Tag Archive: Operation Fast and Furious

The DEA Struck A Deal With Mexico’s Most Notorious Drug Cartel




” An investigation by El Universal has found that between the years 2000 and 2012, the U.S. government had an arrangement with Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel that allowed the organization to smuggle billions of dollars of drugs in exchange for information on rival cartels.

Sinaloa, led by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, supplies 80% of the drugs entering the Chicago area and has a presence in cities across the U.S. “



Absolutely shameful … END THE WAR ON DRUGS NOW .














” CNN reports on the latest grisly fruit of the disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-walking operation, in which Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department released a small number of carefully-tracked firearms across the Mexican border in a bid to take down drug kingpins, but forgot the “small,” “carefully-tracked,” and “take down drug kingpins” parts of the operation:

  A dramatic shootout between authorities and suspected cartel gunmen at a Mexican seaside resort this month has ties to a botched U.S. gun operation.

  A U.S. official said Tuesday that investigators have traced at least one firearm recovered at a December 18 gunfight in Puerto Peñasco, just across from the Arizona border, to Operation Fast and Furious.

How dramatic was this shootout, CNN?

  The shootout in Puerto Peñasco, also called Rocky Point by Arizona tourists, two weeks ago left at least five suspected cartel gunmen dead, including possibly a high level Sinaloa cartel chief, according to Mexican authorities.

  Witnesses reported hours of shooting and grenade explosions, with Mexican authorities using helicopters to attack fleeing suspected cartel gunmen on the ground.”



Human Events has more 











Biden Proposals Include Framework for Gun Registry and Confiscation





AR-15 (Photo credit: subtlemd)



” — Up to 50-80% of all guns in circulation could be covered

Press reports now make it clear what Vice President Joe Biden’s gun control package will look like. Biden wants to impose:

* A Feinstein-like semi-auto ban which, according to experts who have done the counting, could ban up to 50% of all long guns currently in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns. Incidentally, if you wanted to keep the AR-15 you currently have, you would have to have a 6-month FBI background check, be fingerprinted, and get a machine gun-type license.

* The framework for national gun registration and confiscation by requiring every gun transaction to have a Brady Check.

* Supposed “toughening” of anti-gun trafficking measures, but without doing anything about the man responsible for allowing more gun trafficking than any other American — Attorney General Eric Holder (with his Fast and Furious program).

Let us backtrack and explain a couple of things: Increasingly ATF is going into gun dealers and xeroxing all of the 4473’s. This is illegal under McClure-Volkmer, but, in case you hadn’t noticed, Obama is increasingly ignoring the law when it inconveniences him.”

Police: Christmas Eve Firefighter Shooter Used ‘Straw Purchaser’ To Acquire Weapons





” The 62-year-old convicted felon who gunned down two firefighters and wounded three first responders on Christmas Eve in Webster, New York used weapons his neighbor illegally purchased for him, according to state and federal authorities.

The neighbor, 24-year-old Dawn Nguyen, was arrested on Friday after police traced the serial numbers on two weapons used by William Spengler, the shooter: a Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and a 12-gauge shotgun, both purchased in 2010.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed straw purchasers to illegally purchase approximately 2,000 firearms as and transport them across the United States’ southern border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, in an apparent attempt to track the guns to high-level officials in Mexico’s drug cartels.

None of those top officials has been arrested, and the operation has led to the deaths of an estimated 300 Mexican nationals and at least one U.S. Border Patrol agent. (RELATED: Univision report connects Operation Fast and Furious scandal to murders of Mexican teenagers) “


Double Standards on Death






“No single law, no set of laws can eliminate evil from the world or prevent every senseless act of violence in our society,” President Obama said at the memorial service for victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, “but that can’t be an excuse for inaction. Surely we can do better than this. If there’s even one step we can take to save another child or another parent or another town from the grief that’s visited Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek and Newtown and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that, then surely we have an obligation to try.”

The president also quoted scripture but he overlooked a key reality. When it serves their interest, the federal government is willing to promote the illegal sale of weapons that wind up in the hands of violent criminals. Consider Operation Fast and Furious, for example.





President Obama, meanwhile, did not make a televised speech at Brian Terry’s memorial service. Neither did the president appear on television in the wake of Major Nidal Hasan’s murderous rampage in 2009 at Fort Hood. Hasan’s 13 victims included Aaron Nemelka, 19, and Francheska Velez, 22 and pregnant with her first child. As Andrew McCarthy noted in Spring Fever, Major Hasan was a “five-alarm jihadist” but the Department of Defense report on the massacre writes it off as a case of “workplace violence.” ”




The only deaths that matter are the ones that can be used to further the statist agenda . 



Remember Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry



” We Honor our Hero Brian Terry today! He will forever remain in our hearts and the memories he has left us with will live within all of us that were blessed to know what an amazing person he was. The love he had for his Family, Friends and Country is something we should all emulate. His zest for life, his courage, honor and bravery were like no other. He set the bar for so many, which in turn inspired them to believe in themselves. He was the leader and motivator to all. For Brian, Nothing was impossible…”You just have to put the work in.” B.Terry We will never forget your service and sacrifice, we will never give up the fight for justice and we will never stop paying tribute to the Hero you are. It is not how Brian Terry died that made him a hero. It is how he lived his life that made him a HERO! We all Love and Miss you B!”