Tag Archive: Obama Presidency

Has President Obama ‘Lost’ More Democratic Seats In Congress Than Other Modern Presidents?



” The Democrats took their final drubbing of the 2014 midterm election Dec. 6 with the decisive defeat of Sen. Mary Landrieu in the Louisiana Senate runoff. The election of U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy means Republicans will hold 54 seats in the new Senate.

  Assessing the Democratic plight, one-time Republican consultant turned news analyst Matthew Dowd said President Barack Obama had overseen historic losses for his party.

” President Obama has demonstrated he’s very good at winning his own elections,” Dowd said on ABC’s This Week on Dec. 7, 2014. “But in modern times, he has lost more members of the House and more members of the Senate than any president ever has lost.”

  We asked Dowd what he meant by modern times and he told PunditFact he was thinking of post-World War II. We went to the congressional records to see how this president and his party stack up compared to past administrations.

  We decided to look at how many seats for the own president’s party, be it Democrat or Republican, shifted during each president’s time in office. 

  We ran the numbers two ways. In the first approach, we looked at the electoral impact of a president who was running on his record. This meant we ignored party shifts in the year he was first elected because at that point he had no presidential track record. This meant that for two-term presidents, we summed the changes for the first midterm, the re-election, and the second midterm. We scored single-term presidents for just one midterm.

Here’s what we came up with. “



President President’s party shift in Congress (Without first election) President’s party shift in Congress (Including first election)
Franklin Roosevelt (D) -71 seats +38 seat
Harry Truman (D) -17 seats -17 seats
Dwight Eisenhower (R) -83 seats -60 seats
John F. Kennedy (D) -2 seats -22 seats
Lyndon Johnson (D) -14 seats -14 seats
Richard Nixon (R) -1 seats 11 seats
Gerald Ford (R) -54 seats -54 seats
Jimmy Carter (D) -16 seats -16 seats
Ronald Reagan (R) -24 seats +24 seats
George H.W. Bush (R) -7 seats -10 seats
Bill Clinton (D) -59 seats -67 seats
George W. Bush (R) -18 seats -26 seats
Barack Obama (D) -85 seats -52 seats



    As the Professor writes , the numbers are ever more horrific (for the Dems) if one takes into account state legislatures and governorships . Read the rest at Politifact










Most Americans Label Obama Presidency A Failure





” In another sign of President Obama’s deteriorating public support, more than half of Americans now say that he is failing as president, the latest IBD/TIPP poll finds.

  The poll, which ended Friday, found that 53% characterize Obama’s presidency as a failure vs. 41% who rate it a success. Just 6% say that they aren’t sure.

  Obama’s standing among independents is even worse, with 58% calling his presidency is a failure. Half of those who live in states that voted for Obama say that his presidency is failing.

  Broken down by age, only those age 18-24 say that Obama has been a success (77% of this group believes that). His worst showing is among those 25-44, of whom 59% describe his presidency as failing.

  Another striking contrast: Most single women (54%) judge his presidency a success, but only 32% of married women do. “



Investors Business Daily has all the details