Tag Archive: Orange County Jail

Militarized Police Detain Activists en Masse At Kelly Thomas Rally





” UPDATE: Ustreamer Patti Beers who filmed herself being arrested has been released. Woman who was accused of assaulting a news photographer was also released. At least eleven others still detained.

  Saturday night, multiple activists were arrested at a rally to demand justice for Kelly Thomas, a mentally-ill homeless man who was killed by police in 2011. Two officers involved in the incident were acquitted on Jan. 13. In response to the ruling, a protest took place in Fullerton, Cali. where the Thomas killing happened.

  According to a report yesterday by a local news station, 14 people total were arrested, the majority for “failure to disperse.” One was arrested for allegedly assaulting a news photographer, and according to the police, the incident was the reason for breaking up the protest .”



Thomas Kelly Protest



” Later in the night, an arrest en masse was captured live and uploaded to Ustream by activist Patti Beers. The filming stopped when she was arrested herself. Beforehand, the footage shows Beers having a conversation with another protester claiming his friend Dallas had just been arrested by undercover police without hearing his Miranda rights. An unconfirmed source states that Beers was also not read her Miranda rights.

  The video streamed by Beers shows police suddenly entering the park and detaining people indiscriminately. According to the same source, “the majority who were picked up were grabbed by snatch squads in vans. The vans would roll up, and militarized police jumped out and snatched people — like the Gestapo.” “


Read more at AntiMedia











Notice Of Indictment In Sparrowbush Shooting Case




” Orange County District Attorney Frank Phillips announced Thursday afternoon that a grand jury has voted to indict David Carlson, 42, of Sparrowbush, on criminal charges in the fatal shooting of Rockland County rape suspect Norris Acosta-Sanchez, 35.

“Until a formal indictment is filed in Orange County Court, either next Tuesday or Thursday, we cannot disclose the crime or crimes with which the defendant has been charged. Grand Jury proceedings are secret and we cannot comment on what witnesses appeared, the charges considered, or any other aspect of the Grand Jury action,” Phillips wrote in a formal statement issued via email.

Carlson is currently being held without bail at Orange County Jail. Local-court judges cannot set bail in class A felony cases.
Phillips said Carlson’s lawyer may seek to ask a County Court judge to set bail, and that could happen by Friday.”



   For more information about this case see our previous posts here and here . This is shameful and we pray that Mr Carlson and his family will have the strength to see this through to a nullified jury or a dismissal . We will keep our readers updated as often as we are able .

 Hopefully tomorrow will bring news of a bail hearing and then maybe there will be some way for our readers to help out the Carlson family . In the meantime go to the Facebook page Free David Carlson and show your support .

    You can donate to a fund to help support the Carlson family with their legal bills which thanks to the indictment are sure to grow astronomically here :   davidcarlsonfund.com/