Tag Archive: Open Borders

Tuberculosis Infects 27 At Kansas City Area High School







” Nearly 30 people have tested positive for tuberculosis at a Kansas City-area high school, officials confirmed Wednesday.

  That’s about 10 percent of the 300 tested after one person tested positive at Olathe Northwest High School last week, KSHB reports. Officials have not confirmed who may have been the original carrier of the disease.

  Tuberculosis is an airborne bacteria that usually attacks the lungs. It’s typically spread when a person coughs, sneezes, speaks or sings, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The reader must scroll way down to get to the heart of the matter:

” In the U.S., there are about 9,500 TB cases each year, of which about 500 die. A majority of U.S. cases come from foreign-born persons, according to the CDC.”

   Surprise , surprise … another gift from Obama’s Open Borders policy and his quest for the “permanent democratic majority” … read on

Border Stat Posted, And Then Removed






” Most of the people the Border Patrol stopped from sneaking into the country last year were from countries other than Mexico, according to agency statistics, a shift that might have provided fodder for politicians leading up to Tuesday’s election.

  But they didn’t get much of a chance. The Border Patrol’s annual statistics were posted on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Web site for about five hours on Oct. 10, then taken down.

  Now some are questioning whether that decision was an example of the Obama administration playing politics with public information.

  Even before Tuesday, the administration said it was waiting until after the elections to deal with immigration reform so that any losses would not be blamed on the Democrats’ proposal. For some, removing the apprehension statistics — which both parties could use to criticize U.S. immigration laws — was a political move.

“ It worries me that they may have been taken down for purely political reasons,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah). “If the information is ready, it should be made available.”

  But Customs and Border Protection spokesman Christopher O’Neil said in an e-mail that the decision to remove the briefly released data had nothing to do with the midterm elections. Rather, he said, it was an effort to provide all of the agency’s statistics — and not just the Border Patrol’s — “in one concise and comprehensive package.”

  He said the agency had intended to publish the data by Oct. 31. But administrative delays in gathering statistics by operational elements caused the date to be pushed back several days. Customs and Border Protection now plans to publish before Nov. 15, he wrote. The early release, he said, was due to miscommunication.”


Washington Post










Here Are Thirteen Reasons To Vote Republican Today*



*In no particular order …


Brian Terry: A Victim Of Fast & Furious

Chris Stevens , Glen Doherty , Tyrone Woods , Sean Smith & Benghazi

NSA Spying

IRS Tea Party Scandal

Veterans Administration Scandal

Obamacare – ’nuff Said

Common Core

National Park Closures

Enterovirus EV-68D aka Illegal Immigrant Disease

Open Borders & The Permanent Democratic Majority

Senate Majority Leader “Dirty Harry” Reid

$17 Trillion National Debt

The Supreme Court

   This is by no means an all-encompassing list and is intended as a brief motivational post . Feel free to include your own additions in the comments . It is a very fertile field .

Doubts Chip Away At Nation’s Most Trusted Agencies






” Even as Americans’ trust in government eroded in recent years, people kept faith in a handful of agencies and institutions admired for their steadiness in ensuring the country’s protection.

  To safeguard the president, there was the solidity of the Secret Service. To stand vigil against distant enemies, the U.S. nuclear missile corps was assumed to be on the job. And to ward off threats to public health, the nation counted on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Now, in the space of just a few months, the reputations of all those agencies – as well as the Veterans Administration – have been tarred by scandal or tarnished by doubt. Maybe a public buffeted by partisan rhetoric and nonstop news should be used to this by now. But, with the CDC facing tough questions about its response to the Ebola outbreak, something feels different. Government is about doing collectively what citizens can’t do alone, but its effectiveness is premised on trust.

  A year ago, with Washington shut down and trust in government near records lows, the CDC still won a 75 percent approval rating, the highest of any federal agency, a poll by the Pew Research Center found. But when CBS News surveyed Americans in mid-October, just 37 percent said the agency was doing a good or excellent job.”

   There is no mystery to this lack of confidence in the State , When you politicize government agencies you immediately gain a near fifty percent disapproval right at the start . There is nowhere to go but down . 

” The Homeland Security Department won a 66 percent approval rating a year ago. But that was before the Secret Service, which is a part of the agency, was caught in a number of lapses: among them, the agency’s failure to stop a man armed with a knife from scaling the fence and running into White House and the unchecked entry of an armed contractor onto an elevator with the president. In the new CBS news poll, just 38 percent of those questioned rated the Secret Service’s performance as good or excellent and 43 percent did so for its parent department.

  The Veterans Administration was viewed favorably by 68 percent of those polled last year. But it too has since been swept up in a scandal over long wait times for veterans seeking care and records that were falsified to camouflage the problems. In the CBS poll, just 30 percent rated the VA as doing a good job.”

    While the trend is not exactly a new thing there can be no doubt that it has been greatly accelerated over the past six years by the King of Politicization himself .

   The trend away from big government and the subsequent move back towards local government control and  accountability , while certainly unintentional on Obama’s part , will turn out to be his greatest accomplishment .

    It takes a Statist to make people abhor the State .

    The magnitude of the shift is even more impressive when one takes into account the massive effort exerted by the MSM these past six years in carrying “Dear Leader’s” water . Imagine where public sympathies would be if they weren’t bombarded on a daily basis with Statist propaganda and instead were offered the truth .

AP News

Obama’s Border Policy Fueled Epidemic, Evidence Shows



EV-D68 Spread




” The deadly EV-D68 enterovirus epidemic, which struck thousands of kids this fall, was likely propelled through America by President Barack Obama’s decision to allow tens of thousands of Central Americans across the Texas border, according to a growing body of genetic and statistical evidence.

  The evidence includes admissions from top health officials that the epidemic included multiple strains of the virus, and that it appeared simultaneously in multiple independent locations.

  The question can be settled if federal researchers study the genetic fingerprint of the EV-D68 viruses that first hit kids in Colorado, Missouri and Illinois to see if they are close relatives to the EV-D68 viruses found in Central America.”

So far, that virus has been found in nine American kids who died from illness, has apparently inflicted unprecedented polio-like paralysis in roughly 50 kids, and has put hundreds of young American kids into hospital emergency wards and intensive care units throughout more than 40 states.”





   DC Caller has more as do we , here , here , here and here . At least five nine American children have died from this failure to protect our borders and our citizens , all for the sake of a “permanent democratic majority” . Remember that on Tuesday as you cast your ballots . 

  And if the fear of your child contracting EV-D68 isn’t enough , keep in your mind what CDC director Thomas Friedan said about the pointlessness of airport screening for Ebola as long as the border remains wide open .













The “Border States Of America” With Nick Searcy




Published on Oct 16, 2014

” Please visit www.BorderStatesOfAmerica.com for more information about this film.

  An unprecedented wave of illegal immigration is washing over America, threatening the fabric of our nation. But the Obama Administration refuses to enforce our immigration laws, resulting in tens of thousands of people illegally entering the US. Now, our new film reveals the full scope of this crisis.

  The Border States of America takes viewers from the Rio Grande Valley to towns across the country, telling the story of human smugglers and drug cartels who profit from Obama’s policies; of American citizens whose lives are put at risk; and the social and economic toll on our communities. We cut through the fog to bring you the truth about what is really happening with the border crisis.

  Television and film star Nick Searcy has come on board to narrate The Border States of America. He is an accomplished actor, director, and producer with a career spanning more than 30 years in cinema, television, and on the stage. With dozens of starring and supporting roles across a wide range of feature films and TV shows under his belt, we couldn’t be more excited to have him help tell this story.”
















” How refreshing to hear something resembling candor in the Obama administration’s public pronouncements on the threat from Ebola.

  Problem is, the implications of what is being said with this newfound candor are ominous to say the least, a flabbergasted Rush Limbaugh outlined for his radio listeners yesterday. (Audio)

LIMBAUGH: … Some of the highlights from the congressional hearing on Capitol Hill today, House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing on the Ebola crisis, Dr. Thomas Frieden …. Oh he’s got a new answer here …. I don’t believe this, we gotta play this one! I just basically scanned this one. This Frieden guy, he’s got to want to be thrown out of office here. You just gotta hear this! I don’t want to characterize it before I actually here it. I don’t want to tell you what it says and then have it not say that and look like I got egg on my face.

Here’s the setup: Fred Upton, Republican (of) Michigan, is asking Frieden, the director of the CDC, this question — the question I have is, if other countries are restricting travel from these African countries and, as you said, the fundamental job of the US is to protect American citizens, why can’t we move to a similar ban on travel from these other countries? The exposure rate of 14 days or 15 days is well within the 21 days of incubation and in fact knowing that there 150 people coming a day from those countries, we have not 94 percent in terms of screening at US airports. It seems to me it’s not a fail safe system that’s put into place here.

FRIEDEN (testifying before House subcommittee): Right now we know who’s coming in. If we tried to eliminate travel, the possibility that someone will travel over land, will come from other places, and we don’t know that they’re coming in will mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they leave.

LIMBAUGH: OK, that’s one. There’s part two, just hang on. I know that sounds confusing but there’s a part two. He said, right now we know who’s coming in. Don’t forget that. Right now we know who’s coming in. If we tried to eliminate travel, the possibility that some will travel over land and come from other places and we don’t know that they’re coming will mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things. Do you know what he just said there? …. He just threw amnesty overboard! He, he, he just threw amnesty under the bus. He just threw Obama’s precious open borders under the bus. He says if we try to eliminate travel, then they’re going to come here illegally — acknowledging there are others already doing that! If we try to eliminate travel, the possibility that some will travel over land like the Hoof Express through the Rio Grande River. They’ll come from other places and we don’t know that they’re coming in. It’ll mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things! In other words, what’s already happening will continue to happen and yet some of the people coming might have Ebola! Oh no!  He can’t last much longer! The Chamber of Commerce is having a conniption fit right now. (Democrat congressman) Luis Gutierrez is having a conniption fit right now.

So his answer seems to be, if we don’t let them come in on planes, they’ll come by land over our porous border.

FRIEDEN: Borders can be porous, especially in this part of the world. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they leave. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they arrive. We won’t be able, as we do currently, to take a detailed history to see if they were exposed when they arrive. When they arrive, we wouldn’t be able to impose quarantine as we now can if they have high-risk contact. We wouldn’t be able to obtain detailed locating information which we do now including not only name and date of birth but email addresses, cell phone numbers, address, addresses of friends, so that we could identity and locate them. We wouldn’t be able to provide all of that information as we do now to state and local health departments so that they can monitor them under supervision.

LIMBAUGH: Well, uh, ladies and gentlemen, it sounds to me like he’s saying that if we don’t let them come in on planes, what he’s saying is — unbelievable! — do you understand what he’s saying?! If we don’t let them come in under our auspices, they’re going to come in via illegal immigration and we’re not going to know who they are and it’s going to be even worse. Like the 300,000 children that came in and might have brought enterovirus and like the 12 million who are already here that we want to grant amnesty …

This guy, he has swerved into something, folks, that is totally, unless I’m missing something, I didn’t see this coming. This guy is acknowledging that we do not have a closed border. He’s acknowledging we cannot control who comes into the country. This guy is saying, the Centers for Disease Control director Thomas Frieden is saying, that we cannot close airports. We cannot shut down flights to this country because other parts of our border are wide open with thousands already crossing the border! And we don’t know who they are and we don’t know what they have and we don’t know how sick they might be. And we don’t know  and will have no way of knowing. Oh man! “


NewsBusters has more











Is CDC Hiding Enterovirus Link To Illegal Alien Kids?






” A disease that was once rare in the U.S. is killing Americans, and its rise coincides with the tidal wave of unaccompanied minor children arriving from Latin America under our de facto open-border policy.

  The CDC website reports that from mid-August to Oct. 10, the CDC itself or state authorities confirmed that 691 people in 46 states and the District of Columbia had come down with some sort of respiratory illness caused by EV-D68. Five children, including Eli, died from their infections.

  It is true that EV-D68 has been in the U.S. at least since 1962. But according to a study done by doctors from the Division of Viral Diseases at the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases published on the CDC’s own website, EV-D68 “is one of the most rarely reported serotypes, with only 26 reports throughout the 36-year study period (1970 through 2006).”

  There’s often a disconnect between coincidence and correlation. But we suspect that the jump in cases from 26 in 36 years to nearly 700 in one year coming at the same time as the open-border influx of improperly screened illegal aliens is more than just a coincidence.”


  Given the lack of veracity from the present administration regarding just about everything they claim IBD’s conclusion is very difficult to dismiss …


” And after the CDC’s bungling, rethinking and dissembling about the Ebola outbreak, it looks as if we can’t trust anything it says about the origins and spread of EV-D68, either. “


Read the whole thing and decide for yourself










Michigan Toddler Dies Of Enterovirus D68, A Pernicious Strain Of A Spreading Virus





” A Michigan toddler has died of enterovirus D68, another reminder of the deadly potential of a disease that has infected hundreds nationwide in two months.

  Madeline Reid died at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, where she had been transferred “for advanced services,” according to the Detroit hospital’s chief medical officer, Dr. Rudolph Valentini.

” The CDC confirmed EV-D68 after her arrival here, and she subsequently succumbed to her illness,” Valentini said.

  A Facebook page, dubbed “Team Maddie!,” devoted to the 21-month-old’s plight also confirmed the sad news. “


The Case For Panic






” Deadly, irrational, and determined, the intruder snuck across a weakened perimeter. Eluding capture, the intruder was detained only after missteps and close calls. The spin began soon after the threat was isolated. Information was selectively leaked. Half-truths and untruths were uttered. Responsibility was avoided; privileges and credentials asserted; authority reasserted. Trust us. Remain calm. Don’t panic.

  This is the template of recent events. A mental case jumps the White House fence. He makes it to the East Room before he’s tackled by an off-duty Secret Service agent. Initial statements turn out to be misleading or false. We discover that lapses in security are much worse than previously understood, that in recent memory the White House was sprayed with bullets, and that an armed man with a criminal record rode in an elevator with the president. The official in charge of the Secret Service, promoted for reasons of affirmative action, resigns hours after the White House expresses its confidence in her abilities. The overriding impression is of disarray, confusion, bad management, failed communication, anomie, disillusion, corruption, and secrecy. But do not worry. Things are under control.

  The elevator? It was in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, where the president told the American people that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is not a threat to our country. President Obama said the chances of Ebola appearing in the United States are “extremely low.” If a carrier somehow finds his way to the 50 states, “We have world-class facilities and professionals ready to respond. And we have effective surveillance mechanisms in place.” Two weeks later, as Byron York points out, the president was proven utterly wrong.

  It is the same story as the fence-jumper: lax security, missed opportunities, hollow defenses. A Liberian national exposed to the terrible virus travels on a visa to visit his sister in Dallas. He has a three-hour layover in Dulles Airport. Upon his arrival in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area he exposes, at a minimum, 100 people, including children, to Ebola. When he visits a hospital looking for help, he is examined and sent away. Two days later he begins vomiting uncontrollably. “His whole family was screaming.” An ambulance arrived. He was returned to the hospital, where he remains.

  Again, the authorities behave irresponsibly and inscrutably. Again, the faces on our televisions say there is no cause for alarm. “I think the notion that we will not have an outbreak of Ebola here, more than just an isolated person or two, is very reliable and very true,” says MSNBC house doctor Zeke “If You Like Your Doctor You Can Pay More” Emanuel. Emanuel is not bothered in the slightest—but then he has just 18 years left anyway.

  I have a second opinion. Not only do I disagree with the constant stream of soothing and complacent rhetoric from Dr. Zeke’s friends in government and media. I also believe it is entirely rational to fear the possibility of a major Ebola outbreak, of a threat to the president and his family, of jihadists crossing the border, of a large-scale European or Asian war, of nuclear proliferation, of terrorists detonating a weapon of mass destruction. These dangers are real, and pressing, and though the probability of their occurrence is not high, it is amplified by the staggering incompetence and failure and misplaced priorities of the U.S. government. It is not Ebola I am afraid of. It is our government’s ability to deal with Ebola.”



Here is another key paragraph in an essay full of key paragraphs providing a virtual laundry list of State malfeasance …



” Over the last few years the divergence between what the government promises and what it delivers, between what it says is happening or will happen and what actually is happening and does happen, between what it determines to be important and what the public wishes to be important—this gap has become abysmal, unavoidable, inescapable. We hear of “lone-wolf” terrorism, of “workplace violence,” that if you like your plan you can keep your plan. We are told that Benghazi was a spontaneous demonstration, that al Qaeda is on the run, that the border is secure as it has ever been, that Assad must go, that I didn’t draw a red line, the world drew a red line, that the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups involved not a smidgen of corruption, that the Islamic State is not Islamic. We see the government spend billions on websites that do not function, and the VA consign patients to death by waiting list and then cover it up. We are assured that Putin won’t invade; that the Islamic State is the jayvee team of terrorism; that Bowe Bergdahl served with honor and distinction; that there is a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia.”




    Read Matthew Continetti’s damning indictment of our corrupt authorities and their “move along , nothing to see here” toadies in the media . If you are counting on The State for your safety you are F**ked 












Where Obama Could Lose it All: Senate Races To Watch






” With two months until mid-term congressional elections, President Barack Obama’s Democrats face increasingly long odds of maintaining control of the US Senate. Republicans must gain six seats to take over, and many analysts say that goal is within reach.

  Far more Democrats are up for re-election than Republicans this cycle, including four struggling to keep their seats in crucial swing states that Obama lost when he was re-elected in 2012.

  But Republicans are hardly united in their tactics, as evidenced by pressure from core conservatives threatening a government shutdown over immigration policy — tactics experts warn could backfire.

  Nevertheless, the wind is at Republicans’ backs in this mid-term election, which traditionally favors the opposition party in year six of a presidency, as this is.

  Republicans are predicted to maintain control of the House of Representatives, where all 435 seats are being contested. Democrats are struggling to hang on in the 100-member Senate, where 36 seats are up for grabs.

  Below is a list of key Senate races in November’s election and issues to watch as the parties battle for congressional supremacy. “


See the list at NewsMax












Texas Border Ranchers Fear For Their Lives And Families – Ask Veterans For Help







” Texas border rancher vows to stand and fight the cartels, saying “There’s no backup in me” and calls on Texas veterans to join him in stopping the cartels from taking over Texas ranches along the border with Mexico.

  These bastards [cartel members] are going through the valley, alright?They’re sending people up to Houston, St. Louis, any town where they’ve got a population over ten people, and they’re going up North to your backyards, moving in next door to you, they’re gonna be your neighbors, and think about it, if you’re doing shift work, and you go to work at night, or you’re going to the bowling league, and your wife and kids, your grandkids, are at home, these self-same guys are gonna walk in on your family. What the hell are you gonna do about it? You gonna come home, outside of crying are you gonna do anything, are you gonna do something now, before it gets to that point? I’m doing my crying all the day. Everyday. That’s my message to them. They’re going to your backyard. You’ve got a chance to stop em. Do you stand back, or do you go forward? There’s no backup in me. I want somebody to join me. Don’t backup to these bastards. Don’t. We got too much to lose. Don’t lose as much as I have, please. [in reference to his relatives in Mexico, who were recently killed by the cartel].  – Texas Rancher “Rusty” Monsee

  Ranchers along the Texas side of the border with Mexico are in fear for their lives and the lives of their families, as they face a Mexican drug cartel takeover of their ranches and nearby ranches.    Below are two interviews with Texas ranchers who own land on the border.  Both describe how the American people are being lied to, and not told the truth about what is really happening on the border.”



Of course the drug cartel thugs are the least of our problems …



” In the interview Rusty describes Border Patrol intercepting Muslim men from Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and says “when they [Border Patrol] take them in, they’ll disappear – they’ll take them somewhere – and even the records will disappear. And I asked one of them ‘what’s the deal on the records’ and he said ‘that’s an order from way up the line, up in DC – they don’t want anybody to know how many are coming through’…they [the local Border Patrol agents] keep records but the records disappear, out of the mainframe – out of the computer – and the paper records too.”

  Rob, an out-of-state Oath Keepers member who has been serving as a volunteer guard on Rusty’s ranch for the past month, adds that:

  [they] had six middle eastern males on Rusty’s property [which Border Patrol was able to catch] … all I know is they were Muslim.   I wasn’t told a whole lot of information about it.   I do know they had told me they had caught eleven of the same group, the week prior to that, that had been on our United States terrorist wanted list [for acts against the United States] – not watch, but wanted list.  And this is the kind of stuff that they are not releasing to the public, they’re not allowed to release it.

When asked what happened to those men on the Terrorist Wanted List, Rob said:

  They were caught and they were turned over to Homeland Security, and everything pretty much disappeared like what Rusty was saying.  None of that is any public information or anything like that, so they don’t want it to be public.  [ the BP is not allowed to tell anyone that known terrorists are coming across the border].  They aren’t allowed to speak about it.  The only thing we [the American public] hear about is women and kids… and when they make huge drug busts, that’s what we hear about.  We don’t hear about the gang-bangers coming across, we don’t hear about the terrorists coming across.  We don’t hear about the violence going down on the border.  I had a rancher call me last week, and begging for help on 15,000 acres.  He had been moved off his ranch because he doesn’t feel safe with his family there.  He’s been shot at and threatened.  We don’t hear that [on the news]. “



Read more at Oath Keepers … HT/Gateway Pundit














Stop The World, Barack Wants Off!




” Some have called it the worst summer ever.

  This may or may not include the summer when an asteroid crashed near the Yucatan peninsula, almost extinguishing life on earth. But, with Labor Day past and the kids going back to school, it’s time to reflect on the summer of 2014.

  Terrorists announced a new caliphate in Syria and Iran, as Vlad the Shirtless warned of possible nuclear exchanges in Europe. All-out war erupted between Israel and Hamas, and the entire Middle East seemed to fall apart faster than an Obamacare promise. Rioting broke out in the Midwest. (For a while it was hard to tell if the video footage was from the Middle East or the Middle West.) An Ebola outbreak killed thousands in Africa. The U.S. economy continued to stumble…

  But the controversy that caused the Twitterverse to explode was when Barack Obama showed up on TV … wearing a tan suit. (Best Headline of the summer-WaPo: The audacity of taupe) Maybe his clown suit was at the cleaners?

  More serious news outlets were concerned about Obama’s admission that he didn’t have a strategy to deal with ISIL. Obama didn’t have a strategy? This is news?

  Speaking of which, over the summer some in the media actually began to question Obama’s achievements in office. Although this may have happened only because their dictionaries finally ran out of superlatives to use.

  On the subject of ISIL, is its name ISIL, or ISIS, or IS? All have been used. To quote Bill Clinton, I guess it depends on what your definition of IS is.

  Regarding the Clintons, is it just me, or was it a little ironic that Hillary spent much of the summer promoting an autobiography of her time as Secretary of State. Curiously enough, it wasn’t titled, “At This Point, What Difference Does It Make?” “



Read the whole piece at American Thinker















GOP Senator: Obama To ‘Effectively End Immigration Enforcement’





” The Obama administration is preparing to effectively “nullify” the immigration laws of the United States through an executive action, says one Republican senator. As Time reported Thursday, President Obama appears prepared to provide millions of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. work authorization via executive orders:

  When President Obama issues executive orders on immigration in coming weeks, pro-reform activists are expecting something dramatic: temporary relief from deportation and work authorization for perhaps several million undocumented immigrants. If the activists are right, the sweeping move would upend a contentious policy fight and carry broad political consequences.

  The activists met privately with the President and his aides June 30 at the White House, and say in that meeting Obama suggested he will act before the November midterm elections. They hope his decision will offer relief to a significant percentage of the estimated 11.7 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. “He seems resolute that he’s going to go big and go soon,” says Frank Sharry, executive director of the pro-reform group America’s Voice. “


Weekly Standard

What This Rancher Found Near The Mexican Border Should Sound The Alarms


Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 8.38.11 AM



” Texas rancher Mike Vickers found an odd book on his property: an Urdu-to-English dictionary. Urdu is the official language of Pakistan, and is spoken in Muslim areas of India and parts of Afghanistan.

  This is certainly an unusual item to find on the border of Mexico, which is a Spanish-speaking country. From The Blaze:

  While local ranchers have to contend with torn-up fences, broken water lines, contaminated wells and robbery on a daily basis from illegal immigrants streaming through, a Texas Border Patrol agent told The Blaze there is “no doubt” that among the hordes of Central Americans are also crossers from Pakistan and Afghanistan, raising significant national security concerns. “



     Anyone that believes the only people flooding across our wide open southern border either possesses a death wish or is completely ignorant of the ways of the world . No nation can survive if it cannot control who enters its territory . This is further proof that our “leader” actively seeks the end of our way of life … after all he has freely admitted that he does not believe in American Exceptionalism .


   Read more on the deliberate failure of the present administration to fulfill it’s primary role , that of the defense of the republic . If we have no idea who is entering the country then we have no idea WHAT is entering either . Lets hope they target DC first , and not during recess .










Gov Perry Just Made A Chilling Accusation Against Obama


Hannity Perry Open Borders Conspiracy



” “We either have an incredibly inept administration or they’re in on this somehow or another.  I mean, I hate to be conspiratorial, but how do you move that many people from Central America across Mexico and then into the United States without there being a fairly coordinated effort?” “



Western Journalism









The Amnestyville Horror



” If 1986’s euphemistic amnesty was a mere amnesty, this is a super-amnesty four times as big as the last one. If the 1986 amnesty were a state, by population size it would only be Utah. If the 2013 Son of Amnesty were ranked as a state it would be Illinois; the 5th largest state in America.

Amnesty was initially sold as a compromise between security-loving Republicans and illegal-loving Democrats. In this odd couple sitcom, the elephant would finally get border security and the donkey would get 12 million voters. But like so many sitcom plots, this one never made any sense.

Would the Democrats really exchange one huge amnesty for an end to the inflow of undocumented Democrats forever? Twelve million voters in ten years does sound like a good deal. But 12 million voters in ten years and then open borders sounds like an even better deal.