Tag Archive: Oil

Brought To You By Storm Clouds Gathering

Published on Sep 11, 2014

” The real reason Russia and Syria are being targeted right now
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This Eye-Opening Map Shows The Reason Gas Is More Expensive In Some States Than Others


   This map shows why the cost of gasoline is so high and why there is so much variation from state to state . The simple answer is , of course , taxes , both state and federal . Click on the map below to go to the interactive page that will give the reader specific details for each individual state and bear in mind that , even as the Statists demonize the oil industry as some sort of price-gouging profiteers , that the various government entities make more from the sale of a gallon of gas than do the evil energy producers .



Gas Taxes By State

Click Map For Interactive Link



” The federal excise tax is 18.4 cents per gallon, and the rest of the taxes are particular to each state and vary greatly around the country.

  The two states with the biggest taxes: New York at $0.505 and California at $0.4978. The two states with the lowest taxes: Alaska at $0.124 and New Jersey at $0.145.

  Expressed as a percentage, based upon current prices which are $3.678 as averaged across the nation, the price for a gallon of gas breaks down like this:

  • 10% for refining costs and profits
  • 10% for transportation and retailing costs and profits
  • 13% for taxes and fees
  • 67% for crude oil

  One thing to notice: The total costs and profits for everything except the oil is just slightly larger than the amount that goes to state and federal taxes.”



Here is a bit more perspective on those “massive profits” raked in by “Big Oil” …







” ExxonMobil’s earnings are from operations in more than 100 countries around the world. The part of the business that refines and sells gasoline and diesel in the United States represents less than 3 percent – or 3 cents on the dollar – of our total earnings. For every gallon of gasoline, diesel or finished products we manufactured and sold in the United States in the last three months of 2010, we earned a little more than 2 cents per gallon. That’s not a typo. Two cents.”




As the astute reader can easily ascertain , the only “price gouger” in the energy business is the State .











Welcome To Yakutsk – Coldest City On Earth

Yakutsk World Map

     Located just a few hundred miles south of the Arctic circle , Yakutsk has the distinction of being the coldest city on Earth . In fact from November to March the temperature can be counted on to be in the -20 to -50 degree fahrenheit range continuously . Now that’s cold .




” Yakutsk, Russia is generally considered the coldest city on earth. During the winter the temperature averages -30 degrees Fahrenheit and lower. In fact, besides June, July and August, it doesn’t get warm at all, but that doesn’t slow life down. Patrick Jones (@Patrick_E_Jones) has the rest.”




Yakutsk Siberia



   For the adventurous among you Lonely Planet offers a collection of links and travel tips should you decide to make the trek to witness real cold .



” For somewhere that’s over 1000km from any- where much, Yakutsk comes as a pleasant, and sometimes surreal, surprise. Over half of its inhabitants are Yakut – and a good portion of the remainder are Chinese immigrants – so it feels (despite the Lenin statue) less Russian than many places across the Far East. Most of its buildings stand on stilts above a cruel permafrost that never thaws. It’s most isolated when the weather’s misbehaving – as winter frozen-river highways thaw, and earth turns into an unnavigable slop.

  People are particularly friendly in Yakutsk. Visitors often find themselves quickly connected with the local scene. “





Here is a little research for those of you considering the journey …




” Yakutsk was founded by Pyotr Beketov in 1632. A detachment of cossacks under his command founded the city as the Lenskii fort, on the right bank of the Lena River (the tenth longest river in the world), which grew into (and changed its name to) Yakutsk in 1647.

  As one of the most important Russian outposts in eastern Siberia, Yakutsk became the economic and administrative center of the region—a base for probes (and later scientific expeditions) into the Far East and the extreme North.

  In 1822, Yakutsk was officially designated a city, and in 1851 became the official administrative capital of the Autonomous Republic of Yakutia. Today Yakutsk is a major administrative, industrial, cultural, and research center—standing out as one of the most dynamic and fast-developing cities in the Russian Far East.”






” Yakutsk is situated at the extreme latitude of 62°N. Its climate is definitively continental, leading to summer highs in the 90s (+32° Celsius), and extreme winter lows in the negative 80s (-64° Celsius)—that’s a range of over 100° Celsius! The average temperature in January is around -45°(-42°C); in July—+66° (19°C). The ideal time to visit (unless you’re traveling here purposely to experience the extreme cold) is from March to July. The sunny spring months will allow you to enjoy winter sports like skiing, ice-skating, dog sledding, ice sculptures, etc., under temperatures permitting outdoor human life. The average March temperatures, of course, are still cold at an average of -8.5° (-22.5°C). The summer months of June-July are great for the opportunities to see the Northern wilderness in its full glory, to enjoy the White Nights when the sun never sets, to set off on adventures along the Yakut rivers, and to experience the Yakut national holiday “Ysyakh.” “



    For those of you that wonder what would make people choose to live in such an inhospitable environment , the answer might be found in the fact that Yakutsk is also known as the City Of Gold And Diamonds



” Siberia is a living museum, a testament to more prosperous times. Buildings crumble where they stand. Roads wind through villages long deserted. Everything is a relic.

  Not in Yakutsk. Yakutsk is the capital city of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), a region unimaginably wealthy in diamonds, gold, oil and gas. Sakha is the world’s second largest producer and exporter of diamonds, and around 30 tons of gold are mined within its borders yearly. The area’s vast mineral wealth got to the head of Mikhail Nikolaev, Sakha’s former president, who made noises about seceding from the Russian Federation. Yakutsk, with its population of slightly over 200,000, would be too tiny to make it on to a map of China, Russia’s southern neighbor. In north-eastern Siberia at 61.5° N, it is a megalopolis, and a wealthy one.”




” Signs of Sakha’s wealth abound. Brand-new, modern buildings such as the Polar Star Hotel are sprouting up around the city. Many, like Polar Star, are financed by Alrosa, the region’s diamond interest. The sheer number of hotels – 11 – speaks to Yakutsk’s status as a regional center. In contrast, Birobidzhan, the 90,000-person capital of the nearby Jewish Autonomous Republic, is home to a single, lone hotel, which certainly does not match the “money” look of the Polar Star.”



    Irregardless of the wealth , there is always the ever-present cold looming in the background in the coldest city on Earth as witnessed by the current 5 day forecast … 



5 Day Forecast Yakutsk



No matter how you feel , life in Siberia and Yakutsk is not for the feint of heart . The people of Yakutsk probably wouldn’t object to a little global warming .








Could US Lose Access To Keystone Oil? Canada Moves To Plan B





” Where crude oil is concerned, Canada waits for no country. It doesn’t matter how wealthy or how friendly that country is — or whether that country is the United States.

  With the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL pipeline stuck in limbo on the U.S. side, Canada’s Energy Board recently gave a thumbs up to a $6.5 billion pipeline designed to carry 525,000 barrels of oil per day from the oil sands of Alberta to ships on the British Columbia coast. The final destination is most likely Asia. 

  The development has the U.S. oil industry attacking the Obama administration over its drawn-out process. 

“ It’s taken longer to approve the Keystone XL pipeline than it did to win World War II, longer than it took us to put a man in space, and almost as long as it took to build the Trans-Continental railroad 155 years ago,” said Jack Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute.”









Massive Sinkhole And Gas Leak Threaten To Swallow Louisiana Town Of Bayou Corne



” Bayou Corne, Louisiana: It was nearly 16 months ago that Dennis P. Landry and his wife, Pat, on a leisurely cruise in their Starcraft pontoon boat, first noticed a froth of bubbles issuing from the depths of Bayou Corne, an idyllic, cypress-draped stream that meanders through swampy southern Louisiana.

Just over two months later, in the pre-dawn blackness of August 3, 2012, the earth opened up — a voracious maw 100 metres across and hundreds of metres deep, swallowing 30-metre trees, guzzling water from adjacent swamps and belching methane from a thousand feet or more beneath the surface.

More than a year after it appeared, the Bayou Corne sinkhole is about 25 acres and still growing, almost as big as 20 football fields, lazily biting off chunks of forest and creeping hungrily toward an earthen berm built to contain its oily waters.”



” It has its own Facebook page and its own groupies, conspiracy theorists who insist the pit is somehow linked to the Gulf of Mexico 80 kilometres south and the earthquake-prone New Madrid fault 724 kilometres north.

It has confounded geologists who have struggled to explain this scar in the earth.

And it has split this unincorporated hamlet of about 300 people into two camps: the hopeful, like Mr Landry, who believe that things will eventually settle down, and the despairing, who have mostly fled or plan to, and blame their misery on state and corporate officials.”


   What to say about sinkholes ? They are becoming more and more common and without any reasonable explanations that we know of . Manmade disasters in the making or natural phenomena ? A sign from God ?









Secession Plan Floated By Some Northern Colorado Leaders


(credit: CBS)



” Several Colorado counties that strongly oppose increased regulation of the oil and gas industry say they want to form their own state.

They are planning on calling it North Colorado or Northern Colorado.

The counties are frustrated with the new agricultural and energy bills that have recently been signed into law.”







“We really feel in northern and northeastern Colorado that we are ignored — citizens’ concerns are ignored, and we truly feel disenfranchised,” Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway told CBS4.

Parts of Nebraska are also apparently interested in joining in on what would be a new state.”








U.S. Has 60 Times More Than Obama Claims

  ” But the figure Obama uses — proved oil reserves — vastly undercounts how much oil the U.S. actually contains. In fact, far from being oil-poor, the country is awash in vast quantities — enough to meet all the country’s oil needs for hundreds of years.

The U.S. has 22.3 billion barrels of proved reserves, a little less than 2% of the entire world’s proved reserves, according to the Energy Information Administration. But as the EIA explains, proved reserves “are a small subset of recoverable resources,” because they only count oil that companies are currently drilling for in existing fields.”

If Only We Were Allowed To Drill

“On The Cusp of Another Energy Revolution?”


  “At Via Meadia, we’ve been closely following the burgeoning energy revolution in shale gas and oil. Owing to the fact of ongoing research in extraction methods finally coming to fruition, the U.S. was already headed toward full energy independence, with profound implications for both its foreignand domestic policies.

It turns out that this was only the tip of the iceberg. Huge methane deposits not only in the Arctic but all along U.S. coastlines portend centuries of abundant energy.”

  China benefits from Obama’s energy policies .

” More recently, however, Mr. Harper has dropped that rhetoric and hailed China as a new market for Canadian energy, particularly oil from the oil sands of Alberta. Nearly all of Canada’s oil exports
now go to the United States.

  Opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline, which would take oil sands production to the American Gulf Coast, appears to be a factor in Mr. Harper’s recent attempts to
solicit China as both a customer of and investor in Canada’s energy sector. “

If we ever get a decent government we could give the Saudi’s the boot . 

” The Green River Formation, a largely vacant area of mostly federal land that covers the territory where Colorado, Utah and Wyoming come together, contains about as much recoverable oil as all the rest the world’s proven reserves combined, an auditor from the Government Accountability Office told Congress on Thursday.”

Yes , you read that correctly , ” as much recoverable oil as all the rest the world’s proven reserves combined “

  “The Interior Department is expected to issue long-awaited regulations for “fracking” on public lands as early as Thursday, according to industry officials closely following the rules.
   The regulations mark the latest effort by the Obama administration to exert more federal oversight over hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the drilling technique that has helped usher in the natural gas boom, but has also raised environmental concerns. But the regulations — combined with recent Environmental Protection Agency rules aimed at cutting air pollution that results from fracking — could be politically treacherous for Obama going into the election.”

Whatever it takes to get $8 gas

Another Legislative Defeat for Obama « Commentary Magazine.