Orlando Pays $15,000 To Man Who Was Jailed For Video-Recording Cops




Alberto Troche

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” The city of Orlando has agreed to pay $15,000 to a man who was jailed and had a cell phone pulled from his hand by a police officer because he video-recorded officers arresting another man who was calling for help.

  Alberto Troche, 26, of Orlando, sued the city and Officer Peter Delio in March in Orlando federal court, accusing them of violating his civil rights.

  Troche and the city agreed to a $15,000 settlement several weeks ago, according to federal court records.

  Now, his lawyers have asked a U.S. magistrate to make the city pay another $44,000 for the hours they worked on the case.

  The Orlando Police Department has also changed its policies on how to handle people who video-record them in action, said Troche’s attorney, J Marc Jones.

  Officers may not order members of the public to stop video-recording them or arrest or try to stop them, so long as they are in a public place, have not crossed a police line and are not interfering, according to a policy directive signed by Police Chief John Mina two months after Troche filed suit. 

  Officers also may not demand that a person recording them identify themselves, may not demand to know why they are making the recording and may not intentionally block or obstruct their camera, according to the directive.

” A bystander has the right under the First Amendment to observe and record … (police officers) in public discharge their duties,” the directive says.”


Orlando Sentinel