Tag Archive: Oprah Winfrey

Shame On You, Oprah Winfrey





” Oprah Winfrey, a prominent billionaire member of America’s racial grievance industry, is claiming once again that the society that idolizes her is racist to the core.

  In a recent interview with the BBC to promote the European release of “Lee Daniel’s The Butler,” a movie in which she stars and is considered an Oscar contender, Winfrey said about her friend, President Barack Obama:

  There’s a level of disrespect for the office that occurs in some cases, and maybe even many cases, because he’s African-American.  There’s no question about that.  And it’s the kind of thing no one ever says, but everybody’s thinking.

  What disrespect, exactly?  Despite “some cases” and “even many cases,” what examples prove Winfrey’s flimsy accusation? “







The Examiner Announces Their Awards For The Most Notable Displays Of Gall





” Happy New Year to all Washington Examiner readers.

  And since it is a new year, that means it’s time to hand out my annual Chutzpah Awards for the year that just ended.

  Chutzpah is defined as gall or audacity taken to the nth level. The classic and ultimate example of chutzpah is supposed to be the guy that murdered both his parents and then threw himself on the mercy of the court on the grounds that he was an orphan.

  This year’s list is a short one, but that doesn’t mean the winners are any less deserving. So, without further ado, here are the 2013 Chutzpah Award winners.

  Fifth runner-up: Rapper Kanye West, for basically proclaiming himself the greatest entertainer in the universe, combining his name and Jesus Christ’s name to proclaim his tour “Yeezus” and embracing the Confederate flag as his own.

  West, for those that don’t know, is African-American. The Confederate States of America, in that nation’s constitution, enshrined, specifically, “negro slavery” and made its existence all but inviolable.”



Go to the Examiner to see the champion and the other runners-up .









Rich 1% Oprah, Your Racism Is Showing; Bashir’s War On Sarah Palin



    Mr Dupree has the stones to take on a pair of the stupidest statements of the week that , had they been uttered by conservatives would have caused a major uproar and fueled demands for heads to roll , but since they were uttered by leftist darlings Oprah Winfrey and Martin Bashir the merit nary a raised eyebrow . Two of the mainstays of the Democratic party’s talking points , racism and the “war on women” have jumped the shark . Good for him for calling them both out .











Act Against Arms: Piers Morgan, Oprah, TriBeCa Films Asked To Ban Guns From Movies #ForTheChildren

Published on Apr 2, 2013

” http://projectveritas.com. @Project_Veritas investigators urge Piers Morgan, Oprah Winfrey’s production company (Harpo), and Robert DeNiro’s production company (Tribeca) to help ban all guns from past and future movies. With some disturbed murderers citing violent movies as the impetus for their crimes, would Hollywood elites agree to remove guns from their flicks #ForTheChildren? Or would money and fame supersede their malleable ideology?”






The Lance Armstrong Ride to Redemption





” The Lance Armstrong Ride to Redemption began in earnest on Monday, and not just because the disgraced cyclist admitted — as expected — to the doping that cost him his seven Tour de France victories during an emotional interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Armstrong is also in talks to return some of the millions of taxpayer dollars he received from the United States Postal Service, which sponsored his team from 1998 to 2004, CBS News reported. Armstrong has also indicated a willingness to testify against others involved in doping.


The negotiations may be an attempt to avoid criminal prosecution or prevent the government from joining the whistleblower suit filed by Armstrong’s former teammate Floyd Landis, who was stripped of his 2006 Tour de France victory because of doping.

Justice Department officials have urged the feds to join the whistleblower suit, CBS said, and the government’s resources would make the case far more troublesome for Armstrong than if Landis pursued it alone. Landis could collect up to 30% of any money recovered in the case. “