Tag Archive: NSSF

Target Shooting In America




Millions Of Shooters , Billions Of Dollars




    This report by the National Shooting Sports Foundation provides fascinating reading . The number of shooters as well as the money and time spent at the range boggles the mind and should give pause to those who think that gun enthusiasts are a group to be ignored and trampled upon .




Target Shooting 2




” Whether it’s religiously practiced at a range or shooting club each week or participated as an occasional weekend activity in the countryside with friends, millions of Americans go target shooting each year. In fact, more Americans target shoot each year than the number of people who live in the entire state of Florida or New York. Target shooters may be having fun afield with each shot at a clay pigeon or paper target, but with each outing, they are also part of an economic force at work. In fact, their activities generate $9.9 billion in spending each year through the purchase of shooting-specific products and services and create hundreds of thousands of jobs directly associated with the sale and manufacture of those goods and the provision of those services. As such, target shooting provides fun and enjoyment for millions of Americans, but ultimately benefits millions more through its positive economic impact.”




Just take a look at these numbers …



Target Shooters




” Target shooting comes in many forms. Participants shoot to test their skills and prepare for competition, hone their defensive abilities, test their marksmanship with new loads and optics or to simply have fun!Just like owning multiple tools to perform different jobs, many target shooters own more than one firearm, each with a particular use or purpose. With 65 percent of all target shooters, rifles are the most often used firearm. Handguns follow closely behind. Shotguns are used by 48 percent of all participants with muzzleloaders used by 18 percent of the shooting public. Although more target shooters use rifles, handgun users actually spend more days shooting, in part due to greater availability of indoor ranges in urban areas where more people live. Participation in target shooting by state roughly parallels each state’s population. Even in largely urban areas, people are keen to try their hand with firearms. Despite restrictions that can make target shooting activities difficult to enjoy, target shooting remains extremely popular and continues to grow everywhere.”



    Target shooting generates incredible amounts of revenue for businesses both firearm related and others as well as creating hundreds of thousands of jobs .



Target Shooting Expenditures


Read the whole report , download the PDF and be sure to share it with your friends and fellow shooters .









March The Second Biggest Month For NICS Background Checks








” March was the third biggest month for firearm background check numbers in the National Instant Criminal Background Check systems history, according to numbers release by the FBI. That number changes when data is adjusted, Guns.com reports.

  According to the data, across the country 2,488,842 total background checks were performed  in March 2014, which is up by about 200,000 from one year ago and by about 400,000 from February.

  Additionally, March 2014 had three of the 10 highest number of checks in a single day, and the first two weeks of the month ranked in the top 10 for highest weeks for gun background checks. “

However, if the raw number is adjusted by subtracting out NICS purpose code permit checks used by several states such as Connecticut, Illinois and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases, it actually becomes the second highest March in NICS history, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the industry’s lobby. […] “

Thanks to the Free Beacon

Smith & Wesson To Stop Selling Guns In California Due To Microstamping Law





” Smith & Wesson announced it will stop selling its handguns in California rather than manufacture them to comply with the new micro-stamping law. The other publicly traded firearms manufacturer in the U.S., Sturm, Ruger, also said this month that it will stop new sales to California.

  The announcement late Wednesday came a week after the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association for firearms manufacturers, filed suit against California for requiring that all new semi-automatic pistols that are not already on the state’s approved gun roster have the micro-stamping technology. 

  Smith & Wesson President and CEO James Debney said, “As our products fall off the roster due to California’s interpretation of the Unsafe Handgun Act, we will continue to work with the NRA and the NSSF to oppose this poorly conceived law which mandates the unproven and unreliable concept of micro-stamping and makes it impossible for Californians to have access to the best products with the latest innovations.” “

The Shooting 50: Top Twitter Accounts To Follow In The Firearm Industry


The Shooting 50: Top Twitter Accounts to Follow in the Firearm Industry




” The Shooting 50 is our list of the most influential Twitter profiles in the firearms industry.

  The list includes nonprofit organizations, firearms manufacturers, media, journalists, and shooting sports athletes. Their Twitter profiles help their users navigate the complex firearms industry through engaging and informative conversations.

  The majority of these movers and shakers will gather next week in Las Vegas for the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s SHOT Show, January 13-14, 2014, the largest shooting, hunting and tactical trade show in the world. Wide Open Spaces will have boots on the ground at SHOT Show bringing you complete coverage of the latest and greatest firearms products.

  Throughout 2014, Wide Open Spaces will have similar lists of influential figures, organizations and companies in other outdoor sports industries, including hunting and fishing.

  So, without further ado, here’s The Shooting 50:


1. The National Rifle Association – @NRA “



See the rest at Wide Open Spaces









Giving A Gun As A Gift? Here’s What You Need To Know



” It’s that time of year again. As one who preaches the faith, so to speak, I will occasionally give a gun as a present. Doing so can be a bit of a hassle. At the very least, you have to consider how you are procuring the firearm, how you are transporting it, and the legal status of the whoever is receiving the gift.

  The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the lobby arm for the gun makers and retailers, brought up the topic just before Thanksgiving.

  NSSF spokesman Bill Brassard wrote, “The first question you have to ask is whether the intended recipient can legally own the firearm where he or she lives.” Understanding the answer can be tricky, but it will keep the recipient (and you, too) from a potentially felonious gift exchange.  The NSSF article points to the ATF’s page as a reference.  While the ATF’s page isn’t the most user friendly, it is authoritative.  The ATF’s page of frequently answered firearms transfer questions is also useful.”



More at Guns.com . Give the gift that keeps on giving …









Where To Shoot

iPhone Screenshot 2



” Search for shooting ranges near you, view video shooting tips and find other resources for shooters. Managed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), Where To Shoot is the web’s most comprehensive directory of shooting ranges in the U.S. and Canada. This app brings that directory into the palm of your hand. A great resource for all gun owners, hunters and shooters. “








Obama’s EPA Attempts To Ban Ammunition





” A federal court on Thursday halted — at least for the time being — an effort by the Environmental Protection Agency to ban all ammunition containing lead, much to the dismay of gun control groups hoping to use environmentalism to “make an end run around the Second Amendment” right of access to ammunition, according to officials from several organizations representing gun owners and manufacturers.”







Understanding Minute of Angle (MOA) – Rifle Shooting Technique – NSSF Shooting Sportscast

” NSSF’s Ryan Cleckner explains the measurement term “minute of angle” (MOA) and how to use MOA adjustments on your scope for sighting in and to compensate for bullet drop at varying distances. For more information visit http://www.nssf.org/video/facts/MOA.cfm
(NSSF Video)”

Daily Video 3.22.13

Ammo Shortage? Learn to Shoot Better Without Firing a Shot – NSSF Shooting Sportscast



National Shooting Sports Foundation Warns of Media Plan to Divide, Conquer Gun Rights Groups






” (Ammoland.com)- National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) president Steve Sanetti is warning gun owners to be beware the mainstream media’s efforts to pit one gun rights group against another in an attempt to divide and conquer.

For example, Sanetti points out that a March 5 Washington Post article is constructed around the theory that the NSSF does not stand with the NRA in opposition to universal background checks.”


















Gun Rights Groups Converge On The Connecticut State Capitol


Gun Rights Advocates Voice Concerns in Hartford




” Prominent gun rights groups and their supporters are convening at the Connecticut State Capitol Monday to protest new proposed gun-control measures and to remind lawmakers of the long history and economic importance of the state’s storied firearm industry.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is joining with the National Rifle Association, the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, and the  Connecticut Citizens Defense League to hold a “Lobby Day” Monday at the second floor atrium of the Connecticut state capitol’s Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

The 10 a.m. event, replete with a complimentary shuttle service and transportation volunteers in orange hats, aims to protect the Connecticut gun industry from legislative efforts that could cause thousands of layoffs in the state.

Last week, Democrats on a gun control task force in the state legislature proposed banning modern sporting rifles by July 1 and confiscating magazines over 10 rounds by October 1. Further legislative committee hearings are scheduled this week to discuss the proposals.

An assault-weapons ban would cause approximately 1,700 job losses in Connecticut alone, according to the NSSF.

Approximately 2,900 Connecticut residents work for gun makers, while another 4,400 work for companies that would also be affected by the ban, according to the NSSF.”



See Also :

Gun Rights Advocates Voice Concerns in Hartford


” Hundreds of gun rights advocates, including the state’s gun manufacturers filled the halls of the Legislative Office Building on Monday.

They are trying to put the pressure on state lawmakers to vote against tougher gun control laws.

Advocates say responsible gun owners will be punished if new laws are passed.”











NSSF Action Alert For Maryland Residents



NSSF Action Alert Maryland




Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Members:

Senator Brian E. Frosh, Chairman (D-16)

Senator Lisa A. Gladden, Vice Chairman (D-41)

Senator James Brochin (D-42)

Senator Joseph M. Getty (R-5)

Senator Jennie M. Forehand (D-17)

Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34)

Senator C. Anthony Muse (D-26)

Senator Jamie Raskin (D-20)

Senator Christopher B. Shank (R-2)

Senator Norman R. Stone Jr. (D-6)

Senator Bobby A. Zirkin (D-11)


Visit NSSF’s Government Relations site at nssf.org/GovRel




12 Miles Of Guns: SHOT Show Kicks Off In Las Vegas



” The largest gun show in the world has opened its doors in Las Vegas, revealing 12.5 miles of firearms, ammunition and related gear from every major gun manufacturer on earth.

The annual SHOT show — short for Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade — is owned and sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry trade association. Each year the show generates millions of dollars in revenue that NSSF uses to fund programs that help “promote, protect and preserve” hunting and the shooting sports.

Attendance to the show is restricted to shooting, hunting and outdoor trade professionals and commercial buyers and sellers of military, law enforcement and tactical products and services, however, meaning hunters, sports shooters and shooting clubs are not permitted entry.

Similarly, they do not permit any personal firearms or ammunition. Only exhibitors’ firearms on display that have had their firing pins are permitted.

A bucketload of celebrities, from the A&E’s Duck Dynasty family through to NASCAR driver Jason White, will also be making an appearance this year. The show will also host legendary Vietnam War sniper Chuck Mawhinney, Medal of Honor recipient Jon Cavaiani, pro shooter Doug Koenig, country music singer Mark Wills and SEAL Team 3 sniper Chris Kyle. “

Senate to Vote on NSSF-Backed Sportsmen Act After Thanksgiving (VIDEO)




 ” After several preliminary votes on the Sportsmen’s Act (S.3525), the U.S. Senate has decided it will take a final vote on the measure after Thanksgiving break.

Thus far, the bipartisan bill, which contains all sorts of goodies for gun owners, hunters, shooters and sportsmen (see priority provisions below), has garnered a ton of support from lawmakers.

On Thursday, the Senate advanced the Sportsmen’s Act by an 84-12 preliminary vote, a sign of the bill’s overwhelming popularity.

“Sportsmen and -women across Montana and the nation are calling for responsible decisions that strengthen our outdoor economy and secure our outdoor heritage for future generations,” Sen. John Tester, the bill’s lead sponsor, told KFBB News.

“This measure does just that,” Tester continued, “taking good ideas from Republicans and Democrats to protect our hunting and fishing traditions and safeguard our most treasured places. I will keep pushing to get it across the finish line.” “

National Shooting Sports Foundation | NSSF



Sportsmen’s Act:

“Urge Senators to Vote YES on Procedural Motion”

  “NSSF encourages all firearms owners, hunters and sportsmen to immediately call their U.S. Senators and urge them to vote YES on a critically important procedural motion that will allow the Senate to take up the Sportsmen’s Act(S.3525) after the November election.

The bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act is the most important single piece of pro-sportsmen legislation in a generation. This historic legislation includes the firearms industry’s top legislative priority, the Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Protection Act (S.838), which would clarify that ammunition is excluded from regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Toxic Substances Control Act.”

Tax Money Well Spent

“Symbols of WSFR’s 75 Years of Success”

Population then: Very rare

Population now: 5.5 million


  “Everyone should know the story of how America created the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration initiative that has returned many species, including the wood duck, to abundance, protected millions of acres of habitat and served as a model of conservation for countries around the world. WSFR is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, and to honor the milestone NSSF will feature examples of “un-endangered” species that have been rescued from severe population decline, and some from near extinction, through state and federal wildlife management programs whose WSFR funding has been maximized by firearms and ammunition industry companies.”

No God , But Gun Control

Democratic Platform ‘Commonsense Improvements’ Brings Back ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Gun Show Loophole Arguments

  “The 2012 Democratic National Convention released its party platform today and it quickly drew fire from several points of the political spectrum for its statement on the Second Amendment and firearms ownership. As we did with the corresponding Republican platform section, we include it in its entirety:

Firearms. We recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans’ Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms. We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements – like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole – so that guns do not fall into the hands of those irresponsible, law-breaking few.”

” What The Left Won’t Tell You About The Boom In U.S. Gun Sales “

” As gun sales surged in early 2009 the going joke among employees of gun manufacturers was that President Barack Obama was the “greatest gun salesman of all time.” The trouble with this backhanded complement, however, is Left-
leaning news outlets have since used it to avoid something that really scares them.

   As ABC put it, Americans are buying more Glocks and Berettas simply because they fear “a
second Obama administration might restrict gun ownership.” Their reporting conveniently stops
right there. “

DC Dolt

  ” This week’s outrage comes to us from our nation’s capital, where D.C.’s decidedly anti-gun mayor is apoplectic over a billboard ad placed last month by the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  

So what was it about the billboard ad that so raised the ire of D.C.’s mayor, Vincent Gray?  Well, the billboard says “Hey D.C. — It’s time for your first shot,” and features a picture of a woman holding a paper target.  The billboard, which is simply an advertisement for NSSF’s “First Shots” gun safety and training seminars, so incensed Mayor Gray that he called the sign “offensive” and “irresponsible.” “