Tag Archive: Opening Statement

As Obama Toots His Own Horn, Judge Jeanine Rips Him a New One




Published on Jun 6, 2015

” Declaring his foreign policy to be a raging success based on some unnamed “poll,” Barack Obama has invited derision and laughter. Here, Judge Jeanine samples his “accomplishments” and asks how he could possibly make such a claim.”

Cops Thru Out The Nation Being Demonized Due To Baltimore





Daily Video 3.2.15

Trey Gowdy’s Opening Statement At Hearing On Immigration Executive Actions




Published on Feb 25, 2015

” Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy’s Opening Statement at House Judiciary Committee Hearing “The Unconstitutionality of Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration” “













Judge Jeanine Rips Obama Over Iran, Israel And ISIS





Barack Obama “Comfortable” With Islamic Extremism





Published on Feb 7, 2015

” February 7th, 2015 • Judge Jeanine Pirro asserted that President Barack Obama is “comfortable” with the actions of Islamic terrorists and extremists. Pirro cited Obama’s long history of appeasing the violent acts of Muslims. “














Bergdahl 5-for-1 Deal Stunk From The Git-Go!





Published on Jan 31, 2015
” Judge Jeanine Pirro reprises the astonishing Bergdahl 5-for-1 swap that released 5 top-level radical Islamists for one alleged deserter. In three months the radicals will be freed entirely, and one has already been making contact with his radical buddies.

  In the meantime, Obama spokespersons are desperately defending the indefensible with word games about picayune differences between “terrorists” and “armed insurgents”. “












Judge Jeanine Responds To Events In Paris













Judge Jeanine Ravages Obama’s Lawless Immigration Orders





Published on Nov 22, 2014

” Comparing him at one point to Tony Soprano, Judge Jeanine Pirro rips Obama from stem to stern for his outlandish and lawless immigration “orders.” “










Danger Zone Widens As Obama Foreign Policy Collapses





Voters Reject Obama Policies & Obama Reaction






Published on Nov 8, 2014

” Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Voters Reject Obama Policies & Obama Reaction
Latest Gitmo Release Raises Concerns That More Detainees Will Be Transferred “











Lone Wolf Radicalization – The Rise Of Radical Islam





Obama Administration Doesn’t Know What It’s Doing


Have We Lost Our Minds & Sense Of Respect For Our Military?





“Tell Us The Truth For Once”




Published on Oct 4, 2014

” “You don’t want us to panic; How about I don’t want us to die. Tell us the truth for once!” says Judge Jeanine Pirro in her classic opening statement regarding the Ebola outbreak.”













Jihad In America





Judge Jeanine – Be Prepared, Govt Won’t Protect You


Judge Jeanine Trashes Obama’s Absurd “ISIL Is Not Islamic” Claim






Published on Sep 13, 2014

” Once again, Judge Jeanine Pirro pulls the rug out from under Barack Obama. This time it’s for his utterly absurd claim that “ISIL [ISIS] is not Islamic”.

We have to wonder if President Obama, and his entourage of “advisers”, are delusional.”






Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – The Last Straw


Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Perry Indicted – “A Grand Jury Could Indite A Ham Sandwich”




Iraq & ISIS: Judge Jeanine Castigates Obama for Feckless Foreign Policy




Published on Aug 9, 2014

” Judge Jeanine Pirro calls out President Obama for his feclkess handling of Iraq and ISIS, calling him inexperienced and disengaged.”






Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Christianity Under Attack – Danger From Radical Muslim?




Judge Jeanine Pirro: Obama Deliberately Encouraging Illegal Immigration





Published on Jul 12, 2014

” Enter your views and comments a thttp://www.westernfreepress.com/?p=24…
Judge Jeanine Pirro accuses Barack Obama of deliberately leaving the border open in order to change the demographics and electorate in the United States. From “Justice with Judge Jeanine”, July 12, 2014 “













Judge Jeanine Pirro: ISIS Is Coming For US, The Infidels





Published on Jun 21, 2014

” Judge Jeanine, in her strongest anti-Obama tirade ever. Rich, powerful, and well-organized, ISIS is beheading its way across northern Iraq using weapons we paid for and showing a brutality the likes of which none of us can even imagine. 

  In the meantime, says the judge, Obama is in denial, clueless, a paper tiger, who only knows how to cut and run.”













Judge Jeanine On Iraq And ISIS – Thanks To Obama, We Should All Be Afraid







Published on Jun 14, 2014

” Judge Jeanine Pirro tells us why we should all be afraid of the events in Iraq, where ultra-extreme Islamists are sweeping across Iraq. The judge blames Obama’s feckless and uncaring policy that had the US abandon Iraq entirely.”