Tag Archive: Occupy

Elites Beware: Eric Cantor’s Defeat May Signal A Populist Revolution





” Expecting House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to win his GOP primary in Virginia, I spent Election Day in Pennsylvania – interviewing angry Republicans, Democrats and independents about the rise of political populism.

  I was in the wrong state, but I had the right topic. Cantor’s defeat has less to do with immigration reform than it does with an uneven movement that should frighten conservative and liberal political elites to their shallow cores.

  Americans see a grim future for themselves, their children and their country.  They believe their political leaders are selfish, greedy and short-sighted – unable and/or unwilling to shield most people from wrenching economic and social change. For many, the Republican Party is becoming too extreme, while the Democratic Party – specifically President Obama – raised and dashed their hopes for true reform.”




   Only someone who has lived in a cave for the past twenty years could believe that real change can come from the District of Corruption . Despite the best efforts of the Corporate-State run media to demonize all things Tea Party and despite the occasional drug-addled morons shooting up the neighborhood a la Las Vegas , more and more citizens are coming to the conclusion that the ballot box and the courts offer no recourse … 




” At the West Chester’s popular D.K. Diner, a U.S. veteran who served five combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan said the only solution may be a revolution against political elites. “We may need to drag politicians out and shoot them like they did in Cuba,” said a grim-faced Frederick Derry two days after a Los Vegas couple allegedly shot two police officers. The attackers draped their bodies with a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, according to ABC News, pinned a swastika on them and a note that read “The revolution has begun.”

  A violent revolution is unconscionable. But what may be in the air is a peaceful populist revolt – a bottom-up, tech-fueled assault on 20th century political institutions. In a memo to his fellow Democrats, former Clinton White House political director Doug Sosnik writes persuasively about “an increasing populist push across the political spectrum.

  At the core of Americans’ anger and alienation is the belief that the American Dream is no longer attainable. Previous generations held fast to the promise that anyone who worked hard and played by the rules could get ahead, regardless of their circumstances. But increasingly, Americans have concluded that the rules aren’t fair and that the system has been rigged to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a privileged few at the expense of the many. And now the government is simply not working for anyone.”




    Sosnik is wrong in that the government is working for some people and some businesses , just not the bulk of the taxpaying public . It’s working just fine if you draw a publicly funded paycheck as a federal employee or are a lobbyist , politician or corporate bigwig . It also works quite well if you happen to be a member of the media elite as the cronyism and nepotism between those two entities is well-documented . 

But he is correct in thinking that the time is nigh for the average citizen to choose sides and decide if he/she will indeed take part in the destruction of the barricades .




” Which side of the barricade are you on? Populists from the right and the left – from the tea party and libertarian-leaning Rand Paul to economic populist Elizabeth Warren – are positioning themselves among the insurgents. Sosnik pointed to six areas of consensus that eventually may unite the divergent populist forces:

  • A pull back from the rest of the world with more of an inward focus.
  • A desire to go after big banks and other large financial institutions
  • Elimination of corporate welfare.
  • Reducing special deals for the rich.
  • Pushing back on the violation of the public’s privacy by the government and big business.
  • Reducing the size of government.

  In Washington, Cantor’s defeat is being chalked up to the tea party’s intolerance toward immigration reform. While he paid a price for flirting with a White House compromise, Cantor’s greater sin was inauthenticity – brazenly flip-flopping on the issue. Typical politician.”




    Mr Fournier’s contention that Elizabeth “Fauxcahontas” Warren is anything but a confirmed Statist aside , we are willing to concede that the lines of battle are being drawn and that there is much common ground to be found between the Occupy crowd and the Tea Partiers .

   The question remains , which American personage will be able to unite these disparate interests and lead the charge over the barricades of corruption to reinstate American republicanism and reestablish a nation of limited government .



Ron Fournier











Anonymous Press Release Operation Albuquerque





Published on Mar 25, 2014

” TheAnonPress Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheAnonPress88
Transcript: http://pastebin.com/V7cJYsai

  Greetings city of Albuquerque, we are Anonymous. Recently, a video has been released to the public which shows Albuquerque Police Officers murdering a man in cold blood for ‘illegally camping’. This man, which was schizophrenic, obviously had no intention of hurting these police officers, on the contrary, this man looks as if he is simply attempting to protect himself from visually fierce militarized thugs. Whether this man had a history of crime is irrelevant. We drastically need to address the growing police state that has occupied our country. When will we say no more? How many more citizens will be murdered? Naturally, the APD will attempt to label Anonymous as a terrorist organization for our demands of justice, but the question has to be asked. Who do we terrorize? Is it not a growing police state that terrorizes it’s own citizens?

  APD you now have the full attention of Anonymous. To the citizens of Albuquerque, it’s time to organize. On March 30th we are asking the citizens of Albuquerque to occupy the APD HQ and occupy the sites of the Albuquerque Police Department. Let them know that your city is not a place for war games against the homeless and the less fortunate. Anonymous grab your cannons and aim them at Albuquerque police websites.

DATE/Time: March 30th 3am UTC/GMT
TARGETS: http://www.cabq.gov/police/http://www.apdonline.com/index_flash….
DOWNLOAD: http://sourceforge.net/projects/loic/

Know that this will not stand. APD, you should have expected us. “



We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expected us.











Changing His Tune Pete Seeger, 1919-2014






” Just a few weeks ago, Pete Seeger featured over at our Song of the Week department for his quite discreditable role in the intellectual-property heist of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight“. Seeger lived long enough to go down and join the Occupy Wall Street protesters a year or two back. I believe he sang “Where Have All The Flowers Gone?” to them, although “Where Have All The Showers Gone?” might have been more appropriate with that crowd. He died on Monday at the age of 94. Here’s what I wrote about him upon the occasion of his 90th birthday:

  This week marks not only the first hundred days of King Barack’s reign and the 30th anniversary of Mrs Thatcher’s arrival in Downing Street, but also the 90th birthday of Pete Seeger. The celebrations of Mr Seeger’s tenth decade are extensive. If he seems a remote figure from the pop culture back catalogue, not so fast: He played at the Obama inauguration. Which, when you think about it, is quite something.

  One must congratulate the old banjo-picker on making it to four score and ten, which is a lot older than many “dissenting artists” made it to under the regimes he’s admired over the years. Two years ago in The New York Sun, you’ll recall, Ron Radosh had a notable scoop: Hold the front page! Stop the presses! Grizzled Leftie Icon Repudiates…

  Who? Castro? Chávez? Al-Qaeda?

  Whoa, let’s not rush to judgment. No, the big story was: Grizzled Leftie Icon Repudiates . . . Stalin.

  A couple of months earlier, there’d been some documentary or other “celebrating” the “spirit” of Pete Seeger, the folkie colossus, with contributions from the usual suspects – Joan Baez, Bruce Springsteen, one or more Dixie Chicks, two-thirds of Peter, Paul and Mary, etc. Mr Radosh had also been interviewed but his remarks about Seeger’s lifelong support of Stalinism had not made the final cut. No surprise there. In such circumstances, the rule is to hail someone for his “activism” and “commitment” and “passion” without getting hung up on the specifics of what exactly he’s actively and passionately committing to.”



As usual read the whole thing









Harry Reid: Tea Party Members Are the Real Anarchists



” After young lefto-anarchists went out and rioted last night for May Day Harry Reid went on the radio today and told conservative host Rusty Humphries that tea party members are the real anarchists.”

… Leftism Is Violence




” There’s nothing for me to add to the great work already done by SooperMexicanMediaiteMichelle MalkinSean Hannity and others critiquing the media coverage of alleged mad dog cop-killer Christopher Jordan Dorner. The media has been dishonest in trying to cover up Dorner’s left-wing views. They’ve been beyond hypocritical in drawing no link between Dorner’s acts and his politics — after they have repeatedly tried to link acts of violence to conservatism even when, as usual, there was no link to be made. Worst of all, as Big Government has shown, they are beginning to try to justify the slaughter.

Most of the conservative commentators listed above have been careful to point out that connections between a madman and his politics, whether right or left, should only be drawn with caution. And they all say that it’s irresponsible to blame political commentators, right or left, for the actions of a lunatic who may have taken inspiration from them.

I’m not so sure. Violence is inherent in left-wing philosophy, and the violence it inspires should be laid at its door.”

The 10 Most Embarrassing Examples Of Media Coverage In 2012





” The year is coming to a close. Thank goodness.

Maybe in 2013 we won’t have to worry about Honey Boo Boo, Gangnam Style, Kony 2012 and Mayans. Those topics and more were the ephemera of the year. While Democrats and Republicans were fighting to see which party could run America, the traditional media were trying to run it into the ground by consistently taking a one-sided approach to coverage.

On every major news story of the year – abortion, gay marriage, the economy, the fiscal cliff and guns – major media outlets consistently and openly sided with the left. Gone was any pretense of neutrality. From the media’s campaign against Mitt Romney to their campaign for gun control, the bias of the press was never worse.

Picking out bad media moments is like looking for egos in Washington or corruption in Congress. Here are the year’s lowlights:

10. The Gospel of Jesus’s Wife: Journalists love anything that tears down Christianity. Give them a spicy tale of Jesus’s wife and they treat it like it’s, well, gospel. The New York Times front-paged a story about a cell phone-sized scrap of papyrus that included the phrase: “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…’” CBS reporter Allen Pizzey claimed it “challenges the very foundation of Christian thinking.” When the Smithsonian pulled a planned documentary and experts said they thought the papyrus was bogus, journalists were reluctant to report that news. “

Big Bird Strikes

Tea Party News Network


Occupy What ?

OWS: Pushing Up Daisies, Not Pining for the Fjords

 “Quick: what important world event happened one year ago yesterday? Give up? Don’t worry. We didn’t get it either.”

” Five Extreme Things the Professor
Won’t Mention in Her DNC Speech”

  “Harvard Law School professor and consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren will speak tonight before former President Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte. Warren is running for a U.S. Senate seat in Massachusetts on a platform calling for between $1 trillion and $3.4 trillion in tax hikes, and an ideology that “there is nobody in this country who got rich
on his own.”

  Warren has a number of skeletons in her closet, including close links to
radical left-wing pressure groups and a record of helping corporate interests suppress asbestos liability lawsuits.

  “I’ll be talking about working families. That’s mostly what I’ll be talking about,” Warren told a reporter in Charlotte when asked about her upcoming speech.

  Here are five things Warren won’t be talking about: “

OWS – Democrat Brownshirts



  ” Yesterday, I interviewed my co-worker Brandon Darby as he was traveling toward the Republican National Convention in Florida. The interview focused on strategies used by anarchist protesters at the 2008 Republican National Convention and how those strategies will be used once again next week by the Occupy movement.

In addition to trying to shut down bridges to prevent delegates from reaching the convention center next week, Brandon has learned that a subgroup of Occupy is looking to shut down EMS communications throughout the city.

The video that goes along with this interview is one Brandon took at the RNC convention while working undercover for the FBI in 2008. Some of it is a bit jumpy, but you’ll see some of the street blocking tactics as well as several instances of individuals throwing items onto a freeway from an overpass.”

“Former union boss at Occupy event: Our goal is to ‘overthrow the capitalist system and build communism’ [VIDEO]”

   “Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and
instituting a communist government.

“Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist
organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC “People’s Assembly” on August 19 .”

Video at the link .

  “In the Spirit of Andrew Breitbart Conservatives Will Confront Corrupt Media at “Occupy the Truth” March and Rally”

  ” On Saturday August 18th conservatives from across the Midwest will converge on Cleveland,
Ohio and demand that the media report the truth on the #Occupy terrorists.”

Andrew Klavan reviews the latest Batman flick and finds a libertarian statement , intentional or otherwise .

  ” There are, after all, no socialist filmmakers in Hollywood. There are only capitalist filmmakers (Michael Moore, for one) who make socialist
films. Likewise, none of the coiffed corporate multimillionaires who anchor the network newscasts can honestly support the Occupy
movement which, taken to its logical conclusion, would result in their being hanged from lampposts.

  Yet while repeatedly tainting the free-market tea party movement with a racism it doesn’t espouse and linking it to violence it doesn’t
commit, many creatives and journalists lend moral support to the socialist “occupiers”—
underplaying the widespread vandalism, lawlessness and grotesque anti-Semitism characteristic of their demonstrations. “

  From Professor Jacobson we get an inkling of the Left’s plans for Wisconsin … and by extension perhaps the US after the recall election . 

Worker’s World reports that there are widespread actions planned for Wisconsin on June 6, the day after the recall election takes place:

…Fighters from Occupy Wall Street, unions and independent organizations are organizing “Keep It in the Streets” actions to take place in cities statewide on June 6. (occupywi.org) For example, Occupy Milwaukee is sponsoring a rally at Pier Marquette Park in Milwaukee at 5 p.m., followed by a march to the banking district.

The facebook page for the June 6 action; note carefully the list of “endorsers”:

On June 5th we vote. On June 6th we keep it in the streets! Join Occupy Wisconsin and dozens of community allies and labor unions to march on June 6th to make the following demands of our Governor:

1. Repeal Act 10 – Hands off unions and collective bargaining. No cuts to education or Badger Care.
2. Restore the Equal Pay Act – We demand and end to workplace discrimination.
3. Tax the 1% – Hold the banksters and the 1% accountable for their economic crisis, and stop the cuts to working and oppressed people. “

Thanks to The Gateway Pundit we can see that Andrew lives on , even amongst the Occupiers of Chicago .


Take this for whatever it’s worth , I haven’t decided on it’s verasity and never in the past would I have  thought a President of the US  could be a party to such machinations . Call me naive .
  Times are different now and having witnessed the political climate make its final descent into the gutter I find myself no longer able to stir that sort of respect for the political process and it’s denizens .
   There seems , at this moment to be a flood of similar reports about Army Field manuals , plans for the political “rehabilitation” of Americans , Reeducation camps and the like . I haven’t the time to dig up the links but they are out there , as is the talk . Make of it what you will .

” According to my source, there is talk among the highest levels of the uppermost echelon of the
Department of Homeland Security, which he describes as effectively under the control of Barack Hussein Obama. During this call, he said that the DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then
corrected himself, stating that “a civil war” is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the
government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it,” stated my source. ”

” These are the times that try men’s souls “

Today seems to be a day to celebrate the lighter side of things and so that requires a visit to some of the more creative commentators on the right hand side of things .This first offering from Marathon Pundit , while not exceedingly funny , is very informative . Isn’t it wonderful to see the association of the school teachers and the unions with all the communists ? It is a view that the bootlick media goes to astronomical lengths to hide from the general public , but thanks to intrepid truth seekers of the “Breitbart Brigade” we can see what the Occupiers are really all about . And who their friends are .

Here’s a sample:


From the pen of
              Chip Bok


At last the true story of Julia surfaces courtesy of her son Zachary as told to Yid with a Lid .

Have a read , have a laugh .

” “It’s a FRAUD!”
Said the Guy on the Phone, “Julia was my mother, they must have found the outline for the book she was going to write, and put in their own facts. Barack Obama and liberal policies ruined my mom’s life.”
  Julia’s son (her last name was
NoPunim ) began to tell me his mom’s real story. “

An interesting take on the similarities and differences between the Occupiers and the Teapartiers .

“In truth, money is not the problem. Restricting the flow of money into politics only redirects cronyism. It doesn’t stop it. The real problem is what is for sale.
Government is force. That is its essential and exclusive quality. Government has the unique capacity to lawfully coerce behavior. When that capacity is unmoored from justice, it becomes
available to the highest bidder. That is what has happened in America. Lobbyists and donors are
lined up to purchase the initiation of force against their economic and political competitors. Winners get to wield a club with which to
bludgeon others into submission. Losers are S.O.L.
That is why constitutionally limited government is so important, and why Tea Partiers are so
enamored with the Founding and all its historical trappings. Limiting the state’s power to strictly
defined roles prevents regulatory capture and other forms of cronyism. ”

I’m not sure that I share the author’s notion that the brighter Occupiers may well evolve into and come to see the wisdom of the Teapartier’s view of power/authority . It seems to me that the fundamental difference separating the two factions is one of personal responsibility .
   Whereas personal responsibility is , to my mind , the driving force for the right/teaparty/libertarian faction as manifested in our founding principles  , the Occupiers seem to feel that everything is someone else’s fault ala Obama . Obama is the perfect example of the left’s facination with collective blame/shirking of personal responsibility . The under-carriage of his bus is mighty cramped right about now .
    This divide would seem to be an unbridgable chasm given the Occupiers desire for entitlements for all and the Teaparty’s goal of entitlements for none . We shall see .

Our Opponents

Geniuses All