Tag Archive: Pandering

Obama To Propose Two Free Years Of Community College For Students 






” President Barack Obama will need the approval of Congress to realize his proposal for making two years of community college free for students.

   So far, that plan doesn’t have an official price tag — other than “significant,” according to White House officials. If all 50 states participate, the proposal could benefit 9 million students each year and save students an average of $3,800 in tuition, the White House said.

  But administration officials insisted on a call with reporters Thursday evening that “this is a proposal with bipartisan appeal.”

  Case in point: Republican Gov. Bill Haslam, whose brainchild Tennessee Promise program strongly influenced Obama’s proposal. Beginning this year, any high school graduate in that state is eligible for two years of free community college tuition under the Tennessee Promise.”



    Regardless of the “bipartisan appeal” how the f**k is a government that is 18 trillion dollars in the hole supposed to pay for yet another feel-good , vote buying entitlement ? Simple mathematics puts a real figure ($34.2 Billion annually) to the White House’s estimate of a “significant” cost and as always with State spending we can be sure the estimate is a very lowball one . WTF ?

    And putting aside the cost , where in the Constitution is the “right” to a free education ?

   With that in mind , let us not forget what the Obama administration has already “accomplished” in the field of education:



Student Loan Debt


What could possibly go wrong ?



Read on at Politico











Obama Visits Immigration Activists





” President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama met informally with immigration activists on the National Mall on Friday.

  They visited individuals taking part in Fast for Families to “offer their support for those who are fasting on behalf of immigration reform,” a White House official told the pool report. The Obamas spoke with the activists for about half an hour.

  The immigration activists have been fasting since Nov. 12, abstaining from all food except water and “are calling for the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives to take up action on comprehensive immigration reform,” the official said.”



    We guess the “website thing” is all straightened out since Obama has time to meet with illegals where he was too busy to attend 150th anniversary festivities for Gettysburg , and what of the troops ? When has he visited them ? How about the wounded at Walter Reed Hospital ? They are unlikely to vote for his policies so they must make up that part of America that he doesn’t represent









“Obama’s proposal is the opposite of fair, making taxpayers pony up for a $6 billion election gimmick that they don’t benefit from. Only 68% of high school graduates are enrolled in colleges or universities. How is it fair to make the 32% who are not in college pay for the student loans of those who are? How is it fair to have the rest of the approximately 140 million taxpayers and those students
who never had to have college loans but who paid for their own tuition, pay for today’s college students? Is it fair to add more debt to the every taxpayer’s share of the $30,000 in new debt that President Obama has already added just so that he can
buy a few more votes? None of this
is fair, it’s the opposite of fair.”