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place; your media refuses to cover the story in its effort to protect abortion at all costs – while it continues to draw an ever-increasing amount of criticism for doing so. I mean, it’s getting so bad that even liberal commentators are pointing out the hypocrisy. Too bad Gosnell didn’t kill all those babies with an AR-15, huh? How awesome would that have been? ” 



Read The Whole Thing










Paul Kevin Curtis: Elvis Impersonator, Martial Artist, Self-Proclaimed Mensa Member



” Who is Paul Kevin Curtis, the Mississippi man the FBI arrested Wednesday in connection to letters with traces of ricin sent to President Barack Obama and Sen. Roger Wicker?

Curtis, a Corinth resident, might be better known to some as a celebrity impersonator. 

According to GigSalad.com, a website dedicated to booking live entertainers, Curtis does impersonations of “70 of the biggest names in music history,” including Elvis, Johnny Cash, Prince, Bon Jovi and Kenny Chesney. 

On the website, Curtis goes by the stage name “KC,” which was used in the letters sent to Obama and Wicker and to Lee County Justice Court Judge Sadie Holland.”


    Update : New pictures of Paul Kevin Curtis . Make of them what you will …

















Feds Arrest Paul Kevin Curtis For Allegedly Sending Ricin-Laced Letters Signed ‘KC’





” Federal agents took a man from Corinth, Mississippi into custody on Wednesday evening under suspicion of sending letters covered in ricin to the president and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker. Citing an FBI bulletin, NBC News reports that the suspect’s name is Paul Kevin Curtis, and anyone who’s been following the story will immediately realize that the suspect’s initials match those in the sign-off on both letters: “I am KC and I approve this message.” Both letters also contain the phrase “to see a wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance,” and both were sent from Memphis, Tennessee on April 8, 2013.

Open and shut case right? We’ll see. It’s so far unclear if there’s a harmful amount of ricin on the letters. To give the suspect the benefit of the doubt, one federal official told NBC News that the sender of the letters “may have stumbled onto something.” We’re not sure exactly what it means, but it sort of sounds like they’re not ruling out the possibility that this person wasn’t exactly a seasoned terrorist. “